IPA Page and Data Definitions File

Measurements in Device Independent Pixels (DIPs)

Many of the properties within the work item page definition indicate a measurement such as length, width, height, left, right, thickness, font size, etc. Such fields are of type double, and the fields' units are assumed to be device independent pixels (DIPs, a.k.a density independent pixels).

A device independent pixel, or DIP, is a unit of measure used in computing that more easily allows rendering measurements to be translated from one physical device to another. This is especially useful when different physical devices have a different physical number of dots per inch. Think of a DIP as a logical pixel, as opposed to a physical pixel on a monitor, printer, or other rendering device.

The page definition has a meta section that includes a field named "dipsPerInch", and a field named "defaultFontSize". Together these can be used to determine how the page and everything on it should be scaled, up or down, as is explained below.

Web pages often describe measurements in terms of em's, which is a unit where the value 1.0 represents the height of a capital letter "M" in the default font (as opposed to M's which is the width of a capital letter "M" in a typeset font). Another common unit is the printers point (pt), which is defined as 1/72 of an inch on physical printed paper.

Given the dipsPerInch and defaultFontSize in DIPs, which are both published in the page definition, you can calculate values in points as is shown below.

(valueInPoints [pt]) = (valueInDips [DIPs]) * (displayScaleFactor [physical in]/[logical inch]) * (72 [pt]/[physical inch]) / (dipsPerInch [DIPs]/[logical inch])

Or, if you don't care about the dimensional analysis above or whether one logical inch is rendered as one physical inch, that simplifies to

valueInPoints = valueInDips * 72 / dipsPerInch

Similarly, you can calculate measurements in em's by assuming that 1 em = defaultFontSize, so...

(valueInEms [em]) = (valueInDips [DIPs]) / (defaultFontSize [DIPs]/[em])

which simplifies to

valueInEms = valueInDips / defaultFontSize

You can, of course, them compensate for visual impairment, etc. For example, if you want everything to be 25% larger than the published size, you would just do

valueInEms = 1.25 * valueInDips / defaultFontSize

If you don't really care about the details, just use one of the formulas in bold above and all will be good.

Basic, Simple, and Complex Data Types

In Process Automation Designer (PAD), a user can create variables scoped to processes, tasks, or work items. The process and work item variables are usable on work item pages, but task variables are not.

When PAD is used to create a variable, the variable can be created from one of the built-in "native" types:

  • boolean
  • currency
  • date
  • date-time
  • decimal (floating point, 28 decimal places of precession)
  • duration
  • Show More

When a variable is created from one of these native types, it is known as a basic variable. In this case, there is no separate "definition" and "instance". That is, the same object serves as both the data type definition and the data type instance.

Each variable has a set of validation rules, such as min/max values, list of allowed values, a regular expression against which a string value is validated, etc. For example, one could create a regular expression that looks like a credit card number. Now, assume there is a need to create multiple variables with the same set of validation rules. Sure, one could create multiple basic variables and configure the same set of validation rules on each, but that is not very maintainable. Enter the simple data type definition.

Using Process Automation Designer, one can create a simple data type definition. Think of a simple data type definition as a specific configuration of options available on a basic variable. Then, once the simple data type definition has been created, one can create multiple simple variables which are effectively simple data type instances created from the simple data type definition, thus allowing one configuration to be share amongst multiple instance.

PAD can also be used to create complex data type definitions. This is similar to the simple data type above in that one can create multiple complex data type instances from the same complex data type definition. However, a simple data type definition is essentially just a basic (native) type with a pre-configured set or rules, whereas the complex data type definition creates a brand new data type that contains one or more fields which are the definitions for other basic, simple, or complex variables contained by that complex data type definition. The definition of each of these fields of a complex data type definition is in the "props" list of the complex data type definition. Each complex data type instance created from a complicated data type definition gets it's own instance of each of the fields defined within the "props" list.

When a complex data type definition is defined, one or more properties of that complex data type definition can be designated as the "Unique Identifier". If that is data, an additional property with the name "uniqueId" is automatically created for that complex data type definition. At runtime, the value of this field will be the concatenation of the string representations of all of the fields that were designated as part of the unique identifier for that complex data type definition. This is especially useful, for example, when using a grid as a selection grid.

