Interval Queue Data

Interval Queue Data

This category of data includes the IAgentQueueStats, IWrkgrpQueueStats and IStatsGroup views. These views contain interval-based summary records that represent the activity that occurred for queues or queue-like objects in CIC. Distribution queues, custom statistics groups (or STIDs), and agents/users all represent types of queues in CIC. The values CIC collects for these queues include standard ACD management values such as:

  • Counts of interactions that entered the queue
  • Answered and abandoned counts
  • Interactions that flow out
  • Interactions that span the intervals

CIC also tracks most events that trigger counts regarding the time until the event occurred: tracking the total time to answer, abandon, or flow out.

Other examples include:

  • Time spent on interactions.
  • The time interactions spent on hold at an agent.
  • Time spent in an ACW (or After Call Work) state associated with an interaction.

Data Source

The system writes Interval data for agents, distribution queues, and statistics groups to the views using automated logging functions within StatServer. The output values can be customized in Interaction Administrator.

Type of information

The type of Interval Queue Data information includes counts of interaction entry, answer, abandon, or flow out, and it includes counts of the time taken to answer, abandon, or flow out. Time on interactions, time interactions spent on hold with an agent, and time agents spent in after call work (ACW) are included, as well. In the case of agent and distribution queues, it includes the staffing times for agents and time the agents were in particular states relative to the interval.

Report Types using this data

Agent performance queue and DNIS categories use Interval Queue data. This includes all of the Queue Period Statistics reports.


The Interval Queue Data views are interval-based, meaning that, rather than writing a record for every event, CIC stores totals for the events in memory for a period of time known as the interval. At the end of the interval, the system writes a summary record for all the events that occurred during the interval for an interaction, to the views. We often refer to this interval as the Queue Period Statistics (QPS) interval. For more information on setting the interval and other details of the Queue Period Statistics process, see Appendix B.

Comparing Queue Data

When you are trying to compare the data stored in the Interval Queue Data views, it is easy to be confused by the relationships that the various types of queues have to each other, and how this affects the data stored in the views. In addition, the meaning of many of the similarly named columns might be different relative to the level of queue assignment that each table represents.

Interval Queue Data Views
Data View Purpose


Stores information gathered for agent/user queues.


Stores information gathered for distribution queues.


Stores information gathered for statistics groups.

Model of hierarchy

A simple model of the queue hierarchy is:

Statistics Groups, which can contain distribution queues, which can contain agent/user queues.

In particular, it is important for you to understand the relationship that an agent/user queue has with any distribution queue of which the agent is a member. Agent/user queues are on a different queue level from distribution queues. When the system assigns interactions to a distribution queue and then goes through the ACD agent assignment process, the system also assigns them to agent/user queues in order to be answered. In this regard, you can say that agent/user queues are a sub-level of distribution queues. Although it appears that CIC assigns the interaction to only one queue, the distribution queue, it is actually assigning the interaction to two queues, with the addition of the agent/user queue assignment, before being answered. The statistics in the views show the effect of these assignments. For instance, you can only count an interaction as answered once relative to each queue assignment. This means that if an agent takes a distribution queue interaction that has already been answered once by another agent in the distribution queue, CIC re-assigns that interaction to the other agent/user queue. Because the interaction has not left the distribution queue, CIC does not re-assign it at the distribution queue level. The interaction maintains its current assignment at the distribution queue level, and even though the interaction is answered again by a different agent, it is not answered again by the distribution queue.

An example of a common mistake arising out of not understanding these queue level assignments happens when one compares the nAnsweredACD count of a distribution queue with the sum of the nAnsweredACD counts of all the agents who are members of the distribution queues. You can only do this by comparing the IwrkgrpQueueStats view-based Distribution Queue Performance reports with the IagentQueueStats view-based Agent Performance reports. Customers often report that they see a discrepancy in the total number of interactions answered by the distribution queue, because the total number of answered interactions in the Agent Performance reports often appear higher than the total seen in the Distribution Queue Performance reports. However, the discrepancy is due to the difference in the type of queue each report is reporting. Distribution Queue Performance reports are based on interactions handled by distribution queues. Agent Performance reports are based on interactions handled by Agent/User queues.

When an agent first answers a distribution queue interaction, CIC counts the interaction towards the distribution queue’s answered interaction total AND the agent’s queue answered interaction total. However, if the agent then transfers the interaction to another agent, who is also a member of the same queue, CIC does not count the interaction again towards the distribution queue’s answered interaction total, but it does count it towards the second agent’s answered interaction total. Same interaction, two different agents, equals one interaction for the distribution queue and one interaction for each agent queue. If you try to add up the total of all interactions answered by agent queues, hopefully you can see that this total might not match the total number of interactions answered by the distribution queue.

The only way you can get the same interaction to be counted as answered multiple times for a distribution queue would be to transfer the interaction out of the queue in a way that allows it to be reassigned to the distribution queue. Another way of saying this is that CIC only counts an interaction as answered once relative to a queue assignment. This rule applies to all types of queues: distribution queues, agent/user queues, and the special statistic identifier queues.

Report Groups

Report groups provide a way to sub-group interactions associated with a queue. You can use them to separate interactions based on, for example, DNIS or skills. A report group is simply an attribute of an interaction that CIC assigns to the interaction before placing it in a queue, either by the system automatically or by a handler using the Assign Report Group tool. You cannot change the report group of an interaction while it is in a queue. In the Interval Queue Data views, agent queues, based on agent membership, automatically generate one report group row per interval for each distribution queue. Distribution queues generate a row for each custom report group assigned to the interaction entering the queue. A special "*" or summary report group represents the sum of all activity for the agent or distribution queue in the interval based on the cType hierarchy implemented. There will be a "*" row for every level of hierarchy. See Record Type Hierarchy later in this document for more information.

Record Type Hierarchy

The Interval Queue Data views (IAgentQueueStats, IStatsGroup, and IWrkgrpQueueStats) contain two columns, cHKey3, and cHKey4, to expand the number of possible record types that the system stores in these views. This record type hierarchy structure allows for reporting by up to four levels of information. An example is, a report that groups interactions by agent, distribution queue, interaction type, and wrap up code.

The cName, cReportGroup, cHKey3, and cHKey4 columns form a flexible four-part key that uniquely defines each row within the record type hierarchy. The elements in the key form a hierarchy of record type values from the most significant to the least significant identifier. Although this hierarchy key uniquely defines the row for the purposes of the hierarchy, a unique indexed row in the view requires the additions of the SiteId, SubSiteId, dIntervalStart and I3TimeStampGMT values.

cType remains as the type of queue (agent/user, distribution queue, and statistics group) and defines the overall hierarchy. For this reason, we often refer to the hierarchy as the cType hierarchy. cName is the first level of the cType hierarchy and the system uses it to store the name of the agent, distribution queue, or statistics group associated with the record. cReportGroup is the second level of the cType hierarchy and the type of value the system stores changes, depending on the view. cHKey3 is the third member and cHKey4 is the fourth member of the key and the type of value the system stores in these columns also changes, depending on the view. For information on how you can use the cType hierarchy for each queue type, see the examples under each Interval Queue Data view description.

The cReportGroup column uses a single asterisk (*) to represent all interactions for the cName, providing a summary group. This is consistent with other views, such as ILineGroupStats, and it enables easier localization.

There is a "-", or unspecified output row that CIC usually uses for tracking interactions that do not have any report group assigned. These unspecified "-" rows only appear when you must log a child in the hierarchy, but there is no specific value for the parent. An example is logging an interaction type without setting any report group. The keys would have to be “Distribution queue”, "-", “Interaction Object”, and similar values.

By default, CIC does not log interaction types in logs 110, 111 and 112 unless you specify the system to do so. Interaction types are logged automatically in log 10. To activate the logging of data by the interaction type, from Interaction Administrator open the Server Configuration dialog. On the Report Configuration page, select the Generate Media Type Reporting data check box.

When you activate the data collection, the hierarchies are as follows:

  • A = UserId / Distribution Queue / Report Group / Interaction Type
  • W = Distribution Queue / Report Group / Interaction Type
  • S = STID / Report Group / Interaction Type

When you do not activate the data collection, the hierarchies are as follows:

  • A = UserId / Distribution Queue / Report Group
  • W = Distribution Queue / Report Group
  • S = STID / Report Group

Interaction Types

Interaction types include the following possible values:

0 = Calls

1 = Web chats

4 = Generic object

5 = Email object

6 = Callback object

7 = Instant Question

8 = Browser sync

9 = Dual Form web interaction

10 = Interaction Web session

11 = Monitor object

12 = Interaction Recorder object

13 = SMS object

How an Interaction becomes an ACD Interaction

You should note that the Interval Queue Data views include columns of ACD and non-ACD data, and sometimes the difference is subtle or difficult for you to determine. What distinguishes an ACD interaction from a non-ACD interaction is whether the ACD tools in a handler acts on the interaction. For example, an interaction that the system transfers directly to an agent rather than to a queue would be a non-ACD interaction. Interactions that CIC does not distribute via the ACD tools can still appear on ACD distribution queues, so it is possible for you to have both ACD and non-ACD values relative to these queues. For the most part, CIC stores data for interactions that are explicitly ACD interactions in columns. The names of these columns in the views include ACD as a suffix, or as a portion of the name. CIC places data for non-ACD related interactions under either the ALL group row totals or stores the data in columns in the views where the name does NOT include ACD as a suffix, or as a portion of the name. It is possible, however, for CIC to store ACD related data for interactions in columns that do not include the ACD suffix, or ACD as a portion of the name.

Here is a comparison between two columns that appear to be the same, nAnswered and nAnsweredAcd. The column nAnswered includes ACD and non-ACD interactions that were answered, whereas nAnsweredACD includes only ACD interactions that were answered.

The columns tAgentLoggedIn and tAgentAvailable are examples of columns that do not include ACD in their name because the columns relate specifically to the agent and not the interaction type.

The column tAcw is an example of a value that is typically related to ACD interactions because it is time accumulated in an After Call Work state that usually happens after an ACD interaction, but it does not have to be after an ACD interaction. Because of this ambiguity, we do not include ACD in its name.

tAgent Values

CIC collects Agent staffing or availability values, relative to the queue and interval, also in the IAgentQueueStats and IWrkgrpQueueStats views. These values can include:

  • Time logged in to the queue during the interval.
  • Time available during the interval to take an ACD interaction.
  • Time spent in various other states or statuses associated with the queue by interval.

We consider most of the tAgent columns to be agent-staffing statistics because you can use them to track or forecast—usually using third-party workforce scheduling software—agent staffing levels. The agent’s state, which is the sum of all ACD activity, interaction activity, and logged-in state rolled up together, is the only thing that controls these numbers. The interactions agents place or receive help determine the agent state, but these interactions do not directly determine the values in the tAgent statistics. Rather it is the ACD system and other parts of the system that determine if the agent is available. Note that the tAgent values cannot be compared to the information CIC stores in the Agent Activity Table, except in very simple environments.

For non-interval-based agent state data, see the section on "Agent Activity Table," earlier in this document.

Views Breakdown

The interval queue data with this version has been made into views consisting of two or more underlying tables. This section generally describes the views but for specifics breakdown, each of the view is described in greater detail in the corresponding section below. The presence of the views is meant that the implementation of the underlying data structure is hidden from the users. Please note that the following discussion is not a pre-requisite for understanding the CIC Data Dictionary concept.

The breakdown of interval queue data achieves two optimizations. The first optimization is that the string-intensive record hierarchy (or simply keys) does not get repeated for every interval period. Instead, these keys get translated into a numerical identifier. The second optimization comes from the benefit of not having to insert an interval queue data row to represent single dimensional status related statistics (or simply status related statistics) while leaving the other statistics filled with zero’s.

Some status related statistics are not broken down to the level of granularity that the combination of keys represents. For example, the statistics tAgentLoggedIn for a given agent (that is, a row in IAgentQueueStats view), is defined as:

“The time, in seconds, that the agent was logged in to the client.“

Consider that this time applies irrespective of the distribution queue that the agent belongs to (or cReportGroup) or which media type that the agent performs (or cHKey4 in IAgentQueueStats view when media type reporting is enabled). Stated differently, one can either be logged in, and thus logged in onto all of the workgroups he or she belongs to or not.

Please note that not all tAgent* statistics always apply to this rule. Moreover, a status related statistics in one particular interval queue data may not automatically make it so on other interval queue data. Consider the statistics tAgentAcdLoggedIn. It is defined as:

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was logged in, activated in the queue, and available to take interactions in a status that has the Status allows ACD calls box checked. By default, only the Available status has this box checked. All three conditions must be met to count toward tAgentAcdLoggedIn time. This column does not count the time an agent is actively engaged in ACD interactions, for example, talking on ACD calls.

This statistic can be used to track Idle Time.

Since the statistics is defined per distribution queue, the statistics indeed contains more than one dimension for IAgentQueueStats interval queue data. This includes the agent and the distribution queue the agent belongs to. The same statistics however, is considered as a status related statistics in IWrkGrpQueueStats. That is, the statistics is not broken down to which media type or skills that the distribution queue was associated with.

This rule of the breakdown applies to the IAgentQueueStats and IWrkgrpQueueStats. For these interval queue data, those statistics that contains only a single dimension belong to the Status table while those statistics that does cut across more than one dimension go to Statistics table. IStatsGroup contains no status related statistics and so there is no corresponding status table for this interval queue data.

The views introduction also includes a new set of tables that are common across the interval queue data views. These periphery tables are best described with the following figure:

Interval Queue Periphery Tables
Table Purpose


Stores the relationship between the report hierarchies and a unique identifier DimensionSet.


Stores the relationship DimensionSet and time, dIntervalStart into a unique identifier StatisticsSet. As dIntervalStart continues to increase, StatisticsSet will do as well. About 4 billion unique identifier can exists at the same time before requiring the table to be purged.


Stores historical configuration settings for service level and reference them as ConfigurationSet. The system re-uses the ConfigurationSet should the settings remain unchanged.

Delayed Interactions that Span an Interval

Because the Interval Queue Data views consist of records that show the sum of interaction activity for an interval, you might wonder what happens to interactions that span the interval. An example of a spanned interaction, also known as a delayed interaction, is an interaction that enters the ACD queue in the first interval, but is not answered until the second interval. This interaction shows up in the nEnteredAcd column of interval 1, but does not show up in the nAnsweredAcd column of interval 1. However, in interval 2 it registers in nAnsweredAcd, but not nEnteredAcd.

Since nEnteredAcd includes interactions where the system has not yet determined the end condition (any of the delayed interactions might be answered or might be abandon in the next interval), you need to count Total Answered (nAnsweredAcd) + Total Abandon (nAbandonedAcd) + Total Overflow (nFlowOutAcd) to get a count of the total number of interactions handled in an interval. This formula is better than nEnteredAcd alone because it removes the ambiguity of the delayed interactions.

The effect of delayed interactions is less severe in summary reports that include multiple intervals, such as a summary report for an entire day, unless your site handles interactions 24 hours a day.


Abandoned queue interactions occur on a distribution queue when a queue interaction disconnects before it enters a Client_Connected state (that is, an agent or user picks it up). In the Queue Period Statistics reports, abandons are the number of ACD related queue interactions that abandoned the queue during the interval.

Abandons include:

  • Disconnects before the queue interaction is connected to a user or agent. This only includes remote disconnects. CIC has special processing to count local disconnects as answered, then disconnected.
  • Interactions that go to a Voice mail box assigned to the ACD. To the ACD system, they are simply seen as queue interactions that disconnect while on the workgroup queue. To avoid having voice mail interactions count as abandons you must first transfer the interaction out of the queue. This is usually to a specially-setup, voice-mail-only queue. Voice mail interactions will then show up as flow outs rather than abandons.
  • Interactions that go to a voice mail box assigned to the user/agent queue where the agent never answers the interaction.
  • Interactions in the queue that might—or might not—be waiting for an agent that eventually remote disconnect without ever speaking to an agent. An example would be a caller listening to an IVR, and hangs up.
  • Queue interactions that transfer from one workgroup queue to another workgroup queue, where no agent ever answers the queue interaction in the first workgroup queue, will not show up as abandons. They will only show as flow outs.

