
Individual Table


This table stores the details of individuals (contacts) in the Interaction Center system. Note that in early releases of Interaction Center, contacts were referred to as individuals. In releases after 4.0, the Interaction Center user interfaces were update to use contact instead of individual.

  • Table Type - Lookup
  • Last Changed Version -
  • Last Changed Reason - Added index IX_Individual_SPINTX_RCL

Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
IndivID char (22) False Yes

A Globally Unique Identifier(GUID) to uniquely identify an Individual (contact). 4.0 Release
IndivTypeID int False No

This column stores the individual type identifier for an individual. E.g. External, Customer, Partner, IC User, etc. Refer to the IndivType table for more information about individual types configured in your system. 4.0 Release
TitleID int True No

This column stores the title identifier for an individual. Refer to the Title table for more information about titles configured in your system. 4.0 Release
LastName nvarchar (50) False Potentially

This column stores the last name for an individual. 4.0 Release
FirstName nvarchar (50) True Potentially

This column stores the first name for an individual. 4.0 Release
MiddleName nvarchar (50) True Potentially

This column stores the middle name for an individual. 4.0 Release
Department nvarchar (50) True Potentially

This column stores the department for an individual. 4.0 Release
Company nvarchar (100) True Potentially

This column stores the company name for an individual. 4.0 Release
JobTitle nvarchar (100) True Potentially

This column stores the job title for an individual. 4.0 Release
AssistantName nvarchar (100) True Depends on customer usage

This column stores the assistant name for an individual. 4.0 Release
IndivImage nvarchar (255) True Depends on customer usage

This column stores the path of an image file for an individual. This is currently not used in Interaction Desktop. You can set a value for this field, but Interaction Desktop does not use it to display images for individuals (contacts). 4.0 Release
IndivURL nvarchar (255) True Depends on customer usage

This column stores the Internet link (URL) for an individual. 4.0 Release
WebLogin nvarchar (100) True Yes

This column stores the web login user id for an individual. 4.0 Release
WebPassword nvarchar (64) True No

This column stores the password for weblogin for an individual. 4.0 Release
WebPasswordKey tinyint True No

This column stores the key for a password for weblogin for an individual. 4.0 Release
ModifyDateTime datetime2 True No

This column stores the date time value for when the record was last modified. 4.0 Release
OrgID char (22) True No

This column stores the organization Id for the Organization this individual belongs to. Refer to the Organization table for more information about organizations configured in your system. 4.0 Release
Active tinyint False No

This column stores a value indicating whether or not an individual is an active individual or not. 4.0 Release
IsPrivate tinyint False No

This column stores a value indicating whether or not an individual is private. If an individual (contact) is marked as private then only the creator of the individual and administrators can access the details about the contact. 4.0 Release
LocID char (22) True No

This column stores the location Id for the location this individual belongs to. Refer to the Locations table for more information about locations configured in your system. 4.0 Release
SiteID smallint True No

Stores the identifier for the site that an individual (contact) is associated with. 4.0 Release
Version int False No

Stores the version of the individual (contact). The version field is used to track changes to individuals. 4.0 Release
AppIndivID nvarchar (255) True Yes

This field can be used as a customization point. It can represent anything that meets the need of a business. 4.0 Release
ICUserID nvarchar (50) True Yes

If an individual is an Interaction Center User, this column stores the Interaction Center user identifier for the user. 4.0 Release
OwnerID nvarchar (50) True No

This column stores the Interaction Center User ID of the Interaction Center User that created the individual (contact). 4.0 Release
ExtID nvarchar (255) True Yes

This column stores the identifier in an external system for an individual that was imported from an external source. Currently, there is no Interaction Center process that populates this column. 4.0 Release
ExtSource nvarchar (64) True Depends on customer usage

This column stores the name of the external source that an individual was imported from. Currently, there is no Interaction Center process that populates this column. 4.0 Release
UserSecChecksum int True No

A checksum value to ensure that the individual changes are modified by authorized means. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
IndivID char (22) False Yes

A Globally Unique Identifier(GUID) to uniquely identify an Individual (contact). 4.0 Release
IndivTypeID integer False No

This column stores the individual type identifier for an individual. E.g. External, Customer, Partner, IC User, etc. Refer to the IndivType table for more information about individual types configured in your system. 4.0 Release
TitleID integer True No

This column stores the title identifier for an individual. Refer to the Title table for more information about titles configured in your system. 4.0 Release
LastName nvarchar2 (50) False Potentially

This column stores the last name for an individual. 4.0 Release
FirstName nvarchar2 (50) True Potentially

This column stores the first name for an individual. 4.0 Release
MiddleName nvarchar2 (50) True Potentially

This column stores the middle name for an individual. 4.0 Release
Department nvarchar2 (50) True Potentially

This column stores the department for an individual. 4.0 Release
Company nvarchar2 (100) True Potentially

This column stores the company name for an individual. 4.0 Release
JobTitle nvarchar2 (100) True Potentially

This column stores the job title for an individual. 4.0 Release
AssistantName nvarchar2 (100) True Depends on customer usage

This column stores the assistant name for an individual. 4.0 Release
IndivImage nvarchar2 (255) True Depends on customer usage

This column stores the path of an image file for an individual. This is currently not used in Interaction Desktop. You can set a value for this field, but Interaction Desktop does not use it to display images for individuals (contacts). 4.0 Release
IndivURL nvarchar2 (255) True Depends on customer usage