Before a work item page is displayed, the client must retrieve file that contains the page definition and data definitions. All of the variables used on a specific page are defined in the corresponding data type definitions for that page.

String Representation of Values

Many of the fields within the page definition and data definitions classes are of type string, and follow specific string formatting rules. This section documents such string representations of non-string data values within the page definition and data definition classes.

String Representation of Colors

The string representation of a color value is an exactly 8-characters, uppercase, hexadecimal string from "00000000" to "FFFFFFFF". Note that there is no "0x" prefix that is common in some languages; the value is always hexadecimal so there is no reason to designate the number base.

The format of the string is "AARRGGBB", where the various components of the string format are indicated below.

  • AA = Alpha channel, where "00" is fully transparent and "FF" is fully opaque
  • RR = Red channel, where "00" is no red and "FF" is full intensity red
  • GG = Green channel, where "00" is no green and "FF" is full intensity green
  • BB = Blue channel, where "00" is no blue and "FF" is full intensity blue

An empty string is disallowed. However, a null value is assumed to be the same as "00000000", which is fully transparent with no color.

String Representation of Currency Values

A currency has two values: amount and code. A currency with both an amount and code together is not generally represented as a single string in the data type definitions, but both the amount and code components are individually represented as strings of a complex object.

The amount component follows the String Representation of Decimals section below.

The currency code follows ISO-4217. For example, a value of "USD" means "United States Dollars" or "CAD" means "Canadian Dollars". It is important to note that the currency symbol is not part of the currency itself. For example, both USD and CAD use the dollar sign ("$") to indicate their respective currencies, but neither the amount nor code fields will contain an actual dollar sign character.

Unlike the mailbox and user queue data types, if the value of a currency is not set, the complex object containing the amount and code fields is still emitted, but the value of the amount and code fields may be null.

String Representation of Dates, Times and Date-Times

All string representations of date, time and date-time values used within the data definitions follow the ISO-8601 standard. But, that standard does allow for some flexibility. The specific format applicable to the IPA data type values is shown below.

Date Values:

Date values are formatted like "YYYY-MM-DD".

The YYYY is the 4-digit year, MM is the 2-digit month, and DD is the 2-digit day of month. For example January 2, 2014 would be "2014-01-02" and December 31, 2014 would be "2014-12-31".

Time Values:

Time values are formatted like "HH:MM:SSZ", or "HH:MM:SS±hh:mm".

The HH is the 2-digit hour, MM is the 2-digit minute, and SS is the 2-digit second. The literal "Z" indicates no timezone offset, or the literal plus character ("+") or minus character ("-") indicates a positive or negative timezone offset, respectively, in which case the hh is the 2-digit hour for the timezone offset and mm is the 2-digit minute of the timezone offset. For example, the time 12:01:02am Eastern Standard Time (DST Off) is "00:01:02-05:00", or the value 11:59:58pm Eastern Daylight Time (DST On) is "23:59:58-04:00".

Date-Time Values:

Date-Time values are formatted like "{date}T{time}".

The format for a date-time value simply concatenates the date and time components together, separating the two components by the literal character "T". For example, the value for January 2, 2014 @ 12:01:02am Eastern Standard Time (DST Off) is "2014-12-31T00:01:02-05:00".

String Representation of Decimal (Floating Point) Values

Within the page definitions, floating point numbers are emitted as typical JSON numbers. However, within the data definitions, floating point numbers are emitted as strings. This apparent inconsistency is intentional, and is due to with the potential precision of decimal values for the IPA decimal data type. The string representation of decimal values within the data definitions is detailed below.

As far as process data types go, IPA only supports one kind of floating point number. Commonly referred to as a decimal, the IPA decimal data type has a full 28 decimal digits of precision. Although the JSON file format technically supports unquoted floating point numbers for arbitrary size, the decision was made to use only string representations of decimal data type values for all floating points numbers within the data definitions. This decision is intended to reduce unhandleable deserialization errors that could otherwise occur in some environments that do not support deserialization of floating point numbers with so many decimal digits of precision.