Flow Outs

CIC defines flow outs as queue interactions that are removed from a queue without reaching an inactive state. Queue interactions have an inactive state that is used to mark the interaction for deletion by the ACD subsystem after the interaction has either been answered or abandoned. The most common reason for an interaction to leave the queue and not reach an inactive state—a flow out—is a queue interaction that is transferred. A transferred interaction is an interaction that is moved to another distribution queue or user queue by anything other than the ACD subsystem. This includes queue interactions that transfer from one distribution queue to another distribution queue, whether or not an agent answers the queue interaction in the first distribution queue. A user can transfer an interaction manually, or a system handler can transfer an interaction automatically.

Other reasons for flow outs:

  • If an Agent grabs an interaction from a queue, and the agent is not a member of that workgroup, CIC considers the interaction as a flow out. If an Agent grabs an interaction from a workgroup queue, and the agent is a member of that workgroup, the interaction is counted as Answered. Note that ACD interactions waiting for an agent are not owned by any agent until the ACD subsystem assigns the interaction to an agent.
  • When looking at agent queue data, an agent that did not answer a queue interaction (which then went to the next available agent) will show the queue interaction as a flow out on their user queue. This type of interaction also counts towards the nNotAnsweredAcd statistic on their user queue.
  • Another possible reason for a flow out to occur is from hunt group alerts. A multiple alert for hunt group places the same interaction on multiple user/agent queues. CIC considers the interaction a flow out in each of the user queues where the users do not answer. This means a large number of flow outs can be generated for each member of the hunt group when using this type of interaction routing. Note that these flow outs would not appear on the distribution queue statistics of the queue that is setup as a hunt group.

Interactions that CIC does not consider flow outs:

  • ACD interactions that go to voice mail, unless they are transferred to another queue first.
  • An abandon interaction is never counted as a flow out, because when a queue interaction abandons, the system marks it inactive and removes it from the queue.
  • Queue interactions that span one of the Queue Period Statistics intervals are not removed from the queue, so CIC does not consider them flow outs. You can determine how many interactions spanned a given interval by looking at the combination of WaitAlertAcdQueue, ActiveAcdQueue, and HeldAcdQueue interactions, with the start or end prefix added so you can look at it from either the previous or current interval.

Grabbed and Transferred Interaction Counts

The value for flow outs on ACD queues is primarily made up of transferred and grabbed interactions. However, the individual statistics for grabbed interactions and transferred interactions are not currently very exact. CIC still stores values in the database for these events but you should not consider them reliable. The statistic for flow outs is reliable, however you cannot break it down to show how many flow out interactions are the result of grabs or transfers.

There are various ways you can avoid grabbing interactions. You can add the users that are grabbing the interactions to the queue, and then assign skills to the interaction and the users so these new users are the last ones the system assigns the interactions. By doing this, you avoid the problem of tracking interactions that are grabbed, by reducing or eliminating grabs.

Conference Calls and Transferred Interactions

CIC tracks the number of interactions that are transferred within the distribution queue. CIC considers an ACD interaction transferred between agents within the same group as counting towards the agent’s answered total, but does not count these transfers towards the overall ACD queue total for answered interactions.

This is not because CIC does not know the source. CIC does this by design because it is not correct to count the call as entering the distribution queue more than once, when it clearly does not. The call never leaves the distribution queue when it is transferred between agents, and as far as a manager is concerned, the distribution queue has only received one call. Since the distribution queue only received one call, CIC does not count multiple answers of the call or the counts will not balance.

CIC never again counts an interaction as answered within the ACD distribution queue, even if it is transferred to another agent, once an interaction reaches a Client_Connected state in that ACD distribution queue. An interaction transferred directly to an agent rather than to a queue is a non-ACD interaction.

For conference calls, the system treats the original call as an ACD interaction, but the conference call, unless an agent makes it directly to an ACD queue, is a direct call to an extension or an external number and is treated as such. If another agent in the queue joins the conference, CIC considers it a non-ACD interaction for the agent. A call is only an ACD interaction if it ACD tools in a handler have manipulated it. If the original agent drops out, it does not change the call status. The call remains an ACD interaction. The original agent who answered the call gets all of the ACD statistics related to the call. The call is a non-ACD interaction for everyone else on the conference call.

Call Direction Counters

CIC counts consult transfers as nInternToInternCalls for the agent that places the consult interaction. The same is true for conference calls. The view column nInternToInternCalls shows up on some of the reports as NonAcdInbound with the addition of nExternToInternCalls. Because of this, CIC calculates the statistic for NonAcdInboundCalls from two values in the SQL views, nExternToInternCalls and nInternToInternCalls on some of the Distribution Queue Performance reports, The view column NonAcdInboundCalls include internal interactions, not just external interactions. Note that internal inbound interactions include all internal to internal calls, whether the agent placed or received the interaction. CIC currently has no way of determining the direction of internal interactions, so we include outbound internal to internal interactions.

Service Levels

The Service Level statistics in the Interval Queue Data views are based on the number of interactions answered within the specified number of seconds by the queue. The service level concept has been drastically improved in this version. The first improvement is to have the settings to be configurable per workgroup and media type. In addition to that, the number of service level distribution bucket is no longer limited to six. The second improvement is the inclusion of these configurable settings historically in the database for each of the corresponding statistics. And last but not least, a new concept of service level target statistics are introduced.

Service Level settings can be configured in Interaction Administration under each of the corresponding workgroup container. These settings will eventually make it to the database on the corresponding queue period statistics views. The settings will be stored in a string database field in the following XML format:


              <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                  <VALUE ID="[ID#]">[VALUE]</VALUE>
                  <VALUE ID="[ID#]">[VALUE]</VALUE>

Where [ID#] is the numeric identifier starting with 1 and [VALUE] is the number of seconds that the bucket would include up to, inclusively.

As the queue period statistics summarizes statistics across workgroups and media types, not every row would have the service level stored. On these summary rows, the bucket index are considered equivalent even when the settings are not. Stated differently, the row Marketing and “*” media type first bucket represent the first bucket for all of its underlying media types regardless of their settings.

As statistics group period have no workgroup and media type association, the service level configuration for those type of data will continue to be defined globally. The setting for QueuePeriodStatisticsServiceThresholds will continue to be a list of queue service level thresholds consisting of an increasing sequence of seconds separated by commas. For example, "10,20,30,40,50,60" indicates service level thresholds set at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 seconds. This is the default setting for CIC. Several of the standard reports also depend on this default setting.

Changes to any of the service level settings will not take effect until the next queue period interval (default at 30 minutes). This is to avoid having a queue period interval with multiple service level settings. This guarantees that the service level configuration stored for a given queue period row truly reflects by the statistics represented.

More than six distribution buckets can be configured without the use of the custom fields. The additional buckets or the overflow buckets are stored in a separate table that can be easily accessed with the use of some provided views. Though it is possible to configure the settings with onerous buckets, it is not recommended. Much processing will be incur on these buckets as call activities may impact a number of buckets at the same time. Also, the views are limited to pull the first fourteen buckets including the first six buckets though any additional buckets will be logged to the database. Please refer to the corresponding sections below for details on them.

The concept of service level target is introduced with this release. The target is simply another service level distribution bucket but it is meant to represent a binary outcome: whether the call made it inside the target or not. Similar to the distribution settings, the target setting gets historically stored in the database under its own field.

Queue Period Statistics Interval Periphery Tables


The StatDimensions table stores the relationship between the report hierarchies set and a unique identifier field called DimensionSet. The system reuses the DimensionSet value for identical report hierarchies set. Note that since time is not part of the report hierarchies set, the number of records in this table should be relatively manageable.

Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
DimensionSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. 4.0 Release
SummDimensionSet int True No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies for summary dimensions. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with this table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) False No

Type of Queue statistics data.

Value Description
A; Agent
W Workgroup
S Statistics Group 4.0 Release
cDimension1 nvarchar (50) False Yes

First dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cDimension2 nvarchar (50) False Depends on customer usage

Second dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cDimension3 nvarchar (50) False No

Third dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cDimension4 nvarchar (50) False No

Fourth dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
DimensionSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. 4.0 Release
SummDimensionSet number True No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies for summary dimensions. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with this table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) True No

Type of Queue statistics data.

Value Description
A; Agent
W Workgroup
S Statistics Group 4.0 Release
cDimension1 nvarchar2 (50) True Yes

First dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cDimension2 nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Second dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cDimension3 nvarchar2 (50) True No

Third dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cDimension4 nvarchar2 (50) True No

Fourth dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release


Primary Key Name Type Column Name (sort order)
PK_StatDim_DimSet Clustered DimensionSet (Ascending)

Primary Key Name Column Name (sort order)
pk_sd_alldim DimensionSet (Ascending)

Foreign Key Name Column Reference Table Reference Column Indexed
FK_StatDimensions_SummStatDim SummDimensionSet StatDimensions DimensionSet Yes

Foreign Key Name Column Reference Table Reference Column Indexed
FK_StatDimensions_SummStatDim SummDimensionSet StatDimensions DimensionSet Yes

Index Name Type Column Name (sort order)
SD_CDim1Covering Unique non-clustered cDimension1 (Ascending)
cDimension2 (Ascending)
cDimension3 (Ascending)
cDimension4 (Ascending)
cType (Ascending)
SD_SummDimSet Non-clustered SummDimensionSet (Ascending)
cDimension1 (Ascending)

Index Name Column Name (sort order)
SD_DIMSET_IDX cDimension1 (Ascending)
cDimension2 (Ascending)
cDimension3 (Ascending)
cDimension4 (Ascending)
cType (Ascending)
SD_SUMMDIMSET SummDimensionSet (Ascending)
cDimension1 (Ascending)


As StatDimension table defines the what statistics, StatProfile defines the when. Each DimensionSet identifier combined with the dIntervalStart column in this table make up into another uniquely identifier field called StatisticsSet. This field can thus be used to identify all of the dimensions of any given queue period statistics.

As time always progresses in any of the queue period statistics views, the StatisticsSet is thus continue to be increasing. Because of this, a substantially large value ranges is made available. Over 4 billion records (and twice of that in an Oracle environment) can exist before the identifier wraps around. Even in the most strenuous system combine with the longest retention time for the queue period statistics data, the number of records in any given type of queue period statistics is expected to never reach this maximum count.

Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
StatisticsSet int False No

A unique identifier referencing this row. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet int False No

The report hierarchies set that the above StatisticsSet represents. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies set using StatDimensions table. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart datetime False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides that the above StatisticsSet represents. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times may be visible in the reports. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT datetime False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
SiteId smallint False No

Site identifier of the source for this record. Used in multi-site installations to distinguish the origin of the record. Configured when setting up CIC. 4.0 Release
nDuration int False No

The duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non-standard length. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC datetime True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet int False No

The unique identifier representing the service level configuration settings when this statistics was tabulated. 4.0 Release
SchemaMajorVersion tinyint False No

The major version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
SchemaMinorVersion tinyint False No

The minor version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
StatisticsSet number False No

A unique identifier referencing this row. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet number False No

The report hierarchies set that the above StatisticsSet represents. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies set using StatDimensions table. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart date False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides that the above StatisticsSet represents. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times may be visible in the reports. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT date False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
SiteId number False No

Site identifier of the source for this record. Used in multi-site installations to distinguish the origin of the record. Configured when setting up CIC. 4.0 Release
nDuration number False No

The duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non-standard length. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC date True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet number False No

The unique identifier representing the service level configuration settings when this statistics was tabulated. 4.0 Release
SchemaMajorVersion number False No

The major version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
SchemaMinorVersion number False No

The minor version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release


Primary Key Name Type Column Name (sort order)
PK_StatProfile Clustered StatisticsSet (Ascending)

Primary Key Name Column Name (sort order)
pk_sp_ss StatisticsSet (Ascending)

Foreign Key Name Column Reference Table Reference Column Indexed
FK_StatProfile_StatDim DimensionSet StatDimensions DimensionSet Yes
FK_StatProfile_DQConf ConfigurationSet DQConfig ConfigurationSet Yes

Foreign Key Name Column Reference Table Reference Column Indexed
fk_statprofile_ds DimensionSet StatDimensions DimensionSet Yes
fk_statprofile_cs ConfigurationSet DQConfig ConfigurationSet Yes

Index Name Type Column Name (sort order)
SP_DimSetCovering Unique non-clustered DimensionSet (Ascending)
dIntervalStart (Ascending)
I3TimeStampGMT (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)
SP_dIntCovering Non-clustered dIntervalStart (Ascending)
DimensionSet (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)
nDuration (Ascending)
SP_I3TimSit Non-clustered I3TimeStampGMT (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)

Index Name Column Name (sort order)
SPRO_DIMSETCOVERING DimensionSet (Ascending)
dIntervalStart (Ascending)
I3TimeStampGMT (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)
SPRO_DINTCOVERING dIntervalStart (Ascending)
DimensionSet (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)
nDuration (Ascending)
SPRO_I3TIMSIT I3TimeStampGMT (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)


Service Level statistics depend on the definition that was in effect at the time the statistics was being gathered. Relying on IA for historical service level configuration settings may not provide an accurate picture what the service level statistics represented because the configuration might have been changed. Because of this need, the service level configuration settings are included with the underlying statistics so that the historical settings can be maintained.

For every distinct service level configuration settings, a unique identifier is introduced and is maintained in this table. The identifier is referred as ConfigurationSet. As only distinct settings make it to this table, the size of this table is expected be small.

Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
ConfigurationSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing this service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC datetime False No

The UTC time that this service level configuration was introduced. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel int False No

First dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels varchar (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
ConfigurationSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing this service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC date False No

The UTC time that this service level configuration was introduced. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel number False No

First dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels nvarchar2 (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. 4.0 Release


Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
ConfigurationSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing this service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC datetime False No

The UTC time that this service level configuration was introduced. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel int False No

First dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels varchar (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
ConfigurationSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing this service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC date False No

The UTC time that this service level configuration was introduced. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel number False No

First dimension. The possible values depend on the type of data. Please refer to each of the queue period data. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels nvarchar2 (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. 4.0 Release

Agent Queue Period Statistics Interval View

In CIC, all Agent/Users have their own User Queue that is responsible for presenting interactions directed to the agent/user. Interactions on the user queue appear in the My Interactions box on the Interactions page of the Interaction Client. The Agent Queue Statistics Interval view (IAgentQueueStats) contains the interval interaction statistics associated with the Agent/Users User Queue. For more information on agent state and status reporting unrelated to the QPS interval, see the "Agent Activity Table" section earlier in this document.

StatServer’s automated logging inserts data into the underlying tables that get consolidated into a view. In addition to the periphery tables described in greater detail earlier in the document, the agent queue statistics view uses two underlying tables: AgentStatistics and AgentStatus. The system can generate multiple records for each agent during the same interval.

CIC adds new records as:

  • One for each distribution queue the agent is a member of.
  • One record for the special "*" or summary report group that represents the sum of all interaction activity for the Agent during the interval.
  • One for each custom report group, if any, assigned to interactions that are handled by the agent.

You might notice that some of the columns present in the Agent Queue Statistics view are not used. This is due to the initial design for CIC reporting views in earlier product versions. The columns remain to minimize the changes and lessen the impact on custom reports. For example, there are service level columns for agents, but we do not use them often since service level is usually not meaningful relative to a user queue.

