Agent Status Data

Agent Status Data

CIC records Agent status changes in the Agent Activity table. The terms State and Status are not the same in the context of the agent status data. The status is one of the components used to determine agent state, such as Agent Available for ACD or On ACD Call, by the ACD subsystem before assigning an ACD Interaction. Currently, the ACD subsystem that manages agents’ ACD state is the only subsystem that does not log data into the table. For example, an agent on an ACD call can change his or her status and the data will be captured in this table. The agent’s ACD state, such as On ACD Call, is not affected when a status is changed.

Other components that do affect an Agent’s ACD State are captured in the table when an agent changes his or her status. Examples of the components that affect an Agent’s ACD State are Agent Login/Logout and Agent status attributes, such as Status Allow ACD Call or ACD Logged In.

The Agent Activity table captures components of Agents’ ACD States during a Status change, not during an ACD State change. As a result, this table should not be used to derive an agent’s current ACD state, as it might not be correct.

The Agent Activity table tracks the following changes, and a new record is generated when one of these conditions change:

  • Agent Login/Logout - usually by starting or ending the Client but can also be done manually over the phone.
  • Agent Status - such as After call work, Do Not Disturb, and ACD-Agent not answering. This is also known as the StatusKey in the table.
  • ACD Login/Logout attribute - when an ACD agent status is selected/unselected. This indicates the attribute of the status string. If the status is configured in Interaction Administrator with Status Allow ACD Calls, the ACD login flag is set to True. Note that this is really not an ACD login into the workgroup if agent activation is used. ACD login is only applicable to individual workgroup queues. This basically indicates agent is entering or leaving from the status which supports ACD interactions.

Data in the Agent Activity table is not interval-based because there is no set duration for each status. Statuses of zero duration will also be generated by some events such as logging into CIC and logging out of CIC in order to help separate these events from other agent status events. For interval- and queue-based agent statistics, see the tAgent statistics in the interval queue data tables.

Agent Activation is Outside of Agent Status

Agents can optionally be activated and deactivated individually in each workgroup queue independent of the agents' status. This feature enables authorized agents, supervisors and administrators to manually activate or deactivate agents from specific ACD workgroup queues, regardless of the agent’s ACD login status or user status. For more information about agent activation, see the section on "Agent Queue Activation History".

Data Source

The data source is delayed and event driven by change of user state. The previous state is recorded any time a new state is selected or automatically applied.

Type of information

The Type of information includes login indicator, status used, time starting and ending the status, along with the calculated duration in seconds. There are also flags that indicate if the status was an ACD, ACW, or DND status.

Report Types using this data

Agent and Agent Supervisor reports show this information in a detail and summary form.

Agent Statuses

CIC defines agent statuses as the list of user status messages that you can configure in Interaction Administrator. By default these are:

  • ACDAgentNotAnswering
  • At a Training Session
  • At Lunch
  • At Play
  • Available
  • Available, Follow-Me
  • Available, Forward
  • Available, No ACD
  • Away from desk
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Follow Up
  • Gone Home
  • In a Meeting
  • On Vacation
  • Out of the Office
  • Out of Town
  • Working At Home

It is possible to add additional custom statuses. The attributes associated with a custom status will determine how the system tracks it in the Agent Activity table.

Any status with the Status allows ACD calls box checked affect the ACD login state. The Available status is the only default agent status that affects ACD login/logout. If you select or deselect Available, it affects the agents ACD login state. This is separate from the Interaction Client login state and the agent activation state.

CIC also shows agent status changes when monitoring agents that are not shown in the Agent Activity table, as they are not actual changes of user state. These are usually shown as a change in the icon next to the person’s name being monitored. Examples include: On the Phone, Agent Not Logged In, Agent on ACD Call, and Agent on OtherACD Call.

Note that the current state of the agent is not recorded until the user or system time in that state ends. However, time in a state does not incur indefinitely. The individual states of all the agents defined on a system are written out once a day at midnight to avoid having indefinitely long periods associated with a state. 24 hours should be the longest time recorded for a state

Agent Activity Table

Most often, CIC adds a new row to this table when an agent state changes. However, it is possible for some of the values that determine the state to change rapidly. In order to preserve the uniqueness of each row, CIC uses a sequence number, SeqNo. This SeqNo preserves the state order when multiple state changes for an agent occur in the same second. This value starts at zero and this is the value that you will see in most cases. If there is more than one state change to be reported in a second, the system increments the value by one for each additional state change reported in that second. This means that records are unique by Site, SubSite, UserId, DateTimeGMT, and SeqNo. Nothing else defines the uniqueness of the row. Changes in other values might cause CIC to output a new row, but only these values define unique rows in the database.