The string representation of emitted decimal values is fairly straight forward, as is indicated by the bullet points below:

  • Shall use leading minus sign ("-") to indicate numbers less than zero.
  • Shall contain from 1 to 28 decimal digits.
  • Shall use period (".") as the decimal separator, regardless of locale.
  • Shall not use any thousands separator such as commas (","), regardless of locale.
  • shall not use scientific e-notation; it is not supported.

String Representation of Duration Values

All string representations of duration values used within the data definitions follow the ISO-8601 standard. But, that standard does allow for some flexibility. The specific format applicable to the IPA data type values is shown below.

Duration values are formatted like "PdDThHmMsS".

In the format above, bold is used to emphasize literal characters, whereas italics represents the numeric values of the various components of the duration. A duration always starts with the literal character "P", for "period". If hours, minutes, or seconds are specified, the literal character "T" is always used.

The characters d, h, m, and s represent the numeric values for the number of days (0-), hours (0-23), minutes (0-59) and seconds (0-59), respectively. The individual numeric components may be omitted, in which case zero is assumed for that numeric component. But, when a numeric component is specified, it is always followed by the appropriate literal designator character "D", "H", "M", or "S" for days, hours, minutes, or seconds, respectively. And, since literal designator characters are used, values do not have to be padded to a specific number of characters.

For example, the duration value 1 day, 2 hours, 3 minutes, and 4 seconds is represented by the string "P1DT2H3M4S". But, duration value 1 day can be represented by the string "P1D" and the duration value 4 seconds can be represented by the string "PT4S".

String Representation of Fully-Scoped GUID

May properties of IPA objects have GUID's that uniquely identify various definitions and instances, or referenece such IDs. Sometimes, the GUIDs are "simple" as is described in the String Representation of Simple GUID section below. But, other times the GUIDs are scoped. This section describes such scoped GUID.

A fully-scoped GUID is a string representation of one or more simple GUIDS, delimited with periods. There is essentially no limit to number of GUIDS changed together in this way. Such fully-scoped GUIDs are typically used to represent a path down into a complex object instance. The first GUID is typically the object instance ID, where subsequent GUIDS traverse down the property definition path, possibly into another nested complex data type and then into it's property definitions, etc..

String Representation of Long (Integer) Values

Within the page definitions, integer numbers are emitted as typical JSON numbers. However, within the data definitions, integer numbers are emitted as strings. This apparent inconsistency is intentional, and is due to with the potential size of integer values for the IPA integer data type. The string representation of integer values within the data definitions is detailed below.

As far as process data types go, IPA only supports one kind of integer number. Commonly referred to as a long, the IPA integer data type is a full 64-bit, signed integer; IPA does not have separate data types to designate 32-bit integers or 64-bit integers, or to designate signed or unsigned. Although the JSON file format technically supports unquoted integer numbers of arbitrary size, the decision was made to use only string representations of values for all integer/long values within the data definition. This decision is intended to reduce unhandleable deserialization errors that could otherwise occur in some environments that do not support deserialization of integers that are so large in absolute value.

The string representation of emitted integer values is fairly straight forward, as is indicated by the bullet points below:

  • Shall use leading minus sign ("-") to indicate numbers less than zero.
  • Shall use period (".") as the decimal separator, regardless of locale.
  • Shall not use any thousands separator such as commas (","), regardless of locale.
  • The numeric value of the number shall be in the range -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, inclusive.

String Representation of Mailbox Values

A mailbox has two components, one for mailbox value and another for type. The components are not typically represented together as a single string. Rather, each of the components is typically represented as an individual string of a complex object.

The "val" field will generally look like a typical email address, such as "ipa@inin.com". If the value looks like a typical SMTP email address, the "type" field will contain the value "SMTP". However, there are cases where the value may not look like an SMTP email address, such as when there is a moniker: "example@inin.com < Sample Non-SMTP Email Address >". In such cases, the type field will contain the value "OTHER".

Unlike a currency, neither field of a mailbox data type value will ever be null or empty string. Rather, if a mailbox value is not set, then a null is emitted instead of a complex mailbox object with a null for the val of type fields.

