
  • Contents

MS Teams View

Requirements: You need the MS Teams directory Security right to add views. Your CIC administrator assigns your Security rights. Contact your CIC administrator if you have questions about your Security rights.

To add MS Teams View, Select Microsoft Teams under Directories and Click Add View. For more information on Adding View , see Add or remove directory views .

1 Mirosoft Teams tab You can drag and drop the directory tab to move the directory view to a new location.
2 Close Click the X on a tab to close the view. You have not removed the view and can be add it back to the CIC client interface.
3 Add View Click the Add View icon (plus sign) to select and display a view. For more information, see Add or Close Views.
4 Column headings You can drag and drop a column heading to move a column to a different position. For more information, see Customize Columns.
5 Sort Direction Triangles indicate whether the contents of a column are sorted in ascending or descending order. For more information, see Sort a Directory.
Note: Sorting is not applicable on Status and On Phone columns of MS teams view
6 Status Use the default Status  column to determine if a contact is available to take a call. For more information, see Customize Columns and MS Teams user to CIC status mapping
7 Choose Columns Use the Choose Columns control to add or remove view columns from the current directory.
8 Horizontal and Vertical scroll bars

A horizontal scroll bar appears if the total width of the columns exceeds the space available in the browser window.

A vertical scroll bar appears if all the entries in a single view cannot be displayed in the space available.
9 Search Use the search field to locate a specific directory entry or group of entries. For more information, see Search a Directory.
10 Paging controls A large MS Teams directory or set of entries is displayed in a paged format. The arrows enable you to navigate from one page to another in the directory.
Note:By default, directories with more than 100 contacts appear in a paged format.  Your CIC administrator determines how large a directory must be before it appears in a paged format and how many contacts appear on a single page.
11 View description This section describes the contents of the current view and lists the total number of entries in the directory or search results.
12 Directory toolbar Use the Directory toolbar to manage your contacts and interactions with those contacts. For more information, see Using the Directory Toolbar.
13 Refresh button Use Refresh button to get the latest status.