Physical Attributes

Log Identifier Log Name Table Name


Agent Activity Log


Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
UserId nvarchar (50) False Yes

User identifier of the agent whose status has changed. This is the User ID as defined in Interaction Administrator. 4.0 Release
StatusDateTime datetime False No

The date/time the agent's status started. 4.0 Release
StatusDateTimeGMT datetime False No

StatusDateTime, as previously mentioned, adjusted to Greenwich Mean Time. More accurately, this is "state" Date/Time GMT. 4.0 Release
ChangedStatus smallint False No

Flag indicating that the StatusKey changed in this status as compared to the previous status. 0 = No change, 1 = Changed. 4.0 Release
ChangedStatusGroup smallint False No

Flag indicating that the StatusGroup changed in this status as compared to the previous status. 0 = No change, 1 = Changed. 4.0 Release
ChangedLoggedIn smallint False No

Flag indicating that the agent's CIC logged in state changed in this state as compared to the previous state. 0 = No change, 1 = Changed. 4.0 Release
ChangedAcdLoggedIn smallint False No

Flag indicating that the Agent's ACD logged in state changed in this state as compared to the previous state. 0 = No change, 1 = Changed. 4.0 Release
StatusKey nvarchar (50) False Depends on customer usage

The status name associated with this state. Agent statuses are defined as the list of user status messages configured in Interaction Administrator. This database value is not localized, because it would be wrong if a customer were using more than one locale on a server. That is why it is a KEY. The value is localized on the report using the multi-locale support for status messages. 4.0 Release
StatusGroup nvarchar (50) False Depends on customer usage

The status group of the StatusKey. A status group is any grouping of agent status messages. A status message can only belong to one status group so this value relates directly back to StatusKey.

There are five predefined status groups in CIC: Available, Break, Followup, Training and Unavailable.

Beyond just grouping statuses, status groups provide a way to track specific time in a status as part of the Queue Period statistics information of an agent or distribution queue. See the tStatusGroup columns in the IAgentQueueStats and IWrkgrpQueueStats tables for more information.

It is possible to define your own custom groups. See the online help in Interaction Administrator for more information. It is also possible to make the group to status mapping a one to one mapping. No grouping is actually forced, just encouraged. 4.0 Release
LoggedIn smallint False No

Flag indicating that the agent was logged in to CIC for this state. 0 = False, 1 = True. 4.0 Release
AcdLoggedIn smallint False No

Flag indicating that the StatusKey of this status allowed the agent to take ACD interactions. 0 = False, 1 = True. 4.0 Release
StatusDnd smallint False No

Flag indicating that the StatusKey of this state was a Do Not Disturb status. 0 = False, 1 = True. 4.0 Release
StatusAcw smallint False No

Flag indicating that the StatusKey of this state was an After Call Work status. 0 = False, 1 = True. 4.0 Release
EndDateTime datetime False No

The end date/time of this state. The end of the state is signaled by some change of state that would change one of the values recorded in this log. That could be a change of StatusKey, LoggedIn, AcdLoggedIn, StatusDND or StatusAcw. It is possible that more than one of these was changed, or that only one of these has changed. 4.0 Release
EndDateTimeGMT datetime False No

End date/time (see EndDateTime) adjusted to Greenwich Mean Time. 4.0 Release
StateDuration int False No

Duration, in seconds, the previous status was active. The agent's current state duration will not be logged until their status has been changed. 4.0 Release
SeqNo smallint False No

Sequencing number to preserve the status change order when status changes for a user occurred in the same second. This value starts at zero and zero is the value that will be seen in most cases. If there is more than one status change to be reported in a second, the value will be incremented by one for each additional status change reported in that second. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT datetime False No

System supplied date and time when record was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the database. 4.0 Release
SiteId smallint False No

Site identifier of the source for this record. Used in multi-site installations to distinguish the origin of the record. Configured when setting up CIC. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId smallint False No

Currently not used. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
UserId nvarchar2 (50) False Yes

User identifier of the agent whose status has changed. This is the User ID as defined in Interaction Administrator. 4.0 Release
StatusDateTime date False No

