
  • Contents


Widgets are streamlined and lightweight elements you can add to your company’s website to support activities like chatting with an agent. PureConnect Widgets are JavaScript-based, cloud-hosted, and cloud-configured extensions that implement the Genesys Widgets API under a continuously integrated and deployed release model.

Interaction Connect supports the configuration of Genesys Widgets for use in your company’s website. These widgets are easy to configure and deploy by means of code snippets you include in your company’s website.

Get Started



Release Notes

Release Notes Web app



Configure a Widget

Widgets View

Widgets General Configuration

Widgets Plugins Configuration

Widgets Extensions Configuration

Widgets Unrestricted Properties Configuration

Custom Themes and Forms

Deploy a Widget

Agent Features

Agents handle interactions created by Genesys Widgets in the same manner as they handle other calls, chats, or callback requests.

See the Interaction Connect help available in the application or the PureConnect Documentation Library..

Developer Resources

Genesys Widgets Bus Guide

Genesys Widgets Deployment Guide

Genesys Widgets Reference


Additional Resources

PureConnect Community

Support Self-Help