
  • Contents

Export File Layouts

Use the Export feature to export files to agencies or attorneys to use to update accounts. If records exist that are ready for export for the specified file type, you can create the export files.

Note the following:

  • Export files use the letter "C" as the first character in the export file name to indicate that the file originated in AIM. For example, CXXX. AIM uses this same format in the record type name in delimited and fixed files.

  • ASCII flat files are fixed length or delimited (comma, tab, or pipe). 

  • Excel file names have the ".xls" extension.

  • If a date field contains "19000101," interpret it as NULL.

  • Dates must be blank or contain a valid date; AIM doesn't allow zero-filled date fields.

  • AIM formats date fields for delimited and fixed-length files as CCYYMMDD and for Excel and XML files as MMDDCCYY.

  • AIM expects a decimal point before the last two digits for monetary fields.

  • For agencies and attorneys that use the YGC file format, see YGC Export File Layouts.

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Assets Export File Layout

Bankruptcy Export File Layout

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Demographic Export File Layout

Disputes Export File Layout

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Notes Export File Layout

Payments Export File Layout

Placements Export File Layout

Recalls Export File Layout

Request and Response Export File Layout

YGC Export File Layouts

Exports and Imports