SMS Delivery Receipts

SMSDeliveryReceipts Table

SMS Delivery Receipts

This table counts delivery receipts for the SMS messages sent to end users on cellular phones. This table is not used on any of the CIC reports.

  • Table Type - Historical
  • Last Changed Version -
  • Last Changed Reason - Added for SMS Improvements.

Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
StartDateTimeUTC datetime2 False No

Start Date/Time (UTC) when the delivery receipt was received with success or failure for the Interaction ID. This is either Push Time Stamp that comes with the broker http POST parameters or if not specified the timestamp when the delivery receipt is tracked. Added for SMS Improvements.
InteractionIDKey char (18) False No

Call ID (Please refer to Interaction Summary Table) Added for SMS Improvements.
SiteID smallint False No

Site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. (Please refer to Interaction Summary Table) Added for SMS Improvements.
SeqNo tinyint False No

SeqNo will only be used when the interaction is persisted and recreated with the same InteractionIDKey. (Please refer to Interaction Summary Table) Added for SMS Improvements.
InteractionID bigint False No

Call ID/Interaction ID of the interaction. This is what displayed in our interaction client. Added for SMS Improvements.
SuccessCount int False No

Amount of messages successfully delivered to the end user for the same InteractionIdKey. Added for SMS Improvements.
FailureCount int False No

Amount of messages that failed to be delivered to the end user for the same InteractionIdKey. Added for SMS Improvements.
AttemptCount int False No

Amount of attempts to deliver messages to the end user for the same InteractionIdKey with the condition that one attempt is allowed per message. If AttemptCount is higher than the sum of SuccessCount and FailureCount for some InteractionIdKey, then the broker did not provide a final delivery status for some messages, so their status is not known. Added for SMS Improvements.
Broker nvarchar (50) False No

The name of the broker source configured in IA that was used for attempting to deliver messages for the same InteractionIdKey. Added for SMS Improvements.
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
StartDateTimeUTC timestamp False No

Start Date/Time (UTC) when the delivery receipt was received with success or failure for the Interaction ID. This is either Push Time Stamp that comes with the broker http POST parameters or if not specified the timestamp when the delivery receipt is tracked. Added for SMS Improvements.
InteractionIDKey char (18) False No

Call ID (Please refer to Interaction Summary Table) Added for SMS Improvements.
SiteID number False No

Site identifier of the source of this interaction row. Used in multi-site rollup to distinguish the origin of data. (Please refer to Interaction Summary Table) Added for SMS Improvements.
SeqNo number False No

SeqNo will only be used when the interaction is persisted and recreated with the same InteractionIDKey. (Please refer to Interaction Summary Table) Added for SMS Improvements.
InteractionID number False No

Call ID/Interaction ID of the interaction. This is what displayed in our interaction client. Added for SMS Improvements.
SuccessCount number False No

Amount of messages successfully delivered to the end user for the same InteractionIdKey. Added for SMS Improvements.
FailureCount number False No

Amount of messages that failed to be delivered to the end user for the same InteractionIdKey. Added for SMS Improvements.
AttemptCount number False No

Amount of attempts to deliver messages to the end user for the same InteractionIdKey with the condition that one attempt is allowed per message. If AttemptCount is higher than the sum of SuccessCount and FailureCount for some InteractionIdKey, then the broker did not provide a final delivery status for some messages, so their status is not known. Added for SMS Improvements.
Broker nvarchar2 (50) False No

The name of the broker source configured in IA that was used for attempting to deliver messages for the same InteractionIdKey. Added for SMS Improvements.


Primary Key Name Type Column Name (sort order)
PK_SMSDeliveryReceipts Non-clustered InteractionIDKey (Ascending)
SiteID (Ascending)
SeqNo (Ascending)

Primary Key Name Column Name (sort order)
PK_SMSDeliveryReceipts InteractionIDKey (Ascending)
SiteID (Ascending)
SeqNo (Ascending)