The date/time the agent's status started. 4.0 Release
StatusDateTimeGMT date False No

StatusDateTime, as previously mentioned, adjusted to Greenwich Mean Time. More accurately, this is "state" Date/Time GMT. 4.0 Release
ChangedStatus number False No

Flag indicating that the StatusKey changed in this status as compared to the previous status. 0 = No change, 1 = Changed. 4.0 Release
ChangedStatusGroup number False No

Flag indicating that the StatusGroup changed in this status as compared to the previous status. 0 = No change, 1 = Changed. 4.0 Release
ChangedLoggedIn number False No

Flag indicating that the agent's CIC logged in state changed in this state as compared to the previous state. 0 = No change, 1 = Changed. 4.0 Release
ChangedAcdLoggedIn number False No

Flag indicating that the Agent's ACD logged in state changed in this state as compared to the previous state. 0 = No change, 1 = Changed. 4.0 Release
StatusKey nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

The status name associated with this state. Agent statuses are defined as the list of user status messages configured in Interaction Administrator. This database value is not localized, because it would be wrong if a customer were using more than one locale on a server. That is why it is a KEY. The value is localized on the report using the multi-locale support for status messages. 4.0 Release
StatusGroup nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

The status group of the StatusKey. A status group is any grouping of agent status messages. A status message can only belong to one status group so this value relates directly back to StatusKey.

There are five predefined status groups in CIC: Available, Break, Followup, Training and Unavailable.

Beyond just grouping statuses, status groups provide a way to track specific time in a status as part of the Queue Period statistics information of an agent or distribution queue. See the tStatusGroup columns in the IAgentQueueStats and IWrkgrpQueueStats tables for more information.

It is possible to define your own custom groups. See the online help in Interaction Administrator for more information. It is also possible to make the group to status mapping a one to one mapping. No grouping is actually forced, just encouraged. 4.0 Release
LoggedIn number False No

Flag indicating that the agent was logged in to CIC for this state. 0 = False, 1 = True. 4.0 Release
AcdLoggedIn number False No

Flag indicating that the StatusKey of this status allowed the agent to take ACD interactions. 0 = False, 1 = True. 4.0 Release
StatusDnd number False No

Flag indicating that the StatusKey of this state was a Do Not Disturb status. 0 = False, 1 = True. 4.0 Release
StatusAcw number False No

Flag indicating that the StatusKey of this state was an After Call Work status. 0 = False, 1 = True. 4.0 Release
EndDateTime date False No

The end date/time of this state. The end of the state is signaled by some change of state that would change one of the values recorded in this log. That could be a change of StatusKey, LoggedIn, AcdLoggedIn, StatusDND or StatusAcw. It is possible that more than one of these was changed, or that only one of these has changed. 4.0 Release
EndDateTimeGMT date False No

End date/time (see EndDateTime) adjusted to Greenwich Mean Time. 4.0 Release
StateDuration number False No

Duration, in seconds, the previous status was active. The agent's current state duration will not be logged until their status has been changed. 4.0 Release
SeqNo number False No

Sequencing number to preserve the status change order when status changes for a user occurred in the same second. This value starts at zero and zero is the value that will be seen in most cases. If there is more than one status change to be reported in a second, the value will be incremented by one for each additional status change reported in that second. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT date False No

System supplied date and time when record was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the database. 4.0 Release
SiteId number False No

Site identifier of the source for this record. Used in multi-site installations to distinguish the origin of the record. Configured when setting up CIC. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId number False No

Currently not used. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use 4.0 Release


Primary Key Name Type Column Name (sort order)
PK_AgentActivityLog Non-clustered UserId (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)
StatusDateTimeGMT (Ascending)
EndDateTimeGMT (Ascending)
SeqNo (Ascending)

Primary Key Name Column Name (sort order)
PK_AgentActivityLog UserId (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)
StatusDateTimeGMT (Ascending)
EndDateTimeGMT (Ascending)
SeqNo (Ascending)

Index Name Type Column Name (sort order)
I3TimeStampGMT Clustered I3TimeStampGMT (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)
IX_StatusDateTime Non-clustered StatusDateTime (Ascending)

Index Name Column Name (sort order)
i3timestampgmt80 I3TimeStampGMT (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)
IX_StatusDateTime StatusDateTime (Ascending)