This view is structurally similar to IWrkgrpQueueStats and contains tAgent values. For more information on comparing interval queue data, see the section on "Interval Queue Data" earlier in the document.

Note Duplicate data might be noticed during the end of Daylight Saving Time (DST) or during a dual primary switchover. To resolve issues with duplicate data, use the IAgentQueueStats_NoDups view for your query.

Important Note

The statistics from tAgent* columns are based on Agents' status changes and interaction state changes. Other ACD statistics from columns such as tExternToInternCalls, tExterntoInternACDcalls, and tTalkACD, are based only on interaction state changes. When reporting on Agent statistics, columns that contain only interaction state changes will not always match to tAgent* columns that contain interaction state changes and status changes. For Agent calculations, use ACD statistics from columns based only on interaction state changes and not on statistics from tAgent* columns.

cType Hierarchy

The Agent Queue Statistics Interval log normally only contains data defined for the cType = ‘A’ hierarchy. This hierarchy is defined by the following attributes associated with an interaction—in order— ‘Agent’|‘Distribution Queue’ | ‘Report Group’ | ‘Interaction Type’.

This would mean for cType = ‘A’, that cName is the user or agent taking the interaction. cReportGroup is the system-assigned distribution queue name. cHKey3 is a report group that CIC assigns to an interaction and cHKey4 is the Interaction Type. The single asterisk, "*", in a column represents that this record applies to the ALL or the summary group of the previous column. The single dash, "-", in a column represent a null or blank value for the column. For more information, see the Record Type Hierarchy section in the Interval Queue Data summary.

Examples of values:

cType cName cReportGroup cHKey3 cHKey4 Explanation






Agent1 summary


Agent 1

Queue 1



User1 by Queue1 summary


Agent 1




User1 without report group, but subdivided by interaction media type.


Agent 1

Queue 1



User1 by Queue1 without report group, but sub-divided by email interaction type.


Agent 1

Queue 2



User1 by Queue2 without report group, but subdivided by chat interaction type.


Agent 2

Queue 2



User2 by Queue2 summary


Agent 2

Queue 2



User2 by Queue2 and report group, DNIS-4444, summary


Agent 2

Queue 2



User2 by Queue2 and report group, DNIS-4444, and call interaction type

Physical Attributes

Log Identifier Log Name View Name


Agent Queue Statistics Interval Log


Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet int False No

A unique identifier representing this row. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar (50) False Yes

Name of the Agent/User queue that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar (50) False Depends on customer usage

Subgroup for cName. Agent/User queues automatically have a report group for each distribution queue that they are a member of. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that may be assigned to interactions that the agent handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar (50) False Yes

Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that might be assigned to interactions that the distribution queue handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar (50) False No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) False No

Type of Queue statistics data. In the case of the Agent Queue Statistics Interval view, an A will be entered to signify the type is Agent/User. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart datetime False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times may be visible in the reports. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC datetime True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration int False No

The duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
nEnteredAcd int True No

The number of ACD related queue interactions that entered this queue during the interval. An interaction is considered ACD related if it has been operated upon by any of the ACD interaction handling tools. nEnteredAcd includes interactions whose end condition is not yet determined. Any interactions that are not answered or abandoned in the current interval might be answered or might abandon in the next interval. 4.0 Release
nAbandonedAcd int True No

The number of ACD related queue interactions that abandoned this queue during the interval. Interactions that transfer from one distribution queue to another distribution queue, where no agent ever answers the interaction in the first distribution queue, will not show up in nAbandonedACD or nTransferACD. They will only show in nFlowOutAcd. 4.0 Release
nGrabbedAcd int True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAcd int True No

Number of ACD queue interactions that were disconnected locally. A local disconnect is defined as a disconnect by a CIC agent/user or the CIC system. A remote disconnect comes from the external party or phone company. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAlertAcd int True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were alerting in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAcd int True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nAlertedAcd int True No

Number of ACD related queue interactions that were in an Alerting state while in this queue. Note that interactions which transition to Alerting more than once are only counted once. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcd int True No

Number of ACD related queue interactions that were answered by the agent. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a Client_Connected state with an agent. This number can exceed nEnteredACD for the agent's queue because interactions can enter the queue in the previous interval and then be answered in the current interval. Interactions are only answered once relative to the agent queue assignment. 4.0 Release
nAnswered int True No

Number of all interactions—ACD and non-ACD—that were answered by the agent. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a Client_Connected state with an agent. See nAnsweredAcd for more information. 4.0 Release
nAcdSvcLvl int True No

Number of seconds in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more info. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the second service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the third service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fourth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fifth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the sixth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the second service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the third service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fourth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fifth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the sixth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
tGrabbedAcd int True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
tAnsweredAcd int True No

The sum of the time in seconds of all ACD interactions that were in queue before entering a Client_Connected state. 4.0 Release
mtAnsweredAcd int True No

The maximum time in seconds that an interaction was in the queue before entering a Client_Connected state. 4.0 Release
tAbandonedAcd int True No

The sum of the time in seconds all abandoned ACD interactions were in queue before they abandoned. 4.0 Release
tTalkAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent from when they first entered a Client_Connected state until the time the ACD interactions went inactive or flowed out of the queue.

It is possible to have talk time appear in an interval without having any new ACD interactions for that interval. The time comes from ACD interactions that connected in that interval.

Interactions might have entered the queue in the previous interval. It is possible to have talk time on a chat. Think of tTalkAcd as the time an interaction is active with an agent.

Note tTalkACD is the time an interaction is active with an agent, including any Hold time with the agent during the interaction. 4.0 Release
tTalkCompleteAcd int True No

Counts the total talk time of a call in the period in which it completed, unlike tTalkAcd which counts the talk time for each period it is counted in. 4.0 Release
nHoldAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were placed on hold while in this queue. 4.0 Release
tHoldAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent on hold while in this queue. 4.0 Release
nSuspendedAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
tSuspendedAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nHeldSpanAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nAcw int True No

Counts the number of ACW sessions completed in the given period except manually initiated ACW sessions. 4.0 Release
tAcw int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, the agent spent in an After Call Work status, also known as wrap up time. The count starts when an interaction goes inactive, usually due to a local or remote disconnect, and ends when the agent leaves the After Call Work status. This value may or may not include non-ACD interactions depending on how the statuses are setup.

Note tACW is the time in follow-up that is directly associated with an interaction. Follow-up without an ACD interaction (agent selected with no previously disconnected ACD interaction) will not be in tACW. The tACW value will only be recorded in rows of queue statistics directly associated with the interaction. It will not be in any other workgroup, media type, or skill associated rows. 4.0 Release
tAcwComplete int True No

Counts the total ACW Time for the completed ACW sessions. This includes the total time for each session even if it spanned multiple statistic intervals. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternCalls int True No

Number of interactions, ACD and non-ACD, originating from external locations and connecting to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternCalls int True No

Number of all interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternCalls int True No

Number of all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. Internal to internal calls are counted as inbound calls whether the agent placed or received the call because CIC has no way of determining the direction of internal calls. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Calls transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD call. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to external locations. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to external locations. 4.0 Release
tInternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tInternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Interactions transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD interaction. 4.0 Release
nAcwCalls int True No

Number of outbound interactions made by the agent during After Call Work time. If the agent places an interaction after handling an ACD interaction, that interaction, or any other interaction placed during the ACW time, is considered a nACWcall. nACWCall is also accumulated when an agent puts an ACD interaction on hold and places a consult call with another party. CIC assumes that any call placed with an ACD interaction on hold is nACWCall activity.

CIC actually caches the last set of containers associated with the agent's last ACD interaction. This cache is reset any time the agent answers another ACD interaction. When CIC sees an ACD interaction or conditions on the agent queue that would count as an AcwCall, it processes the time and the count against the cached container list. It is done this way because the ACD interaction that made this association might actually be dead and gone from the system by the time the AcwCall event occurs. 4.0 Release
tAcwCalls int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent spent on outbound interactions during After Call Work time. Also see nAcwCalls. 4.0 Release
nTransferedAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions transferred while on this queue. The destination could have been another agent in the same distribution queue, an agent outside of the distribution queue, or a call that was transferred from one workgroup queue to another workgroup queue by a user without beingconnected to a user.

Only set for Callinteraction types. 4.0 Release
nNotAnsweredAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were not answered when presented to the agent as an Alerting interaction. nNotAnsweredAcd interactions will also count towards nFlowOutAcd 4.0 Release
tAlertedAcd int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, ACD interactions spent in an Alerting state on this user queue. Also referred to as Ring time. 4.0 Release
nFlowOutAcd int True No

The number of ACD interactions that flowed out during this interval. Flow outs are defined as queue interactions that were removed from a queue without reaching an inactive state. Queue interactions have an inactive state that is used to mark the interaction for deletion by the ACD subsystem after the interaction has either been answered or abandoned. The most common reason for an interaction to not reach an inactive state, and thus flow out, would be a queue interaction that is transferred.

Also, nNotAnsweredAcd. towards nFlowOutAcd.

Another possible reason for a flow out to occur would be from hunt group alerts. A multiple alert for hunt group places the same interaction on multiple user/agent queues. The interaction is considered a flow out in each of the user queues were the users do not answer. This would mean a large number of flow outs could be generated for each member of the hunt group when using this type of interaction routing. 4.0 Release
tFlowOutAcd int True No

Sum of seconds ACD interactions were in queue before being counted in nFlowOutAcd. See nFlowOutAcd for more information. 4.0 Release
nStartWaitAlertAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartActiveAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were active with the agent at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartHeldAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were held at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndWaitAlertAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndActiveAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are active with the agent at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndHeldAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are held at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nTransferWithinAcdCalls int True No

Currently not implemented in this release. 4.0 Release
nTransferOutAcdCalls int True No

Currently not implemented in this release. 4.0 Release
nDisconnectAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions that disconnected while still on the queue, or were transferred to another queue while connected to an agent. Interactions that abandon while in the queue are included, whereas interactions that leave the queue before being connected to an agent (flow outs) are not. The main utility of this value is in validating that all interactions that entered the queue were counted correctly. 4.0 Release
tAgentLoggedIn int True No

The time, in seconds, that the agent was logged in to the client. This time is divided between the agent's statuses in tAgentOnAcdCall, tAgentOnOtherAcdCal, tAgentInAcw, tAgentOnNonAcdCall, tAgentAvailable, tAgentDnd, and tAgentNotAvailable.

The values in these status fields are adjusted up or down so their sum equals tAgentLoggedIn. Because rounding differences can cause loss of seconds whenever one time is summed as parts broken down by seconds, rounded values are adjusted to insure there is no difference in the sum. 4.0 Release
tAgentAvailable int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, agents were in an available status, whether or not the agent is activated. This column relates specifically to the agent and not the interaction type, meaning it is not limited to ACDavailable statuses or ACD workgroups. Ring time is currently included in the tAgentAvailable time. 4.0 Release
tAgentTalk int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was on ACD interactions from first Client_Connected until end of ACW for this queue.

Note tAgentTalk is tTalkACD + tACW, and should be thought of as tHandleTime. 4.0 Release
tAgentOtherBusy int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was working on interactions (ACD and non-ACD) for queues other this one. 4.0 Release
tAgentOnAcdCall int True No

Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for the workgroup 4.0 Release
tAgentOnOtherAcdCall int True No

Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for other workgroups 4.0 Release
tAgentInAcw int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds the agent was in an After Call Work state.

Note tAgentInAcw is for the Workgroup and User rows of statistics that are associated with tACW, and will include the tACW time. For other rows, tACW will not be included in tAgentInAcw, but instead will be counted as ACD time of another Workgroup and be in tAgentOnOtherAcdCall and tAgentOtherBusy. For non-ACW time, manual follow-up not associated with an ACD interaction, the time in a follow-up status will be included in tAgentInAcw and tAgentStatusACW. 4.0 Release
tAgentOnNonAcdCall int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds the agent was working on non-ACD interactions. 4.0 Release
tAgentDnd int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in a Do Not Disturb state. Also, tAgentDND is part of a set of values that must always sum up to tAgentLoggedIn. It is driven by the combination of ACD availability and client status. 4.0 Release
tAgentNotAvailable int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was not available to take ACD interactions, but was logged in to the system. 4.0 Release
tAgentAcdLoggedIn int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was logged in, activated in the queue, and available to take interactions in a status that has the Status allows ACD calls box checked. By default, only the Available status has this box checked. All three conditions must be met to count toward tAgentAcdLoggedIn time. This column does not count the time an agent is actively engaged in ACD interactions, for example, talking on ACD calls. This statistic can be used to track Idle Time. 4.0 Release
tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 int True No

Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn but the agent's status has no effect to this statistic. 4.0 Release
tAgentStatusDnd int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in a Do Not Disturb status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as DND, then DND time is accumulated. The value can differ from tAgentDND. If agents are allowed to set their status to a DND status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is DND, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusDND. 4.0 Release
tAgentStatusAcw int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in an After call Work status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as ACW, then ACW time is accumulated. The value can differ from tAgentInAcw. If agents are allowed to set their status to an ACW status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is ACW, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusAcw.

Note tAgentStatusACW is any time spent in a follow-up Status. This attribute is one of the agent only statistics so it is not found in rows of statistics below Work Group/Distribution Queue and User Queue, i.e., Media Type and Skill. 4.0 Release
tAgentLoggedInDiluted int True No

Not meaningful relative to an agent queue because an agent cannot be a member of more than one agent queue. See IWrkgrpQueueStats. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupFollowup int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Followup.

A status group is any grouping of agent status messages. There are five predefined groups in CIC: Available, Break, Followup, Training, and Unavailable. Beyond just grouping statuses, status groups provide a way to track specific time in a status as part of the interval information of an agent or distribution queue. See the StatusGroup column in the AgentActivityLog table for more information.

It is possible to define your own custom groups. See the online help in Interaction Administrator for more information. It is also possible to make the group to status mapping a one to one mapping. No grouping is actually forced, just encouraged.

Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupFollowup column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup row, and the value is populated only for the workgroup summary row. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupBreak int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Break. See tStatusGroupFollowup for more information.

Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupBreak column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup summary row. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupTraining int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Training. See tStatusGroupFollowup for more information.

Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupTraining column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup summary row. 4.0 Release
CustomValue1 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue2 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue3 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue4 int True No

The default value is set to mtAbandonedACD. The mtAbandonedACD is the maximum amount of time a customer waited before they abandoned in an interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue5 int True No

The default value is set to nMessageACD. The NMessageACD is the number of ACD interactions that went to a message state, voice mail for interactions, during the interval. Please note that subtracting this value from nAbandonedACD will not give you a true voice mail count, since it is possible for interactions to go in and out of voice mail several times, or for an interaction to be answered and then sent to voice mail.

If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue6 int True No

The default value is set to nRequestedSuperAssis tACD. NRequestSuperAssistA CD is the number of supervisor-assist requests that were placed from the clients for ACD interaction during the interval.

