
  • Contents

Client Memo Management dialog

This management dialog allows Supervisor users to add, edit, or remove any client memo. When creating a memo, the supervisor adds recipients to that it will be sent to.  The memo is given a name and message to send.  The memo can optionally contain an expiration, URL, icon, and/or play a sound.

Once added, the memo is sent immediately to each member of the recipient list. It will either expire or will remain until the supervisor removes the memo.

This dialog appears when the Tools > Client Memos command is selected.


The dialog lists client memos that have been created. The columns are:


Descriptive name assigned to the memo.

Message Text

Body text of the message.


Indicates the date and time when the memo will automatically expire, or "Never Expires" if automatic expiration was not used.


Name of the person who created the memo.

Add button

Manually creates and sends a new client memo.

Edit button

Opens the selected memo for editing in the Client Memo dialog.


Removes the selected client memo.


Dismisses this dialog.