
  • Contents

Add/Edit Alert Condition dialog

The Add/Edit Alert Condition dialog manages an alert condition when an alert is added or edited. The appearance of this dialog, available alert conditions, and criteria you must supply to quantify the condition, is based on the data type of the statistic.

Use this dialog box to:

  • Select a condition to evaluate the statistic against.

  • Prompt for criteria required by the condition, such as a maximum value.

  • Assign a severity level to the alert: Normal, Minor, Major, Warning, or Critical.

  • Prompt to define actions the alert will execute when it is triggered.


Selects an Alert Condition which affects the criteria you are asked to supply.


Sets Severity of the alert to Normal, Minor, Major, Warning, or Critical


Lists Actions this alert will perform when triggered


Adds an Action the alert will perform when triggered.


Edits selected Action.


Deletes selected Action.

To complete this dialog

1.   Select an Alert Condition. The table below lists alert conditions by statistic data type, and criteria you must supply to configure an alert for each possible condition.

Type of Statistic

Alert Conditions

Criteria you must supply

Boolean statistics

The value is 'True', 'Yes', '1' or similar

No criteria are required by Boolean alert conditions

The value is 'False', 'No', '0' or similar

Has a value

Not set

Numerical statistics

(integer, double and percent)

Trigger alert when value is less than the maximum

Maximum value

Trigger alert when value is between the minimum and the maximum

Minimum and Maximum values

Trigger alert when value is larger than the minimum

Minimum value

Has a value

No criteria are required by this alert condition

Not Set

No criteria are required by this alert condition

Timespan statistics

(Duration, Time Duration, Future Duration, Finite Duration)

The value must be less than the maximum

Maximum time value, expressed in days, hours, hours, and minutes (ddd:hh:mm:ss)

The value must fall between a minimum and a maximum

Minimum time value, expressed in hours, minutes and seconds (hh:mm:ss)

Maximum time value, expressed in days, hours, hours, and minutes (ddd:hh:mm:ss)

The value is larger than the minimum

Minimum time value, expressed in hours, minutes and seconds (hh:mm:ss)

Has a value

No criteria are required by this alert condition

Not Set

No criteria are required by this alert condition

String statistics

The value is equal to a string

Character string

The value is not equal to a string

Character string

The value contains a substring

Character string

The value does not contain a substring

Character string

The value matches a prefix

Character string

The value does not match a regular expression

Any regular expression.

Has a value

No criteria are required by this alert condition

Not Set

No criteria are required by this alert condition

2.   Specify criteria required by the alert condition (see table). Icons next to input fields indicate acceptable ranges and invalid conditions.

When clicked, the blue icon displays the acceptable range of criterion. If you supply a value that is out of range, a red icon is shown. Click on it to find out what is invalid. The dialog's "OK" button is disabled when values are out of range.

3.   Select an Alert severity level. This setting colorizes an icon to match predefined severity levels. This icon appears in statistic controls when the alert is triggered. No icon is shown by default. The severity levels are:






Buttons on this dialog


Optionally adds an action for the alert to perform when triggered. This opens the Add/Edit Alert Action dialog.


Opens appropriate dialog for editing the selected alert action (font color, play sound, send email, execute custom handler, etc.)


Removes the selected alert action. You are prompted to confirm this operation.


Saves changes and closes the dialog.


Closes the dialog without saving changes.