This column stores the Internet link (URL) for an individual. 4.0 Release
WebLogin nvarchar2 (100) True Yes

This column stores the web login user id for an individual. 4.0 Release
WebPassword nvarchar2 (64) True No

This column stores the password for weblogin for an individual. 4.0 Release
WebPasswordKey number True No

This column stores the key for a password for weblogin for an individual. 4.0 Release
ModifyDateTime timestamp True No

This column stores the date time value for when the record was last modified. 4.0 Release
OrgID char (22) True No

This column stores the organization Id for the Organization this individual belongs to. Refer to the Organization table for more information about organizations configured in your system. 4.0 Release
Active number False No

This column stores a value indicating whether or not an individual is an active individual or not. 4.0 Release
IsPrivate number False No

This column stores a value indicating whether or not an individual is private. If an individual (contact) is marked as private then only the creator of the individual and administrators can access the details about the contact. 4.0 Release
LocID char (22) True No

This column stores the location Id for the location this individual belongs to. Refer to the Locations table for more information about locations configured in your system. 4.0 Release
SiteID number True No

Stores the identifier for the site that an individual (contact) is associated with. 4.0 Release
Version integer False No

Stores the version of the individual (contact). The version field is used to track changes to individuals. 4.0 Release
AppIndivID nvarchar2 (255) True Yes

This field can be used as a customization point. It can represent anything that meets the need of a business. 4.0 Release
ICUserID nvarchar2 (50) True Yes

If an individual is an Interaction Center User, this column stores the Interaction Center user identifier for the user. 4.0 Release
OwnerID nvarchar2 (50) True No

This column stores the Interaction Center User ID of the Interaction Center User that created the individual (contact). 4.0 Release
ExtID nvarchar2 (255) True Yes

This column stores the identifier in an external system for an individual that was imported from an external source. Currently, there is no Interaction Center process that populates this column. 4.0 Release
ExtSource nvarchar2 (64) True Depends on customer usage

This column stores the name of the external source that an individual was imported from. Currently, there is no Interaction Center process that populates this column. 4.0 Release
UserSecChecksum integer True No

A checksum value to ensure that the individual changes are modified by authorized means. 4.0 Release


Primary Key Name Type Column Name (sort order)
PK_Individual Clustered IndivID (Ascending)

Primary Key Name Column Name (sort order)
PK_Individual IndivID (Ascending)

Foreign Key Name Column Reference Table Reference Column Indexed
FK_Individual_IndivTypeID IndivTypeID IndivType IndivTypeID Yes
FK_Individual_TitleID TitleID Title TitleID Yes
FK_Individual_OrgID OrgID Organization OrgID Yes
FK_Individual_LocID LocID Location LocID Yes

Foreign Key Name Column Reference Table Reference Column Indexed
FK_Individual_IndivTypeID IndivTypeID IndivType IndivTypeID Yes
FK_Individual_TitleID TitleID Title TitleID Yes
FK_Individual_OrgID OrgID Organization OrgID Yes
FK_Individual_LocID LocID Location LocID Yes

Index Name Type Column Name (sort order)
IX_Ind_AppIndivID_ExtSource Non-clustered AppIndivID (Ascending)
ExtSource (Ascending)
IX_Ind_ExtID_ExtSource Non-clustered ExtID (Ascending)
ExtSource (Ascending)
IX_Ind_UserId_Active Non-clustered ICUserID (Ascending)
ACTIVE (Ascending)
IX_Ind_LocID_Act_LN_FN_MN_Pvt Non-clustered LocID (Ascending)
Active (Descending)
LastName (Ascending)
FirstName (Ascending)
MiddleName (Ascending)
IsPrivate (Ascending)
IX_Indiv_covering Non-clustered LastName (Ascending)
FirstName (Ascending)
MiddleName (Ascending)
OrgID (Ascending)
LocID (Ascending)
IndivTypeID (Ascending)
Active (Descending)
IsPrivate (Ascending)
IX_Indiv_LocID_Act_ICUID_Pvt Non-clustered LocID (Ascending)
Active (Descending)
ICUserID (Ascending)
IsPrivate (Ascending)
IX_Indiv_OrgID_Act_ICUID_Pvt Non-clustered OrgID (Ascending)
Active (Descending)
ICUserID (Ascending)
IsPrivate (Ascending)
IX_Individual_ICUserID Non-clustered ICUserID (Ascending)
IX_Individual_LastName Non-clustered LastName (Ascending)
IX_Individual_OwnerID Non-clustered OwnerID (Ascending)
IX_Individual_SPINTX_RCL Non-clustered IndivID (Ascending)
IndivTypeID (Ascending)
OrgID (Ascending)
LocID (Ascending)

Index Name Column Name (sort order)
ExtSource (Ascending)
ExtSource (Ascending)
Active (Descending)
LastName (Ascending)
FirstName (Ascending)
MiddleName (Ascending)
IsPrivate (Ascending)
IX_INDIV_COVERING LastName (Ascending)
FirstName (Ascending)
MiddleName (Ascending)
OrgID (Ascending)
LocID (Ascending)
IndivTypeID (Ascending)
Active (Descending)
IsPrivate (Ascending)
Active (Descending)
IsPrivate (Ascending)
Active (Descending)
IsPrivate (Ascending)
IndivTypeID (Ascending)
OrgID (Ascending)
LocID (Ascending)