2018 R5

The 2018 R5 release of the Interaction Center supports the changes to the ICWS API described below.

This topic contains the following sections:

Data Dictionary

A new Data Dictionary service was added that permits a client to retrieve information on tables and views that contain data that can reported on.

Data Extractor

A new Data Extractor service was added that permits a client to request data to be extracted from the IC Database and view existing configured extractions.


A new POST /icws/{sessionId}/dialer/mark-call-for-finishing resource was added that permits a call to be tagged for a finishing agent.

A new POST /icws/{sessionId}/dialer/request-contact-data resource was added that returns all of the contact data from the contact list for a call.

A new POST /icws/{sessionId}/dialer/reset-campaign resource was added to reset a campaign.

A new POST /icws/{sessionId}/dialer/recycle-campaign resource was added to recycle a campaign.

A new POST /icws/{sessionId}/dialer/allocate-agents resource was added to allocate agents.

Quality Management

A new Quality Management service that provides access to agent quality information such as questionnaires, scorecards, and surveys.

Unified Messaging

A new Unified Messaging service was added. The Unified Messaging service can currently be used for the following:

Voice Prompts

A new Voice Prompts service was added to support the following actions to manipulate and manage personal voice prompts:

  • Record - Records the voice prompt. This action requires the appropriate commit before the prompt is permanently saved.
  • Preview - Previews the prompt.
  • Clear - Clears the voice prompt from memory. This action requires the appropriate commit before the prompt is permanently saved.
  • Commit - Commits the recording to memory.
  • Cancel - Cancels the current actions.

Supported Feature Versions

This release of the Interaction Center supports the following ICWS feature versions. See Versioning for more information about ICWS versioning, including how documentation of an API includes its required feature version and how to query the Interaction Center at run time to determine what feature versions it supports.


Only the features listed below are supported by this release of the Interaction Center. Any other feature required by later versions of ICWS is not supported. Similarly, for the listed features, this release of the Interaction Center only supports the listed version of that feature, not any higher version.

CIC 2018 R5
FeatureVersionPreviously Released Version
data-dictionary2 (New)N/A
data-extractor2 (New)N/A
dialer7 (Updated)6
quality-management3 (New)N/A
recordings4 (Updated)3
unified-messaging2 (New)N/A
voice-prompts2 (New)N/A