
  • Contents

Schedule Types

The tab pages at the bottom of a Schedule node establish criteria that determine when the menu attached to the schedule will execute.  Attendant evaluates settings on the active tab only.  It ignores settings on the other tabs.

Each tab represents a discrete type of criteria that determines when a menu will execute.  Interaction Attendant is flexible and accommodates a wide range of scheduling needs.  It provides many scheduling options—some of which you may never use. 

It is entirely possible to activate a menu using different types of schedule criteria.  For example, a schedule that runs all day, every day, could be defined by setting options on the daily tab, or by setting options on the weekly tab.  One method isn't more correct than another, so long as a schedule works that way you need it to.

Schedule tabs are disabled on the default schedule, since it is designed to catch calls that other schedules do not trap.  Custom schedules allow you to establish the following schedule criteria:

Daily              Runs a schedule at the same time every day between the schedule start date and the schedule end date.

Weekly           Runs a schedule on a particular day or days of the week.

Monthly           Runs a schedule on a particular day or date range every month.

Yearly             Runs a schedule on a particular date or range of dates every year.

Unplanned       Allows you to define schedules that run during specific times of the day, but without specifying any particular date.  This is useful for snow days, or unplanned office closings.

System           System schedules link an Interaction Attendant schedule to a system schedule defined in Interaction Administrator.  This permits changes made in Interaction Administrator to be reflected by Auto-Attendant processing.

Priority order criteria that CIC uses to pick a schedule

The type of schedule determines the order in which CIC selects the schedule to play. The order of priority is as follows:

  • Unplanned: Highest priority. 

  • One Time.  This is an Interaction Administrator schedule type. The One Time schedule should not be confused with the Unplanned schedule type available in Interaction Attendant.  An unplanned schedule specifies an indefinite end time, staying active until it is turned off. See Unplanned Schedules.

  • Yearly

  • Monthly

  • Weekly

  • Daily: Lowest priority

If there is more than one schedule that matches in priority, then the start times are compared. The schedule containing the closest comparable times is the higher priority. 

Settings on inactive tabs are ignored

You may be wondering, what happens if I set options on more than one tab?  Does Attendant reconcile schedule settings on all of the tabs?  The answer is that it does not.  Attendant evaluates settings on the active tab only.  It ignores settings on all other tabs.

Subsequent pages explain each scheduling tab in detail.