The CallInteraction type exposes the following members.

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Public propertyAccountCodeId
Gets the Id of the account code. AccountCodeId is only available if the AccountCodeId attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyAlertSound
Gets the AlertSound. AlertSound is only available if the AlertSound attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyAssociatedProcessDisplayName
Gets the AssociatedProcessDisplayName. AssociatedProcessDisplayName is only available if the AssociatedProcessDisplayName attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyAssociatedProcessInstanceId
Gets the AssociatedProcessInstanceId. AssociatedProcessInstanceId is only available if the AssociatedProcessInstanceId attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyCallIdKey
Gets the CallIdKey. CallIdKey is only available if the CallIdKey attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyCallType
Gets the CallType. CallType is only available if the CallType attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyCapabilities
Gets the capabilities of this interaction. The EffectiveStation comes into effect when determining the capabilities of this interaction. Capabilities are only available if the Capabilities attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyClientMessage
Gets the ClientMessage. ClientMessage is only available if the ClientMessage attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyConferenceId
Gets the ConferenceId. ConferenceId is only available if the ConferenceId attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyConsultCallId
Gets ID of the ConsultTransfer, if this interaction is participating in a consult transfer. ConsultCallId is only available if the ConsultCallId attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyDeallocationSeconds
Gets the DeallocationSeconds. DeallocationSeconds is only available if the DeallocationSeconds attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyDirection
Gets the Direction. Direction is only available if the Direction attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyDisconnectionTime
Gets the DisconnectionTime. DisconnectionTime is only available if the DisconnectionTime attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyDisconnectRingNoAnswer
Gets a value indicating whether to disconnect on ring no answer. DisconnectRingNoAnswer is only available if the DisconnectRingNoAnswer attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyDuration
Gets the duration of the Interaction as of the current time (using InitiationTime and DisconnectionTime). Duration is only available when InitiationTime, DisconnectionTime and State are being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyHasSnippetRecording
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has snippet recordings.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyImmediateAccess
Gets a value indicating whether to allow ImmediateAccess. ImmediateAccess is only available if the ImmediateAccess attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyInitiationTime
Gets the InitiationTime. InitiationTime is only available if the InitiationTime attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyInteractionId
Gets the ID of the Interaction.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyInteractionsManager
Gets the InteractionManager with which this Interaction is associated.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyInteractionType
Gets the type of the interaction. InteractionType is only available if the InteractionType attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsConnected
Gets a value indicating whether the Interaction is in a connected state. IsConnected is only available if the State attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsDisconnected
Gets a value indicating whether the Interaction is in a disconnected state. IsDisconnected is only available if the State attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsHeld
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is Held. IsHeld is only available if the State attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsMonitored
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is being monitored by the session user. IsMonitored is only available if the Monitors and SupervisorMonitors attributes are being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsMuted
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is Muted. IsMuted is only available if the Muted attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsOnMyInteractionsQueue
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is on the MyInteractions queue. IsOnMyInterationsQueue is only available if the UserQueueNames and StationQueueNames attributes are being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsPaused
Gets a value indicating whether this instance has a paused recorder for the session user. IsPaused is only available if the Recorders and SupervisorRecorders attributes are being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsPrivate
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is Private. IsPrivate is only available if the Private attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsRecording
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is being recorded by the session user. IsRecording is only available if the Recorders and SupervisorRecorders attributes are being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyIsShared
Gets a value indicating whether this is a shared instance.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLanguage
Gets the Language to use for the prompt. Language is only available if the Language attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLastSegment
Gets the last segment on this interaction. LastSegment is only available if the InteractionConnectionSegments attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLastSegmentForCurrentUser
Gets the last segment for the session user on this interaction. LastSegmentForCurrentUser is only available if the InteractionConnectionSegments attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLineName
Gets the name of the line queue. LineName is only available if the LineQueueName attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLocalAddress
Gets the address of the local party. LocalAddress is only available if the LocalAddress attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLocalId
Gets the displayable address of local party. LocalId is only available if the LocalId attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLocalName
Gets the user-friendly name of the local party. LocalName is only available if the LocalName attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLocalPartyType
Gets the LocalPartyType of the local party. LocalPartyType is only available if the LocalPartyType attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLocalSecurityLevelRequested
Gets the requested local security level. (See LocalSecurityLevelRequested). LocalSecurityLevelRequested is only available if the LocalSecurityLevelRequested attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyLog
Gets the Log. Log is only available if the Log attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyMonitors
Gets the Monitors. Monitors is only available if the Monitors attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyMonitorsCombinedCount
Gets the MonitorsCombinedCount. MonitorsCombinedCount is only available if the MonitorsCombinedCount attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyMonitorType
Gets the type of the monitor. MonitorType is only available if the MonitorType attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyNotes
Gets the Notes. Notes is only available if the Notes attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyOrbitQueueName
Gets the unscoped orbit queue name. OrbitQueueName is only available if the OrbitQueueName attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyPopApplication
Gets the application that should be popped for the Interaction. PopApplication is only available if the PopApplication attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRecorders
Gets the Recorders. Recorders is only available if the Recorders attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRecordersCombinedCount
Gets the RecordersCombinedCount. RecordersCombinedCount is only available if the RecordersCombinedCount attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRelatedSnippetRecordings
Gets the RelatedSnippetRecordings. RelatedSnippetRecordings is only available if the RelatedSnippetRecordings attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRemoteAddress
Gets the RemoteAddress. RemoteAddress is only available if the RemoteAddress attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRemoteDisplay
Gets a displayable identifier for an interaction. RemoteDisplay is only available if the RemoteName attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRemoteId
Gets the remote party ID as a friendly display value. RemoteId is only available if the RemoteId attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRemoteName
Gets the name of the remote party. RemoteName is only available if the RemoteName attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRemotePartyType
Gets the RemotePartyType of the remote party. RemotePartyType is only available if the RemotePartyType attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyRemoteSecurityLevelRequested
Gets the requested remote security level. (See RemoteSecurityLevelRequested). ImmediateAccess is only available if the ImmediateAccess attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertySecurityLevelActual
Gets the actual security level. (See SecurityLevelActual). SecurityLevelActual is only available if the SecurityLevelActual attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertySecurityLevelViolation
Gets the reason for the security level violation. (See SecurityLevelViolation). SecurityLevelViolation is only available if the SecurityLevelViolation attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertySegments
Gets the collection of segments for this interaction. (See InteractionConnectionSegments). Segments is only available if the InteractionConnectionSegments attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyState
Gets the Interaction State. State is only available if the State attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyStateDescription
Gets the state display string. StateDescription is only available if the StateDescription attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyStationQueueNames
Gets the unscoped name(s) of the station queue(s). StationQueueNames is only available if the StationQueueNames attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertySupervisorMonitors
Gets the SupervisorMonitors. SupervisorMonitors is only available if the SupervisorMonitors attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertySupervisorRecorders
Gets the SupervisorRecorders. SupervisorRecorders is only available if the SupervisorRecorders attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyTimeInWorkgroupQueue
Gets the duration of the Interaction as of the time it joined a workgroup queue (using WorkgroupQueueTimestamp and DisconnectionTime). TimeInWorkgroupQueue is only available when WorkgroupQueueTimestamp, DisconnectionTime and State are being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyUserQueueNames
Gets the unscoped name(s) of the user queue(s). UserQueueNames is only available if the UserQueueNames attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyWorkgroupQueueDisplayName
Gets the display name of the workgroup queue. WorkgroupQueueDisplayName is only available if the WorkgroupQueueDisplayName attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyWorkgroupQueueName
Gets the unscoped name of the workgroup queue. WorkgroupQueueName is only available if the WorkgroupQueueName attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyWrapUpAssignments
Gets the wrap up assignments for this interaction. (See WrapUpAssignments). WrapUpAssignments is only available if the WrapUpAssignments attribute is being watched.
(Inherited from Interaction.)
Public propertyWrapUpCodeId Obsolete. (Inherited from Interaction.)

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