
  • Contents

Workgroup: ACD Field Descriptions

This topic contains the descriptions for each field in the ACD details view under the View Workgroups page.

Note: If you enabled the Enhanced Interaction Administrator Change log, then all of your changes on this tab are tracked in that log. For more information, see About the Enhanced Interaction Administrator Change Log.

For ACD applications that use skills based call routing, you can configure each ACD workgroup with skills and attributes. Each skill associated with a workgroup is described in terms of that workgroup's members proficiency in that skill and member's desire to use that skill. A user that is a member of this workgroup can inherit skills defined here, but can be overridden at the user ACD level.


Users can handle multiple phone calls, email messages, callbacks, chats, and other interactions simultaneously and in any combination. Using the ACD utilization settings, you can configure how much of a workgroup member's attention would be required for each of the interaction types as a percentage.

For example, if the chat category is set to 25%, it means that the workgroup member can handle up to four chat events simultaneously. Indicating 100% for an event type means that the workgroup member can handle only one such event at a time.

The percentages might vary from workgroup to workgroup based on experience. Workgroup members are available to the extent that the sum of the percentage utilization of all their current interactions is less than 100.

For example, if a workgroup member is configured so that phone calls are set to 100 percent, chats to 25 percent, and email messages to 10 percent, then the workgroup member could, at any given time, process one phone call, or four chats, or two chats and five email messages, or one chat and seven email messages, and so forth.

These are the utilization options that can be set at the ACD workgroup level.

Interaction Type

The Interaction Type list displays the interaction types assigned to this workgroup, including callbacks, calls, chats, emails, generic objects, and work items.

% Utilization

The % Utilization list shows the percentage of a workgroup member's attention required for each interaction type. This value can be overridden at the user level. See User: ACD for more information.

Max Assignable

The Max Assignable list displays the maximum number of interactions allowed for this interaction type. This value can be overridden at the user level. See User: ACD for more information.


Workgroup queues can be used to deliver regular interactions and ACD interactions. Non-ACD interactions can appear on a workgroup queue and be answered by any workgroup member monitoring that queue. ACD interactions are routed to the appropriate workgroup based on caller input. All members of that workgroup are expected to have a core set of skills required to handle any interaction on that queue. Further ACD processing directs the interaction to the most appropriate user who is a member of that workgroup based on each user's ACD settings.

These settings define the minimal skill set required by all members of this workgroup who handle ACD calls. If this workgroup does not have a queue or does not handle skills-based ACD calls, no skills are required.


This is the name of the skill as configured in Skills. Skills represent the particular characteristic, skill, product, or knowledge that a user or workgroup possesses. Skills should also correspond to callers' requirements for telephone (or other interaction) assistance.  


This value indicates the minimum proficiency of skill level workgroup members must have to receive an ACD interaction requiring this skill. 100 is the highest skill level required. Each member's skill attributes, including proficiency level, are defined in User ACD. The default value is 1.  

Desire to Use

This value indicates the minimum desire to use level workgroup members must have to receive an ACD interaction requiring this skill. 100 is the highest skill level required. Each member's skill attributes, including desire to use level, are defined in User ACD. The default value is 0.

Note: Proficiency and Desire to Use are attributes that are considered when the ACD workgroup type is Custom. For detailed information on skills-based routing using the ACD Specify Interaction Skill Tool, see ACD Processing Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.

Select The Use Availability Time in Skills Calculation check box to calculate skills with a formula that uses Availability Time, in addition to Desire to Use and Proficiency. Interaction Attendant uses skill settings in the skills-based routing. 


These workgroup ACD settings appear only in the workgroup ACD tab since these fields affect only call statistics for the workgroup queues that belong to an ACD workgroup.

Call Statistics Period (minutes)

The is the number of minutes used to define the "current period" and the "previous period" statistics on the Queues page in Interaction Supervisor. The statistics period includes every X number of minutes from midnight to the current time, where X is the number in the  field. The default time is 30 minutes, which means the "current period" and "previous period" changes on every half-hour boundary.

Estimated Call Time Interval (minutes)

The ACD Statistics (Call or Queue) tools in a handler that provides callers with estimated wait time feedback, uses this number of minutes in its wait time calculation. This is a rolling interval, which means the interval is the number of minutes prior to each use of the estimated wait time function as it is invoked on the CIC server. The ACD Statistics tools calculate the estimated wait time for a caller in a queue by taking the average time all callers waited in the queue during the current interval (for example, the previous 30 minutes from the time the ACD Statistics tool in a handler was invoked). The default setting for the interval is 30 minutes.

