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Create a Letter Template

Use the Add New Letter dialog box to create a letter template. You can also copy a letter template, modify it, and save it as a new template. For more information, see Copy a Letter Template.

To create a letter template

  1. Click the Letter Pool tab.

Letter Pool tab

  1. Click New. The Add New Letter dialog box appears.

Add New Letter dialog box

Number: Unique five-digit code that identifies the letter template.

Name: Name of the letter template.

Type: Type of letter. For more information, see Letter Types.

Email Subj.: Text that appears in the subject line for letters that you send using email.

  1. Complete the information and then click Add. Letter Console adds the letter template to the letter templates list on the Letter Pool tab.

  2. Do the steps to Modify a Letter Template.

  3. Do the steps to Set the Options for Generating a Letter.

Related Topics

Letter Pool

Letter Types