
  • Contents

Demographic Export File Layout

The demographic export file contains demographic information that users updated in Latitude after AIM placed the accounts. Agencies and attorneys can use these files to update account information in their system. 

Delimited or fixed file record types

Delimited and fixed files contain the following record types:

  • CUAD: Address update records.

  • CUPH: Phone update records.

  • CUPP: Phone panel update records.

  • CTRL: Trailer record that indicates the total number of records in the file.

Microsoft Excel file

Excel files contain a separate worksheet for each record type included. Excel formats the columns using the general format type. The worksheets include:

  • AddressRecord: Address update records.

  • PhoneRecord: Phone update records. This worksheet lists previous phone numbers flagged as bad that have a blank new number.

  • PhonePanelRecord: Phone panel update records. This worksheet lists all newly added numbers.

Related Topics

Demographic Export File Naming Convention

Demographic Export File Phone Panel Record

Demographic Export File Phone Record

Demographic Export File Address Record

Demographic Export File Trailer Record

Export File Layouts