
  • Contents

Working with Work Items

A work item is an on-screen data entry form where users view and enter information or start actions needed by the process. A work item can have multiple pages and you can control the user's navigation between pages. Each work item has these required properties:

  • Name: This is the name by which you refer to the work item in other parts of IPA Designer.

  • Category: This is a name to organize and group similar work items. Multiple work items can belong to the same category.    

  • Height: This is the on-screen height of the work item in pixels.

  • Width: This is the on-screen width of the work item in pixels.

When a process sends a work item to a user, the user's CIC Client lists it on the My Work Items tab.

Related topics:

Creating a Work Item

Creating Variables for Work Items

Adding Pages to a Work Item

Defining a New Work Item Page

Controlling the Order of Work Item Pages

Adding Dynamic Details to a Work Item

Adding Controls to a Work Item

Controls on Work Items

Work Item Control Types