String Representation of Simple GUID

Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) are used throughout IPA to identify various definitions and instances, as well as to link different things together. Most fields that contain GUIDs also end in the suffix "Id". In IPA, some GUID's are simple GUIDs and others are fully-scoped GUIDs. If an ID field can contain a fully-scoped GUID, it is specifically mentioned in the description for that field. Otherwise, if not specifically mentioned, an ID field that contains a GUID can generally be assumed to contain a simple GUID.

A simple GUID is a 128-bit number that globally identifies something. Only one "thing" is identified by that number, but any number of other "things" may hold the value for reference purposes.

The string format for a simple GUID is "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".

The string representation of a simple GUID is a lower-case, hexadecimal number with separator dashes used to split it into blocks of 8, 4, 4, 4, 12 nibbles (where 1 nibble = 4 bits, or one hexadecimal digit). The string representation for IPA does not use the enclosing curly braces that are common is some other string representations of GUIDs.

String Representation of User Queue Values

A user queue has two components, one for the username and another for display name. The components are not typically represented together as a single string. Rather, each of the components is typically represented as an individual string of a complex object.

The val field will generally look like an actual IC username, such as "firstname.lastname". The display name is display name configured for that user in IA.

Unlike a currency, the value of the val field of a user queue will never be null or empty string. If the value of the user queue is not set, then a null is emitted instead of the complex object. However, the displayName field may be empty if there is not configured display name for the user.

Singletons vs. Collections

At first, it may seem a bit odd that there is no isCollection property in the data definitions or data values. This is not an oversight. Rather, this is intentional and the reasons are described in this section.

When a simple or complex data type definition is created in Process Automation Designer, the data type definition does include things such as the validation rules. But, a data type definition is not designated as a singleton or collection within the definition. This is because it is not the definition of the data type itself that determines whether something is not is not a collection, but rather the usage of that data type in a variable definition or property definition.

For example, one could create an "SSN" simple data type definition that has a regex to enforce that a string looks like a social security number, and then create a singleton variable of that data type with one social security number, or a collection variable of that type with a list of social security numbers. Similarly, one could create a complex data type definition with the components of an address, and then create a singleton address variable and a collection address variable. Therefore, it should be obvious from this that an isCollection property does not belong on a data type definition itself.

The data type definitions mentioned above are obtained from the file indicated by a URL in the show page event message. That event message also includes the list of runtime data objects (variables, properties of a compelx object). Each runtime data object contains a defId property that points back to the appropriate data type definition, as well as a val property that contains the runtime data value or values for that runtime data object. It should be noted that, for consistency, even basic types which do not have separate data type definitions and instances in Process Automation Designer will still have a data type definition in the page definition and data definitions file, and will also have a data object instance pointing back to that definition in the runtime values included with the show page.

Whether something is a singleton or collection cannot be determined from the data type definition, so it must be determined from the runtime data object instances. There is no specific isCollection property, but there there are actually multiple ways to determine if a runtime data object instance is a singleton or a collection. For starters, one can look at the __type property. For example, for a string data object instance (variable or property of a complex object), the class name would be one of the following values:

  • "urn:inin.com:ipa:stringDataInstSing" for variable that is string singleton
  • "urn:inin.com:ipa:stringDataInstColl" for variable that is string collection
  • "urn:inin.com:ipa:stringPropValSing" for complex object's property that is string singleton
  • "urn:inin.com:ipa:stringPropValColl" for complex object's property that is string collection

Also, when using a language that supports casting to base types, one could cast the type-specific classes (such as the ones in mentioned for strings in the list above) to the base classes from which those type-specific classes are derived:

  • "urn:inin.com:ipa:baseDataInstSing" is the base for singleton variables
  • "urn:inin.com:ipa:baseDataInstColl" is the base for collection variables
  • "urn:inin.com:ipa:basePropValSing" is the base for singleton properties
  • "urn:inin.com:ipa:basePropValColl" is the base for collection properties

Additionally, each runtime data object instance contains a either a val property for a singleton, or an items property for a collection. The presence of one or the other of these properties can be used to infer whether the data value is for a singleton or collection. In the case of the collection, each item in the items property contains a val property. It should also be noted that a collection may be empty or contain items that are null to represent not set values within the list, but the collection itself can never be not set and therefore the value of the items property can never be null and therefore always emitted for a collection.