If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
nAllInternToExternCalls int True No

Sum of nInternToExternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nInternToExternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
nAllInternToExternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of nInternToExternAcdCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nInternToExternAcdCalls when ReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllInternToExternCalls int True No

Sum of tInternToExternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as tInternToExternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllInternToExternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of tInternToExternAcdCalls for the current User (cName). Same as tInternToExternAcdCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllTalkAcd int True No

Sum of tTalkAcd for the current User (cName). Same as tTalkAcd when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllHoldAcd int True No

Sum of tHoldAcd for the current User (cName). Same as tHoldAcd when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentOnAcdCall int True No

Sum of tAgentOnAcdCall for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentOnAcdCall when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
nAllInternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of nInternToInternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nInternToInternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
nAllExternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of nExternToInternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nExternToInternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
nAllExternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of nExternToInternAcdCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nExternToInternAcdCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllExternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of tExternToInternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as tExternToInternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllExternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of tExternToInternAcdCalls for the current User (cName). Same as tExternToInternAcdCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentAvailable int True No

Sum of tAgentAvailable for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentAvailable when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentInAcw int True No

Sum of tAgentInAcw for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentInAcw when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentStatusDnd int True No

Sum of tAgentStatusDnd for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentStatusDnd when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentLoggedIn int True No

Sum of tAgentLoggedIn for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentLoggedIn when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentAcdLoggedIn2 int True No

Sum of tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentAcdLoggedIn int True No

Sum of tAgentAcdLoggedIn for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
SiteId smallint False No

Site identifier of the source for this record. Used in multi-site installations to distinguish the origin of the record. Configured when setting up CIC. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId int False No

Currently not used. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT datetime False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
SummDimensionSet int True No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies for summary dimensions. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel int False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels varchar (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
SchemaMajorVersion tinyint False No

The major version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
SchemaMinorVersion tinyint False No

The minor version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet number False No

A unique identifier representing this row. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar2 (50) True Yes

Name of the Agent/User queue that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Subgroup for cName. Agent/User queues automatically have a report group for each distribution queue that they are a member of. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that may be assigned to interactions that the agent handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar2 (50) True Yes

Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that might be assigned to interactions that the distribution queue handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) True No

Type of Queue statistics data. In the case of the Agent Queue Statistics Interval view, an A will be entered to signify the type is Agent/User. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart date False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times may be visible in the reports. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC date True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration number False No

The duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
nEnteredAcd number True No

The number of ACD related queue interactions that entered this queue during the interval. An interaction is considered ACD related if it has been operated upon by any of the ACD interaction handling tools. nEnteredAcd includes interactions whose end condition is not yet determined. Any interactions that are not answered or abandoned in the current interval might be answered or might abandon in the next interval. 4.0 Release
nAbandonedAcd number True No

The number of ACD related queue interactions that abandoned this queue during the interval. Interactions that transfer from one distribution queue to another distribution queue, where no agent ever answers the interaction in the first distribution queue, will not show up in nAbandonedACD or nTransferACD. They will only show in nFlowOutAcd. 4.0 Release
nGrabbedAcd number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAcd number True No

Number of ACD queue interactions that were disconnected locally. A local disconnect is defined as a disconnect by a CIC agent/user or the CIC system. A remote disconnect comes from the external party or phone company. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAlertAcd number True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were alerting in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAcd number True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nAlertedAcd number True No

Number of ACD related queue interactions that were in an Alerting state while in this queue. Note that interactions which transition to Alerting more than once are only counted once. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcd number True No

Number of ACD related queue interactions that were answered by the agent. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a Client_Connected state with an agent. This number can exceed nEnteredACD for the agent's queue because interactions can enter the queue in the previous interval and then be answered in the current interval. Interactions are only answered once relative to the agent queue assignment. 4.0 Release
nAnswered number True No

Number of all interactions—ACD and non-ACD—that were answered by the agent. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a Client_Connected state with an agent. See nAnsweredAcd for more information. 4.0 Release
nAcdSvcLvl number True No

Number of seconds in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more info. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the second service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the third service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fourth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fifth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the sixth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the second service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the third service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fourth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fifth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the sixth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. 4.0 Release
tGrabbedAcd number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
tAnsweredAcd number True No

The sum of the time in seconds of all ACD interactions that were in queue before entering a Client_Connected state. 4.0 Release
mtAnsweredAcd number True No

The maximum time in seconds that an interaction was in the queue before entering a Client_Connected state. 4.0 Release
tAbandonedAcd number True No

The sum of the time in seconds all abandoned ACD interactions were in queue before they abandoned. 4.0 Release
tTalkAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent from when they first entered a Client_Connected state until the time the ACD interactions went inactive or flowed out of the queue.

It is possible to have talk time appear in an interval without having any new ACD interactions for that interval. The time comes from ACD interactions that connected in that interval.

Interactions might have entered the queue in the previous interval. It is possible to have talk time on a chat. Think of tTalkAcd as the time an interaction is active with an agent.

Note tTalkACD is the time an interaction is active with an agent, including any Hold time with the agent during the interaction. 4.0 Release
tTalkCompleteAcd number True No

Counts the total talk time of a call in the period in which it completed, unlike tTalkAcd which counts the talk time for each period it is counted in. 4.0 Release
nHoldAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were placed on hold while in this queue. 4.0 Release
tHoldAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent on hold while in this queue. 4.0 Release
nSuspendedAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
tSuspendedAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nHeldSpanAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nAcw number True No

Counts the number of ACW sessions completed in the given period except manually initiated ACW sessions. 4.0 Release
tAcw number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, the agent spent in an After Call Work status, also known as wrap up time. The count starts when an interaction goes inactive, usually due to a local or remote disconnect, and ends when the agent leaves the After Call Work status. This value may or may not include non-ACD interactions depending on how the statuses are setup.

Note tACW is the time in follow-up that is directly associated with an interaction. Follow-up without an ACD interaction (agent selected with no previously disconnected ACD interaction) will not be in tACW. The tACW value will only be recorded in rows of queue statistics directly associated with the interaction. It will not be in any other workgroup, media type, or skill associated rows. 4.0 Release
tAcwComplete number True No

Counts the total ACW Time for the completed ACW sessions. This includes the total time for each session even if it spanned multiple statistic intervals. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternCalls number True No

Number of interactions, ACD and non-ACD, originating from external locations and connecting to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternCalls number True No

Number of all interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternCalls number True No

Number of all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. Internal to internal calls are counted as inbound calls whether the agent placed or received the call because CIC has no way of determining the direction of internal calls. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Calls transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD call. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to external locations. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to external locations. 4.0 Release
tInternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tInternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Interactions transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD interaction. 4.0 Release
nAcwCalls number True No

Number of outbound interactions made by the agent during After Call Work time. If the agent places an interaction after handling an ACD interaction, that interaction, or any other interaction placed during the ACW time, is considered a nACWcall. nACWCall is also accumulated when an agent puts an ACD interaction on hold and places a consult call with another party. CIC assumes that any call placed with an ACD interaction on hold is nACWCall activity.

CIC actually caches the last set of containers associated with the agent's last ACD interaction. This cache is reset any time the agent answers another ACD interaction. When CIC sees an ACD interaction or conditions on the agent queue that would count as an AcwCall, it processes the time and the count against the cached container list. It is done this way because the ACD interaction that made this association might actually be dead and gone from the system by the time the AcwCall event occurs. 4.0 Release
tAcwCalls number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent spent on outbound interactions during After Call Work time. Also see nAcwCalls. 4.0 Release
nTransferedAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions transferred while on this queue. The destination could have been another agent in the same distribution queue, an agent outside of the distribution queue, or a call that was transferred from one workgroup queue to another workgroup queue by a user without beingconnected to a user.

Only set for Callinteraction types. 4.0 Release
nNotAnsweredAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were not answered when presented to the agent as an Alerting interaction. nNotAnsweredAcd interactions will also count towards nFlowOutAcd 4.0 Release
tAlertedAcd number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, ACD interactions spent in an Alerting state on this user queue. Also referred to as Ring time. 4.0 Release
nFlowOutAcd number True No

The number of ACD interactions that flowed out during this interval. Flow outs are defined as queue interactions that were removed from a queue without reaching an inactive state. Queue interactions have an inactive state that is used to mark the interaction for deletion by the ACD subsystem after the interaction has either been answered or abandoned. The most common reason for an interaction to not reach an inactive state, and thus flow out, would be a queue interaction that is transferred.

Also, nNotAnsweredAcd. towards nFlowOutAcd.

Another possible reason for a flow out to occur would be from hunt group alerts. A multiple alert for hunt group places the same interaction on multiple user/agent queues. The interaction is considered a flow out in each of the user queues were the users do not answer. This would mean a large number of flow outs could be generated for each member of the hunt group when using this type of interaction routing. 4.0 Release
tFlowOutAcd number True No

Sum of seconds ACD interactions were in queue before being counted in nFlowOutAcd. See nFlowOutAcd for more information. 4.0 Release
nStartWaitAlertAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartActiveAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were active with the agent at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartHeldAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were held at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndWaitAlertAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndActiveAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are active with the agent at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndHeldAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are held at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nTransferWithinAcdCalls number True No

Currently not implemented in this release. 4.0 Release
nTransferOutAcdCalls number True No

Currently not implemented in this release. 4.0 Release
nDisconnectAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions that disconnected while still on the queue, or were transferred to another queue while connected to an agent. Interactions that abandon while in the queue are included, whereas interactions that leave the queue before being connected to an agent (flow outs) are not. The main utility of this value is in validating that all interactions that entered the queue were counted correctly. 4.0 Release
tAgentLoggedIn number True No

The time, in seconds, that the agent was logged in to the client. This time is divided between the agent's statuses in tAgentOnAcdCall, tAgentOnOtherAcdCal, tAgentInAcw, tAgentOnNonAcdCall, tAgentAvailable, tAgentDnd, and tAgentNotAvailable.

The values in these status fields are adjusted up or down so their sum equals tAgentLoggedIn. Because rounding differences can cause loss of seconds whenever one time is summed as parts broken down by seconds, rounded values are adjusted to insure there is no difference in the sum. 4.0 Release
tAgentAvailable number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, agents were in an available status, whether or not the agent is activated. This column relates specifically to the agent and not the interaction type, meaning it is not limited to ACDavailable statuses or ACD workgroups. Ring time is currently included in the tAgentAvailable time. 4.0 Release
tAgentTalk number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was on ACD interactions from first Client_Connected until end of ACW for this queue.

Note tAgentTalk is tTalkACD + tACW, and should be thought of as tHandleTime. 4.0 Release
tAgentOtherBusy number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was working on interactions (ACD and non-ACD) for queues other this one. 4.0 Release
tAgentOnAcdCall number True No

Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for the workgroup 4.0 Release
tAgentOnOtherAcdCall number True No

Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for other workgroups 4.0 Release
tAgentInAcw number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds the agent was in an After Call Work state.

Note tAgentInAcw is for the Workgroup and User rows of statistics that are associated with tACW, and will include the tACW time. For other rows, tACW will not be included in tAgentInAcw, but instead will be counted as ACD time of another Workgroup and be in tAgentOnOtherAcdCall and tAgentOtherBusy. For non-ACW time, manual follow-up not associated with an ACD interaction, the time in a follow-up status will be included in tAgentInAcw and tAgentStatusACW. 4.0 Release
tAgentOnNonAcdCall number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds the agent was working on non-ACD interactions. 4.0 Release
tAgentDnd number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in a Do Not Disturb state. Also, tAgentDND is part of a set of values that must always sum up to tAgentLoggedIn. It is driven by the combination of ACD availability and client status. 4.0 Release
tAgentNotAvailable number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was not available to take ACD interactions, but was logged in to the system. 4.0 Release
tAgentAcdLoggedIn number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was logged in, activated in the queue, and available to take interactions in a status that has the Status allows ACD calls box checked. By default, only the Available status has this box checked. All three conditions must be met to count toward tAgentAcdLoggedIn time. This column does not count the time an agent is actively engaged in ACD interactions, for example, talking on ACD calls. This statistic can be used to track Idle Time. 4.0 Release
tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 number True No

Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn but the agent's status has no effect to this statistic. 4.0 Release
tAgentStatusDnd number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in a Do Not Disturb status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as DND, then DND time is accumulated. The value can differ from tAgentDND. If agents are allowed to set their status to a DND status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is DND, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusDND. 4.0 Release
tAgentStatusAcw number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in an After call Work status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as ACW, then ACW time is accumulated. The value can differ from tAgentInAcw. If agents are allowed to set their status to an ACW status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is ACW, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusAcw.

Note tAgentStatusACW is any time spent in a follow-up Status. This attribute is one of the agent only statistics so it is not found in rows of statistics below Work Group/Distribution Queue and User Queue, i.e., Media Type and Skill. 4.0 Release
tAgentLoggedInDiluted number True No

Not meaningful relative to an agent queue because an agent cannot be a member of more than one agent queue. See IWrkgrpQueueStats. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupFollowup number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Followup.

A status group is any grouping of agent status messages. There are five predefined groups in CIC: Available, Break, Followup, Training, and Unavailable. Beyond just grouping statuses, status groups provide a way to track specific time in a status as part of the interval information of an agent or distribution queue. See the StatusGroup column in the AgentActivityLog table for more information.

It is possible to define your own custom groups. See the online help in Interaction Administrator for more information. It is also possible to make the group to status mapping a one to one mapping. No grouping is actually forced, just encouraged.

Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupFollowup column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup row, and the value is populated only for the workgroup summary row. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupBreak number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Break. See tStatusGroupFollowup for more information.

Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupBreak column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup summary row. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupTraining number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Training. See tStatusGroupFollowup for more information.

Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupTraining column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup summary row. 4.0 Release
CustomValue1 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue2 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue3 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue4 number True No

The default value is set to mtAbandonedACD. The mtAbandonedACD is the maximum amount of time a customer waited before they abandoned in an interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue5 number True No

The default value is set to nMessageACD. The NMessageACD is the number of ACD interactions that went to a message state, voice mail for interactions, during the interval. Please note that subtracting this value from nAbandonedACD will not give you a true voice mail count, since it is possible for interactions to go in and out of voice mail several times, or for an interaction to be answered and then sent to voice mail.

If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue6 number True No

The default value is set to nRequestedSuperAssis tACD. NRequestSuperAssistA CD is the number of supervisor-assist requests that were placed from the clients for ACD interaction during the interval.

If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
nAllInternToExternCalls number True No

Sum of nInternToExternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nInternToExternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
nAllInternToExternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of nInternToExternAcdCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nInternToExternAcdCalls when ReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllInternToExternCalls number True No

Sum of tInternToExternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as tInternToExternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllInternToExternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of tInternToExternAcdCalls for the current User (cName). Same as tInternToExternAcdCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllTalkAcd number True No

Sum of tTalkAcd for the current User (cName). Same as tTalkAcd when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllHoldAcd number True No

Sum of tHoldAcd for the current User (cName). Same as tHoldAcd when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentOnAcdCall number True No

Sum of tAgentOnAcdCall for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentOnAcdCall when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
nAllInternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of nInternToInternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nInternToInternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
nAllExternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of nExternToInternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nExternToInternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
nAllExternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of nExternToInternAcdCalls for the current User (cName). Same as nExternToInternAcdCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllExternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of tExternToInternCalls for the current User (cName). Same as tExternToInternCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllExternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of tExternToInternAcdCalls for the current User (cName). Same as tExternToInternAcdCalls when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentAvailable number True No

Sum of tAgentAvailable for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentAvailable when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentInAcw number True No

Sum of tAgentInAcw for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentInAcw when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentStatusDnd number True No

Sum of tAgentStatusDnd for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentStatusDnd when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentLoggedIn number True No

Sum of tAgentLoggedIn for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentLoggedIn when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentAcdLoggedIn2 number True No

Sum of tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
tAllAgentAcdLoggedIn number True No

Sum of tAgentAcdLoggedIn for the current User (cName). Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn when cReportGroup = '*' for the cName in this interval. 4.0 Release
SiteId number False No

Site identifier of the source for this record. Used in multi-site installations to distinguish the origin of the record. Configured when setting up CIC. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId number True No

Currently not used. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT date False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
SummDimensionSet number True No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies for summary dimensions. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel number False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels nvarchar2 (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
SchemaMajorVersion number False No

The major version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
SchemaMinorVersion number False No

The minor version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release

AgentStatistics Table Definition

AgentStatistics Table

AgentStatus Table Definition

AgentStatus Table

Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval View

The Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval view (IWrkgrpQueueStats) contains interval-based interaction statistics associated with distribution queues. The automated StatServer’s logging inserts data into the underlying tables that make up this view for each workgroup/queue for which there was activity or agents logged in. In addition to the periphery tables described in greater detail earlier in the document, the workgroup queue statistics view uses two underlying tables: DQStatistics and DQStatus. CIC might generate multiple records for each distribution queue during the same interval. CIC adds new records to this view in this way:

  • One for each custom report group, if any, CIC assigns to interactions that are handled by the distribution queue.
  • One record for the special "*" or summary report group that represents the sum of all interaction activity for the distribution queue during the interval.

