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Change Fees for a Single Payment

Use the Payment tab on the Account tab in the Payment Entry window to change the fees for a single payment. You can change the fee schedule or modify the fee percent or amount for one or more money buckets.

To change the fees for a single payment

  1. In the Main Menu window, from the Apps menu, click Payment Entry. The Payment Entry window appears.

  2. Do one of the following:

  1. On the Account tab in the Payment Entry window, click the Payment tab.

Payment Entry window - Account tab - Payment tab

  1. Click Change next to the fee schedule. The Fee Schedules window appears. 

Fee Schedules dialog box - Balance Based

  1. In the Select Fee Schedule list box, click the fee schedule. For more information about the remaining values, see Fee Schedule – Age Based, Fee Schedule – Balance Based, or Fee Schedule – Liquidation Based, depending on the type of fee schedule.

  1. Click OK/Exit. In the Payment Entry window, the Fee Schedule, Fee %, and Fee Amount boxes now have an orange background to indicate modified values.

Payment Entry window - changed fee schedule

  1. To change the fee percent or amount, on the Payment tab, do one of the following:

  • In the Fee % box, type a new fee percent and press the Tab key. Latitude Console adjusts the Fee Amount box to reflect the new percent.

  • In the Fee Amount box, type a new fee amount and press the Tab key. Latitude Console adjusts the Fee % box to reflect the new amount.

The Fee % and Fee Amount boxes now have an orange background to indicate modified values.

  1. Click Accept.

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