
  • Contents

Agents and Workgroups category


Views in the Agents and Workgroups category manage agents, teams, and workgroups. If this category does not appear when you add a view, contact your CIC System Administrator. See Licenses, Security and Access Control Rights.


View Details


Agent Details

Summarizes the activity of a single agent, for a single workgroup, or for all workgroups that the agent has membership in.

This view displays Agent Statistics for the current period, previous period, current shift and previous shift.

Agent Graph

Shows statistics of several agents in one or more workgroups presented in a graph.

This view displays Agent Statistics for the current period, previous period, current shift and previous shift.

Agent or Workgroup Queue

Shows current activity in an agent's or a workgroup's interaction queue.

The view can be filtered by interaction type, to show calls, callbacks, chats, emails, generic queue objects, and workflow items, or all interaction types. 


Agent Overview

Statistics of several agents in one or more workgroups.

Statistics for each agent can be expanded to show activity in workgroup queues.


Workgroup Details

Shows details about a selected workgroup. This view includes the directory, the statistics and the queue (if applicable).


Workgroup Directory

Shows member agents of a workgroup in a directory.

Workgroup Graph

Rolled-up statistics on selected workgroups presented in a graph.

Workgroup Overview

Compares activity of multiple workgroups.  This view rolls up statistics for selected workgroups, displaying workgroups selected by the user as rows, and selected workgroup statistics as columns.

Workgroup Statistics

Statistics for a selected workgroup. This view does not show the workgroup queue or the directory.