
  • Contents

Configure SIP Lines and the Default Registration Group

This dialog appears in new and upgrade installations if IC Setup Assistant detects that your CIC license includes the SIP or Dialogic HMP feature.

IC Setup Assistant automatically creates three permanent internal SIP lines for station-to-station calls — <Stations-TCP> (default), <Stations-UDP> (default), and <Stations-TLS>.  

Note: SIP lines for outbound calls must still be configured manually in the Interaction Administrator Lines container.

IC Setup Assistant also creates two permanent default registration groups (one for the <Stations-TCP><Stations-UDP> line and one for the <Stations-TLS> line), necessary for creating managed IP phones and associated SIP stations.

Station Lines

This section of the dialog provides information about the SIP station lines that Setup Assistant will create. If this is an upgrade installation, see "Upgrade Installations" below.

Line Name Prefix

The line name prefix appears in the SIP line name listed in numerous Interaction Administrator dialogs, such as Line Configuration > SIP Line Configuration, for example, < Stations-TCP>< Stations-UDP>.

We recommend that you keep the default SIP station line name prefix, Stations. However, if you plan to localize, you may wish to use a different line name prefix.

Important: Make your line name prefix selection carefully, as lines cannot be renamed.

Resulting Line Names

Setup Assistant automatically creates three permanent SIP station lines for different transport protocols: < Stations-TCP>, <Stations-UDP>, and < Stations-TLS>. Setup Assistant does not allow any modifications to these lines; any modifications must be made in Interaction Administrator.

< Stations-TCP>

The <Stations-TCP> line is the default transport protocol. Most new IP phones support TCP.

The TCP station line is available if needed. Most new IP phones support TCP.

Setup Assistant automatically sets the < Stations-TCP> line port number to 8060.

Setup Assistant sets the <Stations-TCP> line as the default line for a number of SIP station and managed IP phone settings. See "Settings that use the <Stations-TCP> line" below.

If you wish to use the <Station-UDP>line for station-to-station calls, see "Changing to a different SIP station line" below.


The <Stations-UDP> line is the default transport protocol. Nearly all IP phones support UDP.

The UDP station line available if needed. Nearly all IP phones support UDP.

Setup Assistant automatically sets the <Stations-UDP> line port number to 8060.

Setup Assistant sets the <Stations-UDP> line as the default line for a number of SIP station and managed IP phone settings. See "Settings that use the <Stations-UDP> line" below.

If you wish to use the <Stations-TCP> line for station-to-station calls, see "Changing to a different SIP station line" below.


The <Stations-TLS> line is available if your CIC license includes the Advanced Security feature.

Setup Assistant automatically sets the <Stations-TLS> line port number to 8061.

If you want secure station-to-station calls, see "Changing to a different SIP station line" below.

Note: For non-switchover environments, TLS lines use the <Default Line Certificate> instead of the domain certificate.

Outbound Address

Enter a telephone number for one of the lines provided by the telephone company, for example, (919) 872-5555 or 0249581974. Parentheses around area code numbers are optional and any combination of text or numbers may be used (Q = 7 and Z = 9).

This is a required field. The number is used in the "From" header in outbound SIP calls.

DNS SRV Domain Name

Enter the DNS SRV domain name used to formulate SIP-URLs for CIC users and phone numbers. This domain name will be automatically appended to all REGISTER requests sent by CIC.

Note: Use the DNS SRV domain name, not the computer's domain name.

This value is used in the "From" header in outbound SIP calls.

Address to Use

Select the Network Connection (from the drop down list) that you want to use for outbound SIP calls.

Upgrade installations

If you have existing SIP stations and don't plan to convert them to managed IP phones, you can continue to use your existing SIP station lines. Setup Assistant will still create the <Stations-TCP>, <Stations-UDP>, and <Stations-TLS) lines, but you do not need to use them.

Default Registration Groups

Registration groups are a required attribute of every managed IP phone. Managed IP phones and associated SIP Stations are created post-installation.

The registration group controls who the phone registers and communicates with. Each registration group is made of an ordered list of registrations. Each registration either points to a line or is specified manually. A managed IP phone will attempt to use the first registration, if it fails, then it uses the second one, etc.

IC Setup Assistant automatically creates two permanent default registration groups:

  • <Default Registration Group> for the <Stations-TCP><Stations-UDP> line

  • <Default Secure Registration Group> for the <Stations-TLS> line

Depending on your implementation, it may be necessary to modify the registration group configuration post-installation. For more information, see the CIC Managed IP Phones Administrator's Guide.

Settings that use the <Stations-TCP><Stations-UDP> line

The following settings use the <Stations-TCP><Stations-UDP> line by default:

  • SIP station connections will use the <Stations-TCP><Stations-UDP> line by default for the Global SIP Station. Stations that have their connection address and contact line specified by the administrator will use the Global SIP Station settings.  The Global SIP Station configuration settings are in Interaction Administrator > Stations > Default Station Configuration > Global SIP Station > Addresses.

  • The registration group for managed IP phones using the <Stations-TCP><Stations-UDP> line will use <Default Registration Group>. The registration group configuration settings are in Interaction Administrator > Managed IP Phones> Registration Group Configuration.

  • The Provisioning Menu, which enables you to provision managed IP phones from the IP phone itself, will use the <Stations-TCP><Stations-UDP> line by default. The Provisioning Menu configuration settings are in Interaction Administrator > Managed IP Phones > Default IP Configuration.

Changing to a different SIP station line

We recommend using the <Stations-TCP><Stations-UDP>  line for station-to-station calls, however you may wish to use <Stations-UDP><Stations-TCP> or <Stations-TLS> instead.

  • If you need to use the <Stations-UDP><Stations-TCP> line for station-to-station calls, make the necessary changes in the Interaction Administrator Lines container and Managed IP Phones container. For more information, see Interaction Administrator help.

  • If you want secure station-to-station calls as part of the Advanced Security feature, use the <Stations-TLS> line in combination with SRTP. Make the necessary changes in the Interaction Administrator Lines container and Managed IP Phones container.

IC Survey Location: This information may be included in the IC Survey file. If so, the selection/value will appear in this dialog. You can review the contents of the IC Survey file by selecting View Survey in the Load IC Survey File dialog or opening it in a Pre-Install survey in the IC Survey system.