One interesting point about the data definitions not knowing if they will be created as a singleton or collection has to do with the initialValues property and the number of items that can exist in that property. For example, for a basic singleton there can be only one initial value, but a basic collection can have multiple initial values.

Finally, if a complex data type definition has a property definition that is itself another complex data type, then the inner type has a props collection that contains values for the inner complex type's properties. In such cases, each item within the inner complex type's props collection will have either a val property for a singleton, or a vals property for a collection.

Page and Data Definitions File

When a client needs to a display a work item page, it must obtain the work item page definition and data definitions used by that specific work item page. Since the page definition and data definitions are always used together to "run" a page, and since they are effectively tied together based on the published process version, both the page definition and list of data definitions get packaged together into a single file. This also allows them to be retrieved with a single GET method, as well as cached together.

The file that contains the page definition and data definitions is a JSON file. A detailed description of that file format is shown below.


This class defines the structure of the JSON file that contains the page definition and data definitions for a specific work item page of a specific work item of a specific revision of a specific process definition. The location of this field is indicated by the pageAndDataDefinitions property of the currentPageSubscriptionShowPageEventArgs class.



This property contains the ID of the process definition.



This property contains the revision of the process definition indicated by the proceDefId field.



This property contains the ID of the work item definition from the indicated revision of the indicated process definition.



This property contains the ID of the work item page definition from the indicated work item definition.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field specifies the type of payload that is described by the object that contains this meta object.

The value of this field will always be "pageDefinition" for the page definition manifest component of the page definition and data definitions file.



This field contains a string value that looks like a typical #.#.#.# version string. The numbers represented in this string may change over time as new features are added to IPA.

The current value for formatVersion is



This field indicates the number of logical DIP's per inch, and will typically be 96.0. Applications can use this information to scale control measurements up or down appropriately for the physical device onto which the page will be rendered.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.



This is the size (height) of the default font, in DIPs. Note that it is essentially the definition for "1.0 em" of scalable units because an em is defined as the height of a capital letter "M" in the default font.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.



This is the name of font family, specified on English, that is used if no other font family has been specified. See style.fontFamily below for more information.



This field contains the simple GUID that is the ID of the control that is being described by this work item page definition.

A control keeps the same ID across different revisions of the same process, but the controlId is unique across work item page definitions, work item defintions and process definitions.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.



This property indicates the type of control being described:

  • button
  • checkbox
  • datepicker
  • droplist
  • editbox
  • groupbox
  • Show More

Possible values are shown above.


This property indicates whether the control is or is not readonly. If the property is not emitted or is null, the value is assumed to be false.

This property can be null.



This property indicates the type of command:

  • clientLink
  • submit
  • cancel

The clientLink command is processed client-side, whereas the others cause commands to be sent to Process Automation Server. A cancel command should not included any changed data, whereas a submit should include any data that has been changed on the work item page since it was opened.



This is a friendly name entered by the person that the designed the process, and will generally be the same as the text on the button. It will not generally be used on a running work item, but could conceivably used by some future views. For example, maybe some application would want to pull all of the commands out into a context menu, or onto a toolbar, etc. Such applications could use the value from this field as text for the GUI.


This property contains the simple GUID that is the ID of the command to send to PAS. If this property is not emitted or is null, it is assumed to be the same as the controlId of the control for which this command object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



This property contains the fully scoped ID of the data for use by this data binding.

See String Representation of Fully-Scoped GUID for more information about how a fully-scoped GUID is represented as a string.



This property indicates the direction of data flow between the control and the data item to which the control is bound. The possible values for this property are shown below.

  • sourceToControl
  • controlToSource
  • bidirectional

However, not all values are allowed for every binding. The allowable binding types is determined by the type of control to which the data is bound in combination with the bindingType and bindingName properties of the binding. For example, it would not make sense for the value of this property to be "controlToSource" or "biDirectional" if the binding is to a textlabel control.



The value of this property indicates the type of property on the control to whic the binding is specified. Possible values are shown below.