You might notice that some of the columns present in the Workgroup Queue Statistics view are not used. This is due to the initial design for CIC reporting tables in earlier product versions. The columns remain to minimize the changes and lessen the impact on custom reports.

This view is structurally similar to IAgentQueueStats and contains tAgent values. See the Interval Queue Data summary, earlier in this document, for more information on comparing interval queue data.

Note Duplicate data might be noticed during the end of Daylight Saving Time (DST) or during a dual primary switchover. To resolve issues with duplicate data, use the IWrkgrpQueueStats_NoDups view for your query.

Important Note

The statistics from tAgent* columns are based on Agents' status changes and interaction state changes. Other ACD statistics from columns such as tExternToInternCalls, tExterntoInternACDcalls, and tTalkACD, are based only on interaction state changes. When reporting on Agent statistics, columns that contain only interaction state changes will not always match to tAgent* columns that contain interaction state changes and status changes. For Agent calculations, use ACD statistics from columns based only on interaction state changes and not on statistics from tAgent* columns.

cType Hierarchy

The Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval view normally only contains data defined for the cType = ‘W’ hierarchy. This hierarchy is defined by the following attributes associated with an interaction (in order), ‘Distribution Queue’ | ‘Report Group’ | ‘Interaction Type’.

This means for cType = ‘S’, that cName is the statistics group name. cReportGroup is any report group CIC assigns to an interaction. CIC uses cHKey3 for the interaction type. CIC does not use cHKey4, so it will always be "*".The single asterisk, "*", in a column represents that this record applies to the ALL or the summary group of the previous column. The single dash, "-", in a column represent a null or blank value for the column. For more information, see "Record Type Hierarchy" earlier in this document.

Examples of values:

cType cName cReportGroup cHKey3 cHKey4 Explanation






Queue1 summary






Queue1 without a report group, but subdivided by call interaction type.






Queue1 without a report group but subdivided by chat interaction type.






Queue2 summary






Queue2 by report group, DNIS-4444, summary






Queue2 by report group, DNIS-4444, and call interaction type.

Physical Attributes

Log Identifier Log Name View Name


Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval


Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet int False No

A unique identifier representing this row. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar (50) False Depends on customer usage

Name of the distribution queue that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar (50) False Yes

Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that might be assigned to interactions that the distribution queue handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar (50) False No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar (50) False No

This represents the fourth level of hierarchy grouping in terms of reporting. This field will not be used in a typical implementation. This field will have a default value of '*'. For more information, see the record type hierarchy section in the Interval Queue Data summary. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) False No

Type of queue statistics data. In the case of the Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval view, a 'W' will be entered to signify the type is a distribution queue. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart datetime False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times might be visible in the reports. See Appendix B for more information. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC datetime True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration int False No

Duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
nEnteredAcd int True No

The number of ACD related queue interactions that entered this queue during the interval. An interaction is considered ACD related if it has been operated upon by any of the ACD interaction handling tools. nEnteredAcd includes interactions whose end condition is not yet determined. Any interactions that are not answered or abandoned in the current interval might be answered or might abandon in the next interval. An interaction is only counted as having entered once relative to this queue assignment. 4.0 Release
nAbandonedAcd int True No

The number of ACD related queue interactions that abandoned this queue during the interval. Interactions that transfer from one to another distribution queue where no agent ever answers the interaction in the first distribution queue will not show up in nAbandonedACD or nTransferACD. They will only show in nFlowOutAcd. See the section in the Interval Queue Data summary section earlier in this document for more information on abandons. 4.0 Release
nGrabbedAcd int True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAcd int True No

Number of ACD queue interactions that were disconnected locally. A local disconnect is defined as a disconnect by a CIC agent/user or the CIC system. A remote disconnect comes from the external party or phone company. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAlertAcd int True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were alerting in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAcd int True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nAlertedAcd int True No

Number of ACD related queue interactions that were in an 'Alerting' state while in this queue (interactions which transition to 'Alerting' more than once are only counted once). 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcd int True No

Number of ACD related queue interactions that were answered by agents that were members of this queue. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a 'Client_Connected' state with an agent. An interaction is only counted as answered once relative to this queue assignment. If the interaction is transferred to another agent within the same distribution queue and is answered by another agent, it is still only counted once. Voice mail interactions are considered abandons and do not count towards nAnsweredAcd. This value can exceed nEnteredACD for a distribution queue because interactions can enter the queue in the previous interval and be answered in the current interval. 4.0 Release
nAnswered int True No

Number of all interactions (ACD and non-ACD) that were answered by the agents that were members of this queue. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a 'Client_Connected' state with an agent. See nAnsweredAcd for more information. 4.0 Release
nAcdSvcLvl int True No

Number of seconds in the first service level. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section earlier in this document. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in second service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in third service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fourth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fifth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in sixth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in second service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in third service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fourth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fifth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in Sixth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
tGrabbedAcd int True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
tAnsweredAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, of all ACD interactions that were in queue before entering 'Client_Connected' state. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. 4.0 Release
mtAnsweredAcd int True No

The maximum time, in seconds, an ACD interaction was in the queue before entering a 'Client_Connected' state. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. 4.0 Release
tAbandonedAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all abandoned ACD interactions were in queue before they abandoned during this interval. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. 4.0 Release
tTalkAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent from when they first entered a 'Client_Connected' state until the time the ACD interactions went inactive or flowed out of the queue. It is possible to have talk time appear in an interval without having any new ACD interactions for that interval. The time comes from ACD interactions that connected in that interval. Interactions might have entered the queue in the previous interval.

It is possible to have talk time on a chat. Think of tTalkAcd as the time an interaction is active with an agent.

Note tTalkACD is the time an interaction is active with an agent, including any Hold time with the agent during the interaction. 4.0 Release
tTalkCompleteAcd int True No

Counts the total talk time of a call in the period in which it completed, unlike tTalkAcd which counts the talk time for each period it is counted in. 4.0 Release
nHoldAcd int True No

Number of ACD related interactions that were placed on hold while in this queue. 4.0 Release
tHoldAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent on hold while in this queue. 4.0 Release
nSuspendedAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
tSuspendedAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nHeldSpanAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nAcw int True No

Counts the number of ACW sessions completed in the given period except manually initiated ACW sessions. 4.0 Release
tAcw int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, agents spent in an After Call Work status (also known as wrap up time). The count starts when an interaction goes inactive (usually due to a local or remote disconnect) and ends when the agent leaves the 'After Call Work' status. This value may or may not include non-ACD interactions depending on how the statuses are setup.

Note tACW is the time in follow-up that is directly associated with an interaction. Follow-up without an ACD interaction (agent selected with no previously disconnected ACD interaction) will not be in tACW. The tACW value will only be recorded in rows of queue statistics directly associated with the interaction. It will not be in any other workgroup, media type, or skill associated rows. 4.0 Release
tAcwComplete int True No

Counts the total ACW Time for the completed ACW sessions. This includes the total time for each session even if it spanned multiple statistic intervals. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternCalls int True No

Number of interactions, ACD and non-ACD, originating from external locations and connecting to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternCalls int True No

Number of all interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternCalls int True No

Number of all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. Internal to internal calls are counted as inbound calls whether the agent placed or received the call because CIC has no way of determining the direction of internal calls. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Calls transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD call. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to external locations. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to external locations. (Not Implemented or used in current version, but it is set when using Interaction Dialer.) 4.0 Release
tInternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to internal extension. 4.0 Release
tInternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Interactions transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with an ACD interaction. 4.0 Release
nAcwCalls int True No

Number of outbound interactions made by agents during After Call Work time. If an agent places an interaction after handling an ACD interaction, that interaction, or any other interaction placed during the ACW time, is considered a nACWcall. nACWCall is also accumulated when an agent puts an ACD interaction on hold and places a consult call with another party. It is assumed that any call placed with an ACD interaction on hold is nACWCall activity.

CIC actually caches the last set of containers associated with the agent's last ACD interaction. This cache is reset any time the agent answers another ACD interaction. When CIC sees ACD or conditions on the agent that would count as an AcwCall, it processes the time and the count against the cached container list. It is done this way because the ACD interaction that made this association might actually be dead and gone from the system by the time the AcwCall event occurs. 4.0 Release
tAcwCalls int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent spent on outbound interactions during 'After Call Work' time. Also see nAcwCalls. 4.0 Release
nTransferedAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions transferred while on this queue. The destination could have been another agent in the same distribution queue, an agent outside of the distribution queue, or a call that was transferred from one workgroup queue to another workgroup queue by a user without being connected to a user.

Only set for Call interaction types. 4.0 Release
nNotAnsweredAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were not answered when presented to agents as an 'Alerting' interaction.

The nNotAnsweredAcd column is only incremented when an interaction that is presented to an agent as an 'Alerting' interaction is not answered and the interaction is removed from the queue without reaching an inactive state. For example, when a call enters a marketing queue and alerts agent1 and then agent--and neither agent answers the call--and agent3 is alerted and answers the call, nNotAnsweredAcd is incremented by 1 for agent1 and agent2, but is not incremented for agent3 and the marketing workgroup queue. 4.0 Release
tAlertedAcd int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, ACD interactions spent in an 'Alerting' state on agent queues. Also referred to as Ring time. 4.0 Release
nFlowOutAcd int True No

The number of ACD interactions that flowed out during this interval. Flow outs are defined as queue interactions that were removed from a queue without reaching an inactive state. Queue interactions have an inactive state that is used to mark the interaction for deletion by the ACD subsystem after the interaction has either been answered or abandoned. The most common reason for an interaction to not reach an inactive state, and thus flow out, would be a queue interaction that is transferred. nNotAnsweredAcd interactions will also count towards nFlowOutAcd 4.0 Release
tFlowOutAcd int True No

Sum of seconds ACD interactions were in queue before being counted in nFlowOutAcd. See nFlowOutAcd for more information. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. 4.0 Release
nStartWaitAlertAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartActiveAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were active with an agent at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartHeldAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were held at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndWaitAlertAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndActiveAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are active with an agent at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndHeldAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are held at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nTransferWithinAcdCalls int True No

Not implemented for this release. 4.0 Release
nTransferOutAcdCalls int True No

Not implemented for this release. 4.0 Release
nDisconnectAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions that disconnected while still on the queue, or were transferred to another queue while connected to an agent. Interactions that abandon while in the queue are included, whereas interactions that leave the queue before being connected to an agent (flow outs) are not. The main utility of this value is in validating that all interactions that entered the queue were counted correctly. 4.0 Release
tAgentLoggedIn int True No

The time, in seconds, that the agent was logged in to the client. This time is divided between the agent's statuses in tAgentOnAcdCall, tAgentOnOtherAcdCal, tAgentInAcw, tAgentOnNonAcdCall, tAgentAvailable, tAgentDnd, and tAgentNotAvailable.

The values in these status fields are adjusted up or down so their sum equals tAgentLoggedIn. Because rounding differences can cause loss of seconds whenever one time is summed as parts broken down by seconds, rounded values are adjusted to insure there is no difference in the sum. 4.0 Release
tAgentAvailable int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, agents were in an available status, whether or not the agent is activated. This column relates specifically to the agent and not the interaction type, meaning it is not limited to ACD-available statuses or ACD workgroups. Ring time is currently included in the tAgentAvailable time. 4.0 Release
tAgentTalk int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was on ACD interactions from first Client_Connected until end of ACW for this queue.

Note tAgentTalk is tTalkACD + tACW, and should be thought of as tHandleTime. 4.0 Release
tAgentOtherBusy int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were working on interactions (ACD and non-ACD) for queues other this one. 4.0 Release
tAgentOnAcdCall int True No

Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for the workgroup 4.0 Release
tAgentOnOtherAcdCall int True No

Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for other workgroups 4.0 Release
tAgentInAcw int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were in an 'After call Work' state.

Note tAgentInAcw is for the Workgroup and User rows of statistics that are associated with tACW, and will include the tACW time. For other rows, tACW will not be included in tAgentInAcw, but instead will be counted as ACD time of another Workgroup and be in tAgentOnOtherAcdCall and tAgentOtherBusy. For non-ACW time, manual follow-up not associated with an ACD interaction, the time in a follow-up status will be included in tAgentInAcw and tAgentStatusACW. 4.0 Release
tAgentOnNonAcdCall int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were working on non-ACD interactions. 4.0 Release
tAgentDnd int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in a Do Not Disturb state. Also, tAgentDnd is one of a group of values which might correlate to tAgentLoggedIn time. It is driven by the combination of ACD availability and client status. 4.0 Release
tAgentNotAvailable int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were not available to take ACD interactions, but were logged in to the system. 4.0 Release
tAgentAcdLoggedIn int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was logged in, activated in the queue, and available to take interactions in a status that has the 'Status allows ACD calls' box checked. By default, only the Available status has this box checked. All three conditions of the agent must be met to count toward tAgentAcdLoggedIn time: 1. Agent must be logged in; 2. Agent must be in a status that has Status Allows ACD calls selected; 3. Agent must be activated in the workgroup queue. This column does not count the time an agent is actively engaged in ACD interactions, for example, talking on ACD calls. Note: If given permission in IA, an agent can change his or her workgroup status in CIC clients, affecting individual workgroup totals.

This statistic can be used to track Idle Time. 4.0 Release
tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 int True No

Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn but the agent's status has no effect to this statistic. 4.0 Release
tAgentStatusDnd int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were in a 'Do Not Disturb' status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as DND, then DND time is accumulated. The value may differ from tAgentDND. If agents are allowed to set their status to a DND status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is DND, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusDND. 4.0 Release
tAgentStatusAcw int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were in an After Call Work status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as ACW, then ACW time is accumulated. The value may differ from tAgentInAcw. If agents are allowed to set their status to an ACW status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is ACW, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusAcw.

Note tAgentStatusACW is any time spent in a follow-up Status. This attribute is one of the agent only statistics so it is not found in rows of statistics below Work Group/Distribution Queue and User Queue, i.e., Media Type and Skill. 4.0 Release
tAgentLoggedInDiluted int True No

The diluted logged in time, in seconds, for agents who are members of this queue. Calculated by dividing the time the agents were logged in by the number of queues the agents were a member of. For example, if this queue has 10 agents who were only members of this queue and were logged in for 1800 seconds, the value would be 18000. If 5 of these agents became members of a second queue and were logged in for the same amount of time to the second queue, the value would be 900 x 5 which is 4500 plus 9000 (for the 5 agents who were not a member of any other queue) for a total of 13500. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupFollowup int True No

This value is not currently supported. IC-128607 Zeroed out tStatusGroupFollowup column
tStatusGroupBreak int True No

This value is not currently supported. IC-128607 Zeroed out tStatusGroupBreak column
tStatusGroupTraining int True No

This value is not currently supported. IC-128607 Zeroed out tStatusGroupTraining column
CustomValue1 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue2 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue3 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue4 int True No

The default value is set to mtAbandonedACD. The mtAbandonedACD column is the maximum amount of time a customer waited before they abandoned in an interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue5 int True No

The default value is set to nMessageACD. The column NMessageACD is the number of ACD interactions that went to a message state (voice mail for interactions) during the interval. It should be noted that subtracting this value from nAbandonedACD will not give you a true voice mail count, since it is possible for interactions to go in and out of voice mail several times or for an interaction to be answered and then sent to voice mail.