Statistic Shift Starts

This list of times determines the beginning time and duration of each shift for the members of the workgroup. These times are used to define (relative to the current time) the "current shift" and the "previous shift" on the Queues page in Interaction Supervisor. The default statistic shift is a 24 hour shift starting at midnight (0:00), meaning the statistics are relative to one day (or 24 hours).

Note: To change a shift time, first delete it and then add a new time to replace it.


ACD calls directed to a workgroup can initiate actions when the interaction arrives on a user's s station, is disconnected, or transferred from the user's station. For example, when an ACD call alerts the user's station, a database application can start. When the call is disconnected or transferred, either of those actions can initiate another database application specifically used for completing records or follow-up on the call.  

Alerting Action

This is the action started on a station each time an interaction enters an alerting state (for example, the station rings) in this workgroup queue.

Disconnected Action

This is the action started on a station each time an interaction moves from a connected state to a disconnected state (that is, the interaction terminates) in this workgroup queue.

No-answer Status

This is the status message displayed in a workgroup user's My Status field when the user is alerted by an ACD interaction and does not answer it.

Note: The selected status message should have the "Status is Do Not Disturb" attribute.

Revert to available timeout (seconds)

This is the time interval (in seconds) to automatically return a workgroup user's status to what the status was prior to going to Agent Not Answering. If the status has been changed in the meantime, the user's status will not be reset. The default value is 0 which does not automatically revert the status.

Transfer Action

This is the action started on a workgroup user's station each time an interaction is not answered or is transferred by the user in this workgroup queue.

If a user does not pick up an alerting ACD interaction, it times out and the user's status is automatically changed to ACDAgentNotAnswering. The Alerting Action may need to be terminated, or some other action performed if the user does not pick up the interaction. When the user's status is ACDAgentNotAnswering, the no more interactions are assigned until the user changes the status to Available.

If a user transfers an interaction using a CIC client, the same Transfer Action may optionally be invoked if the Execute Transfer Action in user transfer check box is selected. If selected, the transfer action is automatically invoked when the user manually transfers a call from his or her station. By default, no transfer action is specified so no DDE action is performed when a user manually transfers a call. If a transfer action is defined and this option is not selected, the action is invoked only when an ACD interaction is not picked up at a user's station and then transfers to another user.

Incoming Transfer Action

This action started on a workgroup user's station when the user receives an ACD interaction transferred from another user. This allows a user who starts an ACD interaction to transfer that interaction to another user and allows the second user to see the appropriate action when the interaction alerts.

This action is valid only when the transfer is from one workgroup user to another user (not from a workgroup user to a workgroup, line, station, or other type of queue).

On Call Status

This is the status assigned to a workgroup user (and displayed in the user's My Status box) while the user is on an ACD interaction. After the interaction disconnects, the user's status changes to Follow-up (or the Wrap-up status setting) for the designated period before returning to the user's status before the interaction (for example, Available).

Queue Service Levels

Use this page to configure service level distribution and target for each interaction type.  

Service Level Distribution

Each interaction has the following default service levels:

  • Callbacks:

    5 minutes
    10 minutes
    15 minutes
    30 minutes
    1 hour
    2 hours
    4 hours
    8 hours


  • Calls:
    5 seconds
    10 seconds
    20 seconds
    30 seconds
    40 seconds
    50 seconds
    1 minute
    2 minutes

  • Chats:

    10 seconds
    20 seconds
    30 seconds
    45 seconds
    1 minute
    1 minutes 30 seconds
    2 minutes
    4 minutes

  • Emails:

    5 minutes
    10 minutes
    20 minutes
    30 minutes
    1 hours
    2 hours
    4 hours
    8 hours
  • Generic Objects:

    10 seconds
    20 seconds
    30 seconds
    45 seconds
    1 minute
    1 minute 30 seconds
    2 minutes
    4 minutes

  • Work Items:

    30 seconds
    1 minute
    15 minutes
    30 minutes
    1 hour
    4 hours

Service Level Target

This is the time for the target or 'master' service level for each interaction type for this ACD workgroup. By specifying a master service level, you can determine how many interactions met the level, and how many did not meet it. The default service level target for each interaction is:

  • Callbacks: 4 hours

  • Calls: 30 seconds

  • Chats: 30 seconds

  • Emails: 4 hours

  • Generic Objects: 30 seconds

  • Work Items: 4 hours

Related Topics:  

Workgroup: ACD

Workgroup: Configuration Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Members Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Administrative Rights Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Access Control Rights Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Security Rights Field Descriptions

Workgroup: Advanced Field Descriptions