Appendix G: SMS Delivery Receipts
Appendix G: SMS Delivery Receipts
SMS Delivery Receipts are used for tracking feedback from upstream carrier for delivery outbound messages per InteractionIdKey. SMS Delivery Receipts are tracked in the SMSDeliveryReceipts table for brokers that provide delivery receipts. There are
three possible test cases for tracking delivery receipts:
- The message was delivered by carrier successfully for the InteractionIDKey = N, SiteID = A and SeqNo = M. The amount of messages in the column ‘SuccessCount’ is increased by 1 for InteractionIDKey = N, SiteID = A and SeqNo = M. The
amount of attempts is increased by 1 in the column ‘AttemptCount’. for InteractionIDKey = N, SiteID = A and SeqNo = M.
- The message was not delivered by the carrier (its final delivery status was an error status) for the InteractionIDKey = N, SiteID = A and SeqNo = M. The amount of messages in the column ‘FailureCount’ is increased by 1 for InteractionIDKey
= N, SiteID = A and SeqNo = M. The amount of attempts is increased by 1 in the column ‘AttemptCount’. for InteractionIDKey = N, SiteID = A and SeqNo = M.
- CIC did not get any feedback from the upstream carrier. The amount of attempts is increased by 1 in the column ‘AttemptCount’ for InteractionIDKey = N, SiteID = A and SeqNo = M. (The ‘SuccessCount’ and ‘FailureCount’
columns are not updated if no final delivery status was provided by the carrier.)