If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue6 int True No

The default value is set to nRequestedSuperAssistACD. NRequestSuperAssistACD is the number of supervisor-assist requests that were placed from the 'clients' for ACD interaction during the interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
SiteId smallint False No

Site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId int False No

Not used in this version. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT datetime False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
SummDimensionSet int True No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies for summary dimensions. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel int False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels varchar (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
SchemaMajorVersion tinyint False No

The major version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
SchemaMinorVersion tinyint False No

The minor version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet number False No

A unique identifier representing this row. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Name of the distribution queue that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar2 (50) True Yes

Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that might be assigned to interactions that the distribution queue handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This represents the fourth level of hierarchy grouping in terms of reporting. This field will not be used in a typical implementation. This field will have a default value of '*'. For more information, see the record type hierarchy section in the Interval Queue Data summary. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) True No

Type of queue statistics data. In the case of the Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval view, a 'W' will be entered to signify the type is a distribution queue. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart date False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times might be visible in the reports. See Appendix B for more information. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC date True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration number False No

Duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
nEnteredAcd number True No

The number of ACD related queue interactions that entered this queue during the interval. An interaction is considered ACD related if it has been operated upon by any of the ACD interaction handling tools. nEnteredAcd includes interactions whose end condition is not yet determined. Any interactions that are not answered or abandoned in the current interval might be answered or might abandon in the next interval. An interaction is only counted as having entered once relative to this queue assignment. 4.0 Release
nAbandonedAcd number True No

The number of ACD related queue interactions that abandoned this queue during the interval. Interactions that transfer from one to another distribution queue where no agent ever answers the interaction in the first distribution queue will not show up in nAbandonedACD or nTransferACD. They will only show in nFlowOutAcd. See the section in the Interval Queue Data summary section earlier in this document for more information on abandons. 4.0 Release
nGrabbedAcd number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAcd number True No

Number of ACD queue interactions that were disconnected locally. A local disconnect is defined as a disconnect by a CIC agent/user or the CIC system. A remote disconnect comes from the external party or phone company. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAlertAcd number True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were alerting in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAcd number True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nAlertedAcd number True No

Number of ACD related queue interactions that were in an 'Alerting' state while in this queue (interactions which transition to 'Alerting' more than once are only counted once). 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcd number True No

Number of ACD related queue interactions that were answered by agents that were members of this queue. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a 'Client_Connected' state with an agent. An interaction is only counted as answered once relative to this queue assignment. If the interaction is transferred to another agent within the same distribution queue and is answered by another agent, it is still only counted once. Voice mail interactions are considered abandons and do not count towards nAnsweredAcd. This value can exceed nEnteredACD for a distribution queue because interactions can enter the queue in the previous interval and be answered in the current interval. 4.0 Release
nAnswered number True No

Number of all interactions (ACD and non-ACD) that were answered by the agents that were members of this queue. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a 'Client_Connected' state with an agent. See nAnsweredAcd for more information. 4.0 Release
nAcdSvcLvl number True No

Number of seconds in the first service level. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section earlier in this document. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in second service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in third service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fourth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fifth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in sixth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in second service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in third service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fourth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fifth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in Sixth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
tGrabbedAcd number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
tAnsweredAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, of all ACD interactions that were in queue before entering 'Client_Connected' state. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. 4.0 Release
mtAnsweredAcd number True No

The maximum time, in seconds, an ACD interaction was in the queue before entering a 'Client_Connected' state. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. 4.0 Release
tAbandonedAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all abandoned ACD interactions were in queue before they abandoned during this interval. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. 4.0 Release
tTalkAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent from when they first entered a 'Client_Connected' state until the time the ACD interactions went inactive or flowed out of the queue. It is possible to have talk time appear in an interval without having any new ACD interactions for that interval. The time comes from ACD interactions that connected in that interval. Interactions might have entered the queue in the previous interval.

It is possible to have talk time on a chat. Think of tTalkAcd as the time an interaction is active with an agent.

Note tTalkACD is the time an interaction is active with an agent, including any Hold time with the agent during the interaction. 4.0 Release
tTalkCompleteAcd number True No

Counts the total talk time of a call in the period in which it completed, unlike tTalkAcd which counts the talk time for each period it is counted in. 4.0 Release
nHoldAcd number True No

Number of ACD related interactions that were placed on hold while in this queue. 4.0 Release
tHoldAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent on hold while in this queue. 4.0 Release
nSuspendedAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
tSuspendedAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nHeldSpanAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nAcw number True No

Counts the number of ACW sessions completed in the given period except manually initiated ACW sessions. 4.0 Release
tAcw number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, agents spent in an After Call Work status (also known as wrap up time). The count starts when an interaction goes inactive (usually due to a local or remote disconnect) and ends when the agent leaves the 'After Call Work' status. This value may or may not include non-ACD interactions depending on how the statuses are setup.

Note tACW is the time in follow-up that is directly associated with an interaction. Follow-up without an ACD interaction (agent selected with no previously disconnected ACD interaction) will not be in tACW. The tACW value will only be recorded in rows of queue statistics directly associated with the interaction. It will not be in any other workgroup, media type, or skill associated rows. 4.0 Release
tAcwComplete number True No

Counts the total ACW Time for the completed ACW sessions. This includes the total time for each session even if it spanned multiple statistic intervals. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternCalls number True No

Number of interactions, ACD and non-ACD, originating from external locations and connecting to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternCalls number True No

Number of all interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternCalls number True No

Number of all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. Internal to internal calls are counted as inbound calls whether the agent placed or received the call because CIC has no way of determining the direction of internal calls. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Calls transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD call. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to external locations. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to external locations. (Not Implemented or used in current version, but it is set when using Interaction Dialer.) 4.0 Release
tInternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to internal extension. 4.0 Release
tInternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Interactions transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with an ACD interaction. 4.0 Release
nAcwCalls number True No

Number of outbound interactions made by agents during After Call Work time. If an agent places an interaction after handling an ACD interaction, that interaction, or any other interaction placed during the ACW time, is considered a nACWcall. nACWCall is also accumulated when an agent puts an ACD interaction on hold and places a consult call with another party. It is assumed that any call placed with an ACD interaction on hold is nACWCall activity.

CIC actually caches the last set of containers associated with the agent's last ACD interaction. This cache is reset any time the agent answers another ACD interaction. When CIC sees ACD or conditions on the agent that would count as an AcwCall, it processes the time and the count against the cached container list. It is done this way because the ACD interaction that made this association might actually be dead and gone from the system by the time the AcwCall event occurs. 4.0 Release
tAcwCalls number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent spent on outbound interactions during 'After Call Work' time. Also see nAcwCalls. 4.0 Release
nTransferedAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions transferred while on this queue. The destination could have been another agent in the same distribution queue, an agent outside of the distribution queue, or a call that was transferred from one workgroup queue to another workgroup queue by a user without being connected to a user.

Only set for Call interaction types. 4.0 Release
nNotAnsweredAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were not answered when presented to agents as an 'Alerting' interaction.

The nNotAnsweredAcd column is only incremented when an interaction that is presented to an agent as an 'Alerting' interaction is not answered and the interaction is removed from the queue without reaching an inactive state. For example, when a call enters a marketing queue and alerts agent1 and then agent--and neither agent answers the call--and agent3 is alerted and answers the call, nNotAnsweredAcd is incremented by 1 for agent1 and agent2, but is not incremented for agent3 and the marketing workgroup queue. 4.0 Release
tAlertedAcd number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, ACD interactions spent in an 'Alerting' state on agent queues. Also referred to as Ring time. 4.0 Release
nFlowOutAcd number True No

The number of ACD interactions that flowed out during this interval. Flow outs are defined as queue interactions that were removed from a queue without reaching an inactive state. Queue interactions have an inactive state that is used to mark the interaction for deletion by the ACD subsystem after the interaction has either been answered or abandoned. The most common reason for an interaction to not reach an inactive state, and thus flow out, would be a queue interaction that is transferred. nNotAnsweredAcd interactions will also count towards nFlowOutAcd 4.0 Release
tFlowOutAcd number True No

Sum of seconds ACD interactions were in queue before being counted in nFlowOutAcd. See nFlowOutAcd for more information. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. 4.0 Release
nStartWaitAlertAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartActiveAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were active with an agent at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartHeldAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were held at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndWaitAlertAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndActiveAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are active with an agent at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndHeldAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are held at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nTransferWithinAcdCalls number True No

Not implemented for this release. 4.0 Release
nTransferOutAcdCalls number True No

Not implemented for this release. 4.0 Release
nDisconnectAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions that disconnected while still on the queue, or were transferred to another queue while connected to an agent. Interactions that abandon while in the queue are included, whereas interactions that leave the queue before being connected to an agent (flow outs) are not. The main utility of this value is in validating that all interactions that entered the queue were counted correctly. 4.0 Release
tAgentLoggedIn number True No

The time, in seconds, that the agent was logged in to the client. This time is divided between the agent's statuses in tAgentOnAcdCall, tAgentOnOtherAcdCal, tAgentInAcw, tAgentOnNonAcdCall, tAgentAvailable, tAgentDnd, and tAgentNotAvailable.

The values in these status fields are adjusted up or down so their sum equals tAgentLoggedIn. Because rounding differences can cause loss of seconds whenever one time is summed as parts broken down by seconds, rounded values are adjusted to insure there is no difference in the sum. 4.0 Release
tAgentAvailable number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, agents were in an available status, whether or not the agent is activated. This column relates specifically to the agent and not the interaction type, meaning it is not limited to ACD-available statuses or ACD workgroups. Ring time is currently included in the tAgentAvailable time. 4.0 Release
tAgentTalk number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was on ACD interactions from first Client_Connected until end of ACW for this queue.

Note tAgentTalk is tTalkACD + tACW, and should be thought of as tHandleTime. 4.0 Release
tAgentOtherBusy number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were working on interactions (ACD and non-ACD) for queues other this one. 4.0 Release
tAgentOnAcdCall number True No

Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for the workgroup 4.0 Release
tAgentOnOtherAcdCall number True No

Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for other workgroups 4.0 Release
tAgentInAcw number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were in an 'After call Work' state.

Note tAgentInAcw is for the Workgroup and User rows of statistics that are associated with tACW, and will include the tACW time. For other rows, tACW will not be included in tAgentInAcw, but instead will be counted as ACD time of another Workgroup and be in tAgentOnOtherAcdCall and tAgentOtherBusy. For non-ACW time, manual follow-up not associated with an ACD interaction, the time in a follow-up status will be included in tAgentInAcw and tAgentStatusACW. 4.0 Release
tAgentOnNonAcdCall number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were working on non-ACD interactions. 4.0 Release
tAgentDnd number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in a Do Not Disturb state. Also, tAgentDnd is one of a group of values which might correlate to tAgentLoggedIn time. It is driven by the combination of ACD availability and client status. 4.0 Release
tAgentNotAvailable number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were not available to take ACD interactions, but were logged in to the system. 4.0 Release
tAgentAcdLoggedIn number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was logged in, activated in the queue, and available to take interactions in a status that has the 'Status allows ACD calls' box checked. By default, only the Available status has this box checked. All three conditions of the agent must be met to count toward tAgentAcdLoggedIn time: 1. Agent must be logged in; 2. Agent must be in a status that has Status Allows ACD calls selected; 3. Agent must be activated in the workgroup queue. This column does not count the time an agent is actively engaged in ACD interactions, for example, talking on ACD calls. Note: If given permission in IA, an agent can change his or her workgroup status in CIC clients, affecting individual workgroup totals.

This statistic can be used to track Idle Time. 4.0 Release
tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 number True No

Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn but the agent's status has no effect to this statistic. 4.0 Release
tAgentStatusDnd number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were in a 'Do Not Disturb' status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as DND, then DND time is accumulated. The value may differ from tAgentDND. If agents are allowed to set their status to a DND status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is DND, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusDND. 4.0 Release
tAgentStatusAcw number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, agents were in an After Call Work status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as ACW, then ACW time is accumulated. The value may differ from tAgentInAcw. If agents are allowed to set their status to an ACW status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is ACW, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusAcw.

Note tAgentStatusACW is any time spent in a follow-up Status. This attribute is one of the agent only statistics so it is not found in rows of statistics below Work Group/Distribution Queue and User Queue, i.e., Media Type and Skill. 4.0 Release
tAgentLoggedInDiluted number True No

The diluted logged in time, in seconds, for agents who are members of this queue. Calculated by dividing the time the agents were logged in by the number of queues the agents were a member of. For example, if this queue has 10 agents who were only members of this queue and were logged in for 1800 seconds, the value would be 18000. If 5 of these agents became members of a second queue and were logged in for the same amount of time to the second queue, the value would be 900 x 5 which is 4500 plus 9000 (for the 5 agents who were not a member of any other queue) for a total of 13500. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupFollowup number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupBreak number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
tStatusGroupTraining number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
CustomValue1 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue2 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue3 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue4 number True No

The default value is set to mtAbandonedACD. The mtAbandonedACD column is the maximum amount of time a customer waited before they abandoned in an interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue5 number True No

The default value is set to nMessageACD. The column NMessageACD is the number of ACD interactions that went to a message state (voice mail for interactions) during the interval. It should be noted that subtracting this value from nAbandonedACD will not give you a true voice mail count, since it is possible for interactions to go in and out of voice mail several times or for an interaction to be answered and then sent to voice mail.

If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue6 number True No

The default value is set to nRequestedSuperAssistACD. NRequestSuperAssistACD is the number of supervisor-assist requests that were placed from the 'clients' for ACD interaction during the interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
SiteId number False No

Site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId number True No

Not used in this version. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT date False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
SummDimensionSet number True No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies for summary dimensions. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel number False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels nvarchar2 (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
SchemaMajorVersion number False No

The major version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
SchemaMinorVersion number False No

The minor version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release

DQStatus Table Definition

DQStatus Table

DQStatistics Table Definitions

DQStatistics Table

Workgroup Queue Service Level Overflows View

With this release, more than six service level distribution buckets can be configured. These additional service level statistics or service level overflows are stored in a separate table apart from the underlying queue period statistics table. The underlying table is called DQServiceLevelOverflows. A view is introduced to include those buckets as well as the first, original six called DQServiceLevel_viw.

Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet int False No

A unique identifier representing this row. This identifier can be used to join back to IWrkgrpQueueStats view. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar (50) False Depends on customer usage

Name of the distribution queue that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar (50) False Yes

Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that might be assigned to interactions that the distribution queue handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar (50) False No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar (50) False No

This represents the fourth level of hierarchy grouping in terms of reporting. This field will not be used in a typical implementation. This field will have a default value of '*'. For more information, see the record type hierarchy section in the Interval Queue Data summary. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) False No

Type of queue statistics data. In the case of the Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval view, a "W" will be entered to signify the type is a distribution queue. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart datetime False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times might be visible in the reports. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC datetime True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration int False No

Duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
AnsweredSLTarget int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. 4.0 Release
AbandonedSLTarget int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in second service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in third service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fourth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fifth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in sixth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl7 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in seventh service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl8 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in eigth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl9 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in ninth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl10 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in tenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl11 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in eleventh service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl12 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in twelfth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl13 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in thirteenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl14 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fourteenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in second service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in third service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fourth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fifth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in sixth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl7 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in seventh service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl8 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in eighth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl9 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in ninth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl10 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in tenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl11 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in eleventh service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl12 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in twelfth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl13 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in thirteenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl14 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fourteenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
SiteId smallint False No

Site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId int False No

Not used in this version. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT datetime False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel int False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels varchar (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet number False No

A unique identifier representing this row. This identifier can be used to join back to IWrkgrpQueueStats view. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Name of the distribution queue that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar2 (50) True Yes

Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that might be assigned to interactions that the distribution queue handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This represents the fourth level of hierarchy grouping in terms of reporting. This field will not be used in a typical implementation. This field will have a default value of '*'. For more information, see the record type hierarchy section in the Interval Queue Data summary. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) True No

Type of queue statistics data. In the case of the Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval view, a "W" will be entered to signify the type is a distribution queue. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart date False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times might be visible in the reports. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC date True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration number False No

Duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
AnsweredSLTarget number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. 4.0 Release
AbandonedSLTarget number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in second service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in third service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fourth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fifth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in sixth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl7 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in seventh service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl8 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in eigth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl9 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in ninth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl10 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in tenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl11 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in eleventh service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl12 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in twelfth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl13 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in thirteenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl14 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fourteenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in second service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in third service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fourth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fifth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in sixth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl7 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in seventh service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl8 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in eighth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl9 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in ninth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl10 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in tenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl11 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in eleventh service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl12 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in twelfth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl13 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in thirteenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl14 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fourteenth service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section. 4.0 Release
SiteId number False No

Site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId number True No

Not used in this version. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT date False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel number False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels nvarchar2 (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release

DQServiceLevelOverflows Table Definitions

DQServiceLevelOverflows Table

Statistics Group Queue Interval View

Statistics groups, also referred to as STIDs, or STatistic IDentifiers, are queue-like containers for interactions. CIC uses these views to categorize interactions for statistical purposes. CIC typically uses them to track statistics for interactions on a level higher than real distribution queues. You can group together the information for interactions that traverse several queues, even though the interactions also reside on different queues. Because of this grouping, you can track the statistics of interactions regardless of their distribution queue assignments.

The statistics CIC generates for interactions in statistical groups are limited to information about the interactions, and do not include the additional tAgent values CIC generates for distribution queues and agent queues. See the Interval Queue Data summary section above for more information on Comparing Interval Queue Data.

You cannot associate an STID with agents. Therefore, the STID does not have any purely agent-related information available for collection. The system collects time agents spend on interactions, but any time an agent spends that is not directly associated with an interaction cannot be tracked by a statistics group.

As an example of how statistics groups work, imagine that your call center receives calls on three separate toll-free numbers. You want to determine how well your agents are processing these calls, so you need a way of organizing the statistics information generated by the IC Queue Manager. Each time a call enters the SystemIVRWorkgroup handler, you assign that call to one of three statistics groups depending upon which toll-free number the caller dialed. When Queue Manager generates statistics information about all of the calls in CIC, it also generates records in the underlying tables that make up IStatsGroup view for the groups of calls belonging to each toll-free number statistics group.

Considerations when using STIDs

  • An STID is a container for interactions, not agents.
  • You create STIDs in handlers using the Assign Stats Group tool.
  • You can change the STID assignment of an interaction at any time.
  • You can make an interaction a member of multiple STIDs at one time.
  • There are no stock reports for STIDs.
  • STIDs behave just like queues when it comes to data collection. When the system assigns an interaction to a STID, it is just the same statistically as assigning the interaction to a queue.

For example, if CIC assigns an interaction to a STID and then transfers the interaction to an agent directly (that is, not using any ACD tools) and the agent answers the interaction, this interaction now counts towards nAnswered and the appropriate interaction direction counter, such as nExternToInternCalls.

If CIC assigns the interaction to an ACD queue right after it assigns it to the STID, instead of assigning it directly to an agent, the interaction counts towards the nEnteredACD statistic. The (now ACD) interaction then waits for an agent. This time spent waiting, beginning from the point of ACD assignment, counts toward the ACD service level statistics for the STID. When an agent answers the interaction, the interaction then counts towards nAnsweredACD.

If the system transfers the interaction to another agent or ACD queue while remaining assigned to the same STID, it is not counted again as answered or entered for this STID assignment.

An interaction can only reach the answered or entered state once, relative to the STID assignment. The service level values only apply to the time it takes for an interaction to be answered, or abandoned, and since the answered state can only happen once, interactions that transfer or are answered by a second agent or queue do not affect the service level values. This is just like on a distribution queue when the interaction is transferred between agents in the same queue. The talk time changes when multiple agents handle an interaction but the interaction counts do not.

As soon as the system removes an interaction from a STID, all statistics tracking the interaction relative to the STID stops. If the interaction is an active ACD interaction, talk time stops and nFlowOutAcd is incremented.

If you program a loop in a handler, you can assign and remove the same interaction to the same STID multiple times. If an interaction leaves and re-enters a STID, the second entry will count. There is nothing that would make the second entry different from any previous entry. The IC StatServer does not track that the interaction has been in the STID before, so CIC generates all statistics as if the interaction were in this STID for the first time. However, an interaction can only reach the answered or entered state once, relative to a single STID assignment.

Important Note

The statistics from tAgent* columns are based on Agents' status changes and interaction state changes. Other ACD statistics from columns such as tExternToInternCalls, tExterntoInternACDcalls, and tTalkACD, are based only on interaction state changes. When reporting on Agent statistics, columns that contain only interaction state changes will not always match to tAgent* columns that contain interaction state changes and status changes. For Agent calculations, use ACD statistics from columns based only on interaction state changes and not on statistics from tAgent* columns.

In addition to to the periphery tables described in greater detail earlier in the document, the statistics group statistics view uses just one underlying table: SGStatistics.

cType Hierarchy

The Statistics Group Interval view normally only contains data defined for the cType = ‘S’ hierarchy. This hierarchy is defined by the following attributes associated with an interaction (in order), ‘Statistics Group’ | ‘Report Group’ | ‘Interaction Type’.

This would mean for cType = ‘S’, that cName is the statistics group name. cReportGroup is any report group assigned to an interaction. cHKey3 is used for the interaction type. cHKey4 is not used, so it will always be "*". The single asterisk, "*", in a column represents that this record applies to the ALL or the summary group of the previous column. The single dash, "-", in a column represent a null or blank value for the column. For more information, see the record type hierarchy section in the Interval Queue Data summary.

Examples of values:

cType cName cReportGroup cHKey3 cHkey4 Explanation


Statistics Group1




Statistics Group1 summary


Statistics Group1




Statistics Group1 without a report group, but subdivided by call interaction type


Statistics Group1




Statistics Group1 without a report group but subdivided by chat interaction type.


Statistics Group2




Statistics Group2 summary


Statistics Group2




Statistics Group2 and report group, DNIS-4444, summary


Statistics Group2




Statistics Group1 by report group, DNIS-4444, and call interaction type.

Physical Attributes

Log Identifier Log Name View Name


Statistics Group Interval


Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet int False No

A unique identifier representing this row. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar (50) False Depends on customer usage

Name of the Statistics Group (STID) that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar (50) False Yes

Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that can be assigned to interactions before they are assigned to the STID are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar (50) False No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar (50) False No

This represents the fourth level of hierarchy grouping in terms of reporting. This field will not be used in a typical implementation. This field will have a default value of '*'. For more information, see 'Record Type Hierarchy' earlier in this document. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) False No

Type of queue statistics data. In the case of the Statistics Group Interval view, an 'S' is entered to signify the type is a STID. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart datetime False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times might be visible in the reports. See Appendix B for more information. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC datetime True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration int False No

Duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
nEnteredAcd int True No

The number of ACD related interactions that entered this STID during the interval. An interaction is considered ACD related if it has been operated upon by any of the ACD interaction handling tools. nEnteredAcd includes interactions whose end condition is not yet determined. Any interactions that are not answered or abandoned in the current interval might be answered or might abandon in the next interval. An interaction is only counted as having entered once relative to this STID assignment. 4.0 Release
nAbandonedAcd int True No

The number of ACD related interactions that abandoned this STID during the interval. Interactions that are reassigned from one STID to another STID (where no agent ever answers the interaction in the first STID) will not show up in nAbandonedACD or nTransferACD. They will only show in nFlowOutAcd. See the section in the Interval Queue Data summary section above for more information on abandons. 4.0 Release
nGrabbedAcd int True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were disconnected locally. A local disconnect is defined as a disconnect by a CIC agent/user or the CIC system. A remote disconnect comes from the external party or phone company. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAlertAcd int True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were alerting in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAcd int True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nAlertedAcd int True No

Number of ACD related interactions that were in an 'Alerting' state while in this STID (interactions which transition to 'Alerting' more than once are counted once). 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcd int True No

Number of ACD related interactions that were answered by agents while assigned to this STID. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a 'Client_Connected' state with an agent. An interaction is only counted as answered once relative to this STID assignment. If the interaction is transferred to and/or answered by another agent or queue while still assigned to the same STID, it is still only counted as answered once for the STID. Voice mail interactions are considered abandons and do not count towards nAnsweredAcd. This value can exceed nEnteredACD for STID because interactions can enter the STID in the previous interval and be answered in the current interval. 4.0 Release
nAnswered int True No

Number of all interactions (ACD and non-ACD) that were answered by the agents while assigned to this STID. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a 'Client_Connected' state with an agent. See nAnsweredAcd for more information. 4.0 Release
nAcdSvcLvl int True No

Number of seconds in the first service level. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call; which is not necessarily the same as when it is assigned to the STID. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in second service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in third service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fourth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fifth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in Sixth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call; which is not necessarily the same as when it was assigned to the STID. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned calls in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in second service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in third service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fourth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fifth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in sixth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
tGrabbedAcd int True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
tAnsweredAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions assigned to the STID spent before entering 'Client_Connected' state. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call; which is not necessarily the same as when it was assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
mtAnsweredAcd int True No

The maximum time, in seconds, an ACD interaction assigned to the STID was in the STID before entering a 'Client_Connected' state. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call; which is not necessarily the same as when it was assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
tAbandonedAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all abandoned ACD interactions assigned to the STID were in the STID before they abandoned during this interval. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call, which is not necessarily the same as when it was assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
tTalkAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions assigned to the STID spent from when they first entered a 'Client_Connected' state until the time the ACD interactions went inactive or flowed out of the STID. It is possible to have talk time appear in an interval without having any new ACD interactions for that interval. The time comes from ACD interactions that connected in that interval. Interactions might have been assigned to the STID in the previous interval.

It is possible to have talk time on a chat. Think of tTalkAcd as the time an interaction is active with an agent.

Note tTalkACD is the time an interaction is active with an agent, including any Hold time with the agent during the interaction. 4.0 Release
tTalkCompleteAcd int True No

Counts the total talk time of a call in the period in which it completed, unlike tTalkAcd which counts the talk time for each period it is counted in. 4.0 Release
nHoldAcd int True No

Number of ACD related interactions that were placed on hold while assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
tHoldAcd int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent on hold while assigned to this STID. 4.0 Release
nSuspendedAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
tSuspendedAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nHeldSpanAcd int True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nAcw int True No

Counts the number of ACW sessions completed in the given period except manually initiated ACW sessions. 4.0 Release
tAcw int True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, agents spent in an 'After Call Work' status (also known as wrap up time). The count starts when an interaction assigned to the STID goes inactive (usually due to a local or remote disconnect) and ends when the agent leaves the After Call Work status. This value may or may not include non-ACD interactions depending on how the statuses are setup.

Note tACW is the time in follow-up that is directly associated with an interaction. Follow-up without an ACD interaction (agent selected with no previously disconnected ACD interaction) will not be in tACW. The tACW value will only be recorded in rows of queue statistics directly associated with the interaction. It will not be in any other workgroup, media type, or skill associated rows. 4.0 Release
tAcwComplete int True No

Counts the total ACW Time for the completed ACW sessions. This includes the total time for each session even if it spanned multiple statistic intervals. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternCalls int True No

Number of interactions, ACD and non-ACD, originating from external locations and connecting to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternCalls int True No

Number of all interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternCalls int True No

Number of all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. Internal to internal calls are counted as inbound calls whether the agent placed or received the call because CIC has no way of determining the direction of internal calls. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Calls transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD call. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to external locations. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to external locations. (Not Implemented or used in this release, but it is set when using Interaction Dialer) 4.0 Release
tInternToInternCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to internal extension. 4.0 Release
tInternToInternAcdCalls int True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
nAcwCalls int True No

Number of outbound interactions made by agents during After Call Work time. If an agent places an interaction after handling an ACD interaction assigned to the STID, that interaction, or any other interaction placed during the ACW time, is considered a nACWcall. The STID assignment is made on the initial ACD interaction and the ACW time is associated with that interaction and STID along with any outbound interaction made by the agent during the ACW time.

nACWCall is also accumulated when an agent puts an ACD interaction on hold and places a consult call with another party. CIC assumes that any call placed with an ACD interaction on hold is nACWCall activity.

CIC actually caches the last set of containers associated with the agent's last ACD interaction. This cache is reset any time the agent answers another ACD interaction. When CIC sees an ACD interaction or conditions on the agent that would count as an Acw interaction, it processes the time and the count against the cached container list. It is done this way because the ACD interaction that made this association might actually be dead and gone from the system by the time the AcwCall event occurs. 4.0 Release
tAcwCalls int True No

Sum of time, in seconds, agents spent on outbound interactions during After Call Work time associated with an interaction that was assigned to the STID. Also see nAcwCalls. 4.0 Release
nTransferedAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions transferred while on this queue. The destination could have been another agent in the same distribution queue, an agent outside of the distribution queue, or a call that was transferred from one workgroup queue to another workgroup queue by a user without being connected to a user.

