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User: ACD Field Descriptions

This topic contains the descriptions for each field in the ACD details view under the View Users page.

Note: If you enabled the Enhanced Interaction Administrator Change log, then all of your changes on this tab are tracked in that log. For more information, see About the Enhanced Interaction Administrator Change Log.

For ACD applications that use skills based call routing, you can configure each ACD user with skills and attributes. Each skill associated with a user is described in terms of that user's proficiency in that skill and his or her desire to use that skill. Users can inherit skills defined from each workgroup of which they are members. If a user inherits skills assigned in the workgroup ACD details, you can override the proficiency and desire to use levels of the inherited skills on the user ACD details.


Agents can handle multiple phone calls, email messages, callbacks, chats, and other interactions simultaneously and in any combination. Using the ACD Utilization settings, you can configure how much of an agent's attention would be required for each of the interaction types as a percentage.

For example, if, as an administrator, you set the Chat category for an agent to 25%, it would mean that the agent could handle up to four chat events simultaneously. Indicating 100% for an event type would mean that the agent could handle only one such event at a time.

The percentages might vary from agent to agent based on their experience. Agents are available to the extent that the sum of the percentage utilization of all their current interactions is less than or equal to 100.

For example, if an agent is configured so that phone calls are set to 100 percent, chats to 25 percent, and email messages to 10 percent, then the agent could, at any given time, process one phone call, or four chats, or two chats and five email messages, or one chat and seven email messages, and so forth.

These utilization options can be set at the user level by overriding the inherited settings from the ACD workgroup.

Interaction Type

The Interaction Type list displays the interaction types assigned to this user, including Callbacks, Calls, Chats, Emails, Generic Objects, or Work Items.

% Utilization

The % Utilization list shows the percentage of an agent's attention required for each interaction type. This value is inherited by the workgroup, and can be overridden. See Workgroup ACD for more information.

Max Assignable

The Max Assignable list displays the maximum number of interactions allowed for this interaction type. This value is inherited by the workgroup, and can be overridden. See Workgroup ACD for more information.

Note: The utilization options set in user configuration override the workgroup configuration settings.

Effective Utilization

The effective utilization is the union of the actual and inherited values. If there is no ACD workgroup membership that has utilization, and there is no overridden user's utilization, then nothing is displayed.


You can assign skills to each agent in addition to any Inherited Skills from the workgroup he or she belongs to. The agent's total skill set is the union of Inherited Skills plus the agent skills in this list. You can also override the agent's inherited skill's Proficiency and Desire to use levels.


Proficiency is a positive whole number between 1 and 100. The higher the number, the greater the skill level. The default value is 1.

Desire to Use

Desire to Use is a number between 0 and 100. The higher the number, the greater the level of desire the agent has to use this skill. For example, an agent may have a high level of proficiency with a particular skill (such as, DOS technical support) but may have very little desire to use that skill in an ACD support environment. The default value is 1.

Effective Skills

The effective skills are the union of the inherited skills and skill set on the user. If there are no ACD workgroup memberships that have skills, and there are no overridden user's skills, then nothing is displayed. If there is ACD workgroup membership that has skills, but the user's membership is not active, then nothing is displayed.

Statistics Shift Start Times

This list of times determines the beginning time and duration of each shift for this user. These times are used to define (relative to the current time) the "current shift" and the "previous shift" on the Queues view in Interaction Supervisor. The default statistic shift is a 24 hour shift starting at midnight (0:00), meaning the statistics are relative to one day (or 24 hours).


The ACD options include:

Agent cost weight

This is a positive number from 1 to 100 that defines the cost attribute for this user. The higher the cost number, the more expensive this user appears to the IC's ACD processing. If you want to consider employee cost when distributing ACD calls, assign a cost to each ACD user according to their relative expense in the company or group. The default cost is 1.

Note: Analogous changes must be made in the ACDProcessCall tool to increase the weight for cost.

Whisper tone level for workgroup ACD Interactions (dB)

When an interaction alerts on a user's queue, you can play a tone, a wave file, or both to inform the user about the incoming interaction. These are called "whisper tones". This is useful if you are using auto-answer (see 'automatically answer' below), but want to warn a user that another interaction is about to connect to his or her queue. The default decibel level is -25.

Play this greeting at the beginning of every ACD Interaction

Select this check box to activate the user's greeting ("smile") prompt played for callers at the beginning of every ACD call to this user. If selected, you must enter the greeting file name. Enter a .wav file (for example, \\ICServer\IC\Resources\AgentGreeting_MarkM.wav).  

Automatically answer ACD Interactions

Select this check box if you want CIC to automatically connect ACD interactions to this user's phone.

Note: When an interaction alerts on a user's queue, you can use the Alert tool in Interaction Designer to play a tone, a wave file, or both to inform the user about the incoming interaction. (See 'whisper tone' above.) This is useful if you are using auto-answer but want to warn a user that another interaction is about to connect to his or her queue. If this box is selected, the user must be at the station to be automatically connected to an interaction. If not selected, when the user's phone rings, he or she must manually click the Pickup button (in the CIC clients) or pick up the handset to answer the interaction.

Related Topics

User: ACD

User: General Field Descriptions

User: Licensing Field Descriptions

User: Administrative Rights Field Descriptions

User: Access Control Rights Field Descriptions

User: Security Rights Field Descriptions

User: Personal Information Field Descriptions

User: Advanced Field Descriptions