
  • Contents

SU 2

SU 2 introduced the following changes and enhancements to Latitude 12.0:

Account links

Added Manage Links dialog box for creating and removing links to accounts. For more information, see Account Links.

AIM work efforts

Added Work Efforts tab to the AIM panel for viewing work efforts for accounts placed with an outside collection agency or attorney. For more information, see View AIM Work Efforts.

Anchor cards

  • Added Account Navigator card for displaying contact information for the parties on an account. For more information, see Account Navigator Card.

  • Added First Party Active Collections card for displaying first-party active collections information for an account. For more information, see First Party Active Collections Card.

  • Added Joined Accounts card for displaying all accounts associated to the parties on the account displayed in the Work Form. For more information, see Joined Accounts Card.

Call validation

Added DPA Validation dialog box for validating a party on a call before displaying an account in the Work Form. For more information, see Validate a Call.

Client guidelines

Added Client Guidelines panel for viewing the guidelines that clients established for working accounts. For more information, see View Client Guidelines.

Collection holds

Added Manage Holds dialog box for placing and removing account-level and customer-level holds on accounts. For more information, see Collection Holds.

Interest management

Added Manage Interest dialog box for starting and stopping customer-level interest on accounts to override and reinstate the account-level interest. For more information, see Manage Interest.


Added New Customer dialog box for adding parties to accounts. For more information, see Add a Party to an Account.

Payment arrangements

Added Arrangements panel for proposing, scheduling, and managing payment arrangements. For more information, see Arrangements.


System codes

  • Added Anchor Cards panel for managing the anchor cards available to display in anchors. For more information, see Anchor Cards.

  • Added Anchors panel for grouping anchor cards and displaying them in the Work Form. For more information, see Anchors.

  • Added API Key Manager panel for managing API keys for accessing APIs remotely. For more information, see API Key Manager.

  • Added Manual Process Stages panel for flagging processes as either manual or automated. For more information, see Manual Process Stages.

  • Added Payment Sub-Batch Type panel for creating groups to categorize payment sub-batch types. For more information, see Payment Sub-Batch Types.

  • Added Process Stages panel for maintaining account processes and stages. For more information, see Process Stages.

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