
  • Contents

Predictive Events

Predictive Events are notification messages from the server, such as a new call on a queue. All predictive events are functions that you declare and are called when an event occurs. Predictive events are events associated with campaign activities. They are usually associated with Predictive, Power or Preview campaigns and only get raised by Scripter when an agent is logged into Dialer.




The BreakEnded event has been part of InteractionScripter.Net and was ported over to Scripter Connect.  It's available for use by custom scripts.


This event tells a script that an IS_Action_RequestBreak request has been granted, so that the script can redirect the browser to a break page.


This event is specifically designed for use with the IS_Action_RequestContactData action.


This event is fired in response to new incoming data from a predictive or preview call.  This event is only called if there is no IS_Event_NewPredictiveCall event handler defined (for preview if no IS_Event_PreviewDataPop or if no IS_Event_NewPreviewCall).


This event is specifically designed for use with the IS_Action_ManualOutboundCall action.


This event is fired when a new predictive call is placed in a queue. Use the IS_Attr_CampaignName attribute to identify the name of the campaign.


This event is fired when a new preview call is placed in a queue.


This event is emitted when a preview call is successfully skipped.


This event is generated when a call is disconnected, transferred, or stolen from the call queue.


This event is useful in preview dialing mode.  IS_Event_PreviewDataPop provides notification that the client can display a customer record, before the call is placed.  This allows the agent to review the client record before pushing a button to initiate the call.

PreviewTimeout Events

There are three PreviewTimeout events. These are distinctive Predictive Events that are specifically designed for use with Preview campaigns that use a preview countdown timer.