Only set for Call interaction types. 4.0 Release
nNotAnsweredAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were not answered when presented to agents as an 'Alerting' interaction. 4.0 Release
tAlertedAcd int True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, ACD interactions spent in an 'Alerting' state on agent queues. Also referred to as ring time. 4.0 Release
nFlowOutAcd int True No

The number of ACD interactions that flowed out during this interval. Flow outs are defined as interactions that were removed from the STID without reaching an inactive state. Queue interactions have an inactive state that is used to mark the interaction for deletion by the ACD subsystem after the interaction has either been answered or abandoned. The most common reason for an interaction assigned to a STID to not reach an inactive state, and thus flow out, would be an interaction not answered or abandoned before the interaction is removed to the STID. 4.0 Release
tFlowOutAcd int True No

Sum of seconds ACD interactions were assigned to the STID before being counted in nFlowOutAcd. See nFlowOutAcd for more information. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it is assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
nStartWaitAlertAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartActiveAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were active with an agent at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartHeldAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that were held at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndWaitAlertAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndActiveAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are active with an agent at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndHeldAcdCalls int True No

Number of ACD interactions that are held at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nTransferWithinAcdCalls int True No

Not implemented in the current release. Number of ACD interactions transferred within this STID. 4.0 Release
nTransferOutAcdCalls int True No

Not implemented in the current release. Number of ACD interactions transferred out of this STID. 4.0 Release
nDisconnectAcd int True No

Number of ACD interactions that disconnected while still on the queue, or were transferred to another queue while connected to an agent. Interactions that abandon while in the queue are included, whereas interactions that leave the queue before being connected to an agent (flow outs) are not. The main utility of this value is in validating that all interactions that entered the queue were counted correctly. 4.0 Release
CustomValue1 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue2 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue3 int True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue4 int True No

The default value is set to mtAbandonedACD. mtAbandonedACD is the maximum amount of time a customer waited before they abandoned in an interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue5 int True No

The default value is set to nMessageACD. NMessageACD is the number of ACD interactions that went to a message state (voice mail for interactions) during the interval. It should be noted that subtracting this value from nAbandonedACD will not give you a true voice mail count, since it is possible for interactions to go in and out of voice mail several times or for an interaction to be answered and then sent to voice mail. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue6 int True No

The default value is set to nRequestedSuperAssistACD. NRequestSuperAssistACD is the number of supervisor-assist requests that were placed from the 'clients' for ACD interaction during the interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
SiteId smallint False No

Site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId int False No

Not used in the current release. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT datetime False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
SummDimensionSet int True No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies for summary dimensions. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel int False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels varchar (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
SchemaMajorVersion tinyint False No

The major version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
SchemaMinorVersion tinyint False No

The minor version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet number False No

A unique identifier representing this row. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Name of the Statistics Group (STID) that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar2 (50) True Yes

Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that can be assigned to interactions before they are assigned to the STID are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This represents the fourth level of hierarchy grouping in terms of reporting. This field will not be used in a typical implementation. This field will have a default value of '*'. For more information, see 'Record Type Hierarchy' earlier in this document. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) True No

Type of queue statistics data. In the case of the Statistics Group Interval view, an 'S' is entered to signify the type is a STID. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart date False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times might be visible in the reports. See Appendix B for more information. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC date True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration number False No

Duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
nEnteredAcd number True No

The number of ACD related interactions that entered this STID during the interval. An interaction is considered ACD related if it has been operated upon by any of the ACD interaction handling tools. nEnteredAcd includes interactions whose end condition is not yet determined. Any interactions that are not answered or abandoned in the current interval might be answered or might abandon in the next interval. An interaction is only counted as having entered once relative to this STID assignment. 4.0 Release
nAbandonedAcd number True No

The number of ACD related interactions that abandoned this STID during the interval. Interactions that are reassigned from one STID to another STID (where no agent ever answers the interaction in the first STID) will not show up in nAbandonedACD or nTransferACD. They will only show in nFlowOutAcd. See the section in the Interval Queue Data summary section above for more information on abandons. 4.0 Release
nGrabbedAcd number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were disconnected locally. A local disconnect is defined as a disconnect by a CIC agent/user or the CIC system. A remote disconnect comes from the external party or phone company. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAlertAcd number True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were alerting in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nLocalDisconnectAgentAcd number True No

The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. 4.0 Release
nAlertedAcd number True No

Number of ACD related interactions that were in an 'Alerting' state while in this STID (interactions which transition to 'Alerting' more than once are counted once). 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcd number True No

Number of ACD related interactions that were answered by agents while assigned to this STID. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a 'Client_Connected' state with an agent. An interaction is only counted as answered once relative to this STID assignment. If the interaction is transferred to and/or answered by another agent or queue while still assigned to the same STID, it is still only counted as answered once for the STID. Voice mail interactions are considered abandons and do not count towards nAnsweredAcd. This value can exceed nEnteredACD for STID because interactions can enter the STID in the previous interval and be answered in the current interval. 4.0 Release
nAnswered number True No

Number of all interactions (ACD and non-ACD) that were answered by the agents while assigned to this STID. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a 'Client_Connected' state with an agent. See nAnsweredAcd for more information. 4.0 Release
nAcdSvcLvl number True No

Number of seconds in the first service level. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call; which is not necessarily the same as when it is assigned to the STID. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in second service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in third service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fourth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in fifth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

Number of ACD interactions answered in Sixth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call; which is not necessarily the same as when it was assigned to the STID. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned calls in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in second service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in third service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fourth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in fifth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

Number of ACD interactions abandoned in sixth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
tGrabbedAcd number True No

This value is not currently supported. 4.0 Release
tAnsweredAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions assigned to the STID spent before entering 'Client_Connected' state. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call; which is not necessarily the same as when it was assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
mtAnsweredAcd number True No

The maximum time, in seconds, an ACD interaction assigned to the STID was in the STID before entering a 'Client_Connected' state. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call; which is not necessarily the same as when it was assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
tAbandonedAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all abandoned ACD interactions assigned to the STID were in the STID before they abandoned during this interval. The time tracked begins from the point the call becomes an ACD call, which is not necessarily the same as when it was assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
tTalkAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions assigned to the STID spent from when they first entered a 'Client_Connected' state until the time the ACD interactions went inactive or flowed out of the STID. It is possible to have talk time appear in an interval without having any new ACD interactions for that interval. The time comes from ACD interactions that connected in that interval. Interactions might have been assigned to the STID in the previous interval.

It is possible to have talk time on a chat. Think of tTalkAcd as the time an interaction is active with an agent.

Note tTalkACD is the time an interaction is active with an agent, including any Hold time with the agent during the interaction. 4.0 Release
tTalkCompleteAcd number True No

Counts the total talk time of a call in the period in which it completed, unlike tTalkAcd which counts the talk time for each period it is counted in. 4.0 Release
nHoldAcd number True No

Number of ACD related interactions that were placed on hold while assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
tHoldAcd number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent on hold while assigned to this STID. 4.0 Release
nSuspendedAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
tSuspendedAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nHeldSpanAcd number True No

For future changes. 4.0 Release
nAcw number True No

Counts the number of ACW sessions completed in the given period except manually initiated ACW sessions. 4.0 Release
tAcw number True No

The sum of the time, in seconds, agents spent in an 'After Call Work' status (also known as wrap up time). The count starts when an interaction assigned to the STID goes inactive (usually due to a local or remote disconnect) and ends when the agent leaves the After Call Work status. This value may or may not include non-ACD interactions depending on how the statuses are setup.

Note tACW is the time in follow-up that is directly associated with an interaction. Follow-up without an ACD interaction (agent selected with no previously disconnected ACD interaction) will not be in tACW. The tACW value will only be recorded in rows of queue statistics directly associated with the interaction. It will not be in any other workgroup, media type, or skill associated rows. 4.0 Release
tAcwComplete number True No

Counts the total ACW Time for the completed ACW sessions. This includes the total time for each session even if it spanned multiple statistic intervals. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternCalls number True No

Number of interactions, ACD and non-ACD, originating from external locations and connecting to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nExternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternCalls number True No

Number of all interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToExternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternCalls number True No

Number of all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. Internal to internal calls are counted as inbound calls whether the agent placed or received the call because CIC has no way of determining the direction of internal calls. 4.0 Release
nInternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Calls transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD call. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tExternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to external locations. 4.0 Release
tInternToExternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to external locations. (Not Implemented or used in this release, but it is set when using Interaction Dialer) 4.0 Release
tInternToInternCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to internal extension. 4.0 Release
tInternToInternAcdCalls number True No

Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. 4.0 Release
nAcwCalls number True No

Number of outbound interactions made by agents during After Call Work time. If an agent places an interaction after handling an ACD interaction assigned to the STID, that interaction, or any other interaction placed during the ACW time, is considered a nACWcall. The STID assignment is made on the initial ACD interaction and the ACW time is associated with that interaction and STID along with any outbound interaction made by the agent during the ACW time.

nACWCall is also accumulated when an agent puts an ACD interaction on hold and places a consult call with another party. CIC assumes that any call placed with an ACD interaction on hold is nACWCall activity.

CIC actually caches the last set of containers associated with the agent's last ACD interaction. This cache is reset any time the agent answers another ACD interaction. When CIC sees an ACD interaction or conditions on the agent that would count as an Acw interaction, it processes the time and the count against the cached container list. It is done this way because the ACD interaction that made this association might actually be dead and gone from the system by the time the AcwCall event occurs. 4.0 Release
tAcwCalls number True No

Sum of time, in seconds, agents spent on outbound interactions during After Call Work time associated with an interaction that was assigned to the STID. Also see nAcwCalls. 4.0 Release
nTransferedAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions transferred while on this queue. The destination could have been another agent in the same distribution queue, an agent outside of the distribution queue, or a call that was transferred from one workgroup queue to another workgroup queue by a user without being connected to a user.

Only set for Call interaction types. 4.0 Release
nNotAnsweredAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were not answered when presented to agents as an 'Alerting' interaction. 4.0 Release
tAlertedAcd number True No

Sum of the time, in seconds, ACD interactions spent in an 'Alerting' state on agent queues. Also referred to as ring time. 4.0 Release
nFlowOutAcd number True No

The number of ACD interactions that flowed out during this interval. Flow outs are defined as interactions that were removed from the STID without reaching an inactive state. Queue interactions have an inactive state that is used to mark the interaction for deletion by the ACD subsystem after the interaction has either been answered or abandoned. The most common reason for an interaction assigned to a STID to not reach an inactive state, and thus flow out, would be an interaction not answered or abandoned before the interaction is removed to the STID. 4.0 Release
tFlowOutAcd number True No

Sum of seconds ACD interactions were assigned to the STID before being counted in nFlowOutAcd. See nFlowOutAcd for more information. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it is assigned to the STID. 4.0 Release
nStartWaitAlertAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartActiveAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were active with an agent at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nStartHeldAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that were held at start of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndWaitAlertAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndActiveAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are active with an agent at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nEndHeldAcdCalls number True No

Number of ACD interactions that are held at the end of the interval. 4.0 Release
nTransferWithinAcdCalls number True No

Not implemented in the current release. Number of ACD interactions transferred within this STID. 4.0 Release
nTransferOutAcdCalls number True No

Not implemented in the current release. Number of ACD interactions transferred out of this STID. 4.0 Release
nDisconnectAcd number True No

Number of ACD interactions that disconnected while still on the queue, or were transferred to another queue while connected to an agent. Interactions that abandon while in the queue are included, whereas interactions that leave the queue before being connected to an agent (flow outs) are not. The main utility of this value is in validating that all interactions that entered the queue were counted correctly. 4.0 Release
CustomValue1 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue2 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue3 number True No

Custom value for customer use. 4.0 Release
CustomValue4 number True No

The default value is set to mtAbandonedACD. mtAbandonedACD is the maximum amount of time a customer waited before they abandoned in an interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue5 number True No

The default value is set to nMessageACD. NMessageACD is the number of ACD interactions that went to a message state (voice mail for interactions) during the interval. It should be noted that subtracting this value from nAbandonedACD will not give you a true voice mail count, since it is possible for interactions to go in and out of voice mail several times or for an interaction to be answered and then sent to voice mail. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
CustomValue6 number True No

The default value is set to nRequestedSuperAssistACD. NRequestSuperAssistACD is the number of supervisor-assist requests that were placed from the 'clients' for ACD interaction during the interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. 4.0 Release
SiteId number False No

Site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId number True No

Not used in the current release. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT date False No

System supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
SummDimensionSet number True No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies for summary dimensions. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel number False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels nvarchar2 (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
SchemaMajorVersion number False No

The major version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release
SchemaMinorVersion number False No

The minor version that this row was written in. This is meant to distinguish migrated and native data. 4.0 Release

SGStatistics Table Definitions

SGStatistics Table

Statistics Group Queue Service Level Overflows View

Similar to Workgroup Queue Interval view, the additional service level statistics or service level overflows are stored in a separate table apart from the underlying queue period statistics table. The underlying table is called SGServiceLevelOverflows. A view is introduced to include those buckets as well as the first, original six: SGServiceLevel_viw.

Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet int False No

A unique identifier representing this row. This identifier can be used to join back to IStatsGroup view. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar (50) False Depends on customer usage

The name of the distribution queue that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar (50) False No

The Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that might be assigned to interactions that the distribution queue handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar (50) False No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar (50) False No

This represents the fourth level of hierarchy grouping in terms of reporting. This field will not be used in a typical implementation. This field will have a default value of '*'. For more information, see the record type hierarchy section in the Interval Queue Data summary. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) False No

Type of queue statistics data. In the case of the Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval view, an 'S' will be entered to signify the type is a statistics group. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart datetime False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times might be visible in the reports. See Appendix B for more information. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC datetime True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration int False No

The duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
AnsweredSLTarget int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. 4.0 Release
AbandonedSLTarget int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section earlier in this document. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the second service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the third service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fourth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fifth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the sixth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl7 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the seventh service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl8 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the eighth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl9 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the ninth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl10 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the tenth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl11 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the eleventh service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl12 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the twelfth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl13 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the thirteenth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl14 int True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fourteenth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the second service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the third service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fourth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fifth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the sixth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl7 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the seventh service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl8 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the eighth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl9 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the ninth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl10 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the tenth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl11 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the eleventh service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl12 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the twelfth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl13 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the thirteenth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl14 int True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fourteenth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
SiteId smallint False No

The site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId int False No

Not used in this version. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT datetime False No

A system supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet int False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel int False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels varchar (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason
StatisticsSet number False No

A unique identifier representing this row. This identifier can be used to join back to IStatsGroup view. 4.0 Release
cName nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

The name of the distribution queue that originated these statistics. 4.0 Release
cReportGroup nvarchar2 (50) True No

The Subgroup for cName. A special '*' report group represents the sum of all activity for the cName in this interval. Any custom report groups that might be assigned to interactions that the distribution queue handles are also automatically added to the records associated with the cName. 4.0 Release
cHKey3 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This field is populated with the media type. Possible values include: Call, Email, Chat, Fax, Generic Object, and Callback. 4.0 Release
cHKey4 nvarchar2 (50) True No

This represents the fourth level of hierarchy grouping in terms of reporting. This field will not be used in a typical implementation. This field will have a default value of '*'. For more information, see the record type hierarchy section in the Interval Queue Data summary. 4.0 Release
cType char (1) True No

Type of queue statistics data. In the case of the Workgroup Queue Statistics Interval view, an 'S' will be entered to signify the type is a statistics group. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStart date False No

Starting date/time of the interval based on the local time that the physical IC server resides in. The interval is configured under Report Configuration tab in IA. The default interval is 1800 seconds (30 minutes) and is always relative to the hour. In some cases, the interval start times might not be exactly on the hour. This is usually due to stopping and starting CIC. These odd interval start times might be visible in the reports. See Appendix B for more information. 4.0 Release
dIntervalStartUTC date True No

Holds dIntervalStart time UTC. 4.0 Release
nDuration number False No

The duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. 4.0 Release
AnsweredSLTarget number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. 4.0 Release
AbandonedSLTarget number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction, which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section earlier in this document. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the second service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the third service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fourth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fifth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the sixth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl7 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the seventh service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl8 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the eighth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl9 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the ninth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl10 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the tenth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl11 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the eleventh service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl12 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the twelfth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl13 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the thirteenth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl14 number True No

The number of ACD interactions answered in the fourteenth service level. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the first service level. The time tracked begins from the point the interaction becomes an ACD interaction; which is not necessarily the same as when it enters the queue. For more information, see the description of service levels and abandoned interactions in the Interval Queue Data summary section above. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the second service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the third service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fourth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fifth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl6 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the sixth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl7 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the seventh service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl8 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the eighth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl9 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the ninth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl10 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the tenth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl11 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the eleventh service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl12 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the twelfth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl13 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the thirteenth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl14 number True No

The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fourteenth service level. See nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1. 4.0 Release
SiteId number False No

The site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId number True No

Not used in this version. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT date False No

A system supplied date time when the row was sent to the IC Logging server for insertion into the underlying table. 4.0 Release
DimensionSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of report hierarchies. This identifier can be translated back to the report hierarchies with StatDimensions table. The system reuses the DimensionSet for identical report hierarchies set. 4.0 Release
ConfigurationSet number False No

The unique identifier referencing a set of service level configuration settings. The system reuses the ConfigurationSet for identical service level configuration settings. 4.0 Release
nServiceLevel number False No

The target service level configuration setting in seconds that this statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release
cServiceLevels nvarchar2 (1024) True No

A string in XML format that consists of service level bucket configuration that the statistics row was tabulated against. In the case that the row summarizes multiple workgroups and or media type, this field will be NULL. 4.0 Release

SGServiceLevelOverflows Table Definitions

SGServiceLevelOverflows Table