  • display
  • input
  • source
  • other

The value will be "display", "input" or "source" for most bindings of most controls. The display value is used for a display value, such as a variable bound to the text of a label. The input value is used for the binding of a control that is generally considered to be the user input of the control, such as the text of an edit box of selected item of a drop list. The source is typically used to indicate the source for a resource, such as items to be displayed in a drop list or URI to open when a link is pressed. The other value is used for the rare, odd-ball cases that do not fit cleanly until one of the other types; see also the bindingName property when the value "other" is used.


This property is used in conjunction with the bindingType to handle non-standard values. If the bindingType field is "other" then this will be specified; otherwise, this field will not be specified. When specified, it indicates the name of a non-standard property. This is typically reservered for odd-ball cases, such as the text that is returned from the currently-loaded page in a browser control, etc.

This property can be null.


This property indicates whether the control should or should not require a value. If this property is not emitted or is null, the value should be assumed to be false.

Note that this property is on the binding, not on the control itself. But, if one or more bindings for the control are required, then the control itself is generally considered to be a required field. For example, if any binding for this control is required but the user does not have access to some piece of data bound to this control, whether that data is for the required binding or not, that will cause an error because the control does not have access to data that is needed to set a required field.

This property can be null.



This property is the zero-based index within the controls list (pageDefinition.controls) of another control that is the parent to this control. It is guaranteed to always reference a control earlier in the controls list than the current control, and the value will be -1 for the first control in the controls list which is always the page itself.



This property specifies, in DIPs, the upper-left X-coordinate for this control, relative to the child container of the parent control.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.



This property specifies, in DIPs, the upper-left Y-coordinate for this control, relative to the child container of the parent control.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.



This property specifies, in DIPS, the width of the control.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.



This property specifies, in DIPS, the height of the control.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.


This property specifies, in DIPS, the X-offset from the upper left corner of this control to the "zero point" of the child container inside this control. If the property is not emitted or is null, the value should be assumed to be zero.

What this actually means varies depending on controlType and display technology. For example, in WPF it could mean the horizontal distance from the upper left corner of a group box to the location of the canvas that holds the controls that were added to the group box. Or, perhaps in HTML it could translate to left horizontal padding inside of a FieldSet.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.

This property can be null.


This property specifies, in DIPS, the Y-offset from the upper left corner of this control to the "zero point" of the child container inside this control. If the property is not emitted or is null, the value should be assumed to be zero.

What this actually means varies depending on controlType and display technology. For example, in WPF it could mean the vertical distance from the upper left corner of a group box to the location of the canvas that holds the controls that were added to the group box.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.

This property can be null.


This property specifies the tab index of a control. This property is not emitted for all controls, as some controls cannot actually be tab stops (labels, group boxes, etc. are not tab stops). Any control that can be a tab stop will have this property set, regardless of its readonly settings, etc. at that time.

The value will be unique among all controls on the same work item page; it does not restart at 0 for controls inside a container such as a group box. The value is 0 for the control that should initially contain focus and increases by one for each next control in the forward tab order.

This property can be null.



This property specifies the logical field name that indicates the property of the control for which this text was defined. The actual value for this field may not be the same as any real property name on any object. Rather, think of it as an enum where the possible values change based on the controlType.



This property specifies the static string to use as a text value.



This field indicates the type of brush.

  • solidColor
  • linearGradientColorLeftToRight
  • linearGradientColorTopToBolttom
  • linearGradientColorTopLeftToBottomRight
  • linearGradientCololorBottomLeftToTopRight
  • radialGradientColor

The solidColor brush can be used for any property of type pageBrush. It is used when a single color designated by firstColor is painted across the entire area.

Gradient brushes can currently only be used for backgrounds. A gradient brush causes a smoothe transition from firstColor to secondColor. The path can be linear or radial. The radialGradientColor always starts with firstColor in the center and radiates outwards towards secondColor. The path of a linear gradient brush moves in a line from one point to another, as designated by the value of the brushType.


This property specifies the color used for the solidColor brush, or the first color of a 2-color gradient for a gradient brush.

See String Representation of Colors for more information about how a color value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This property specifies the second color of a 2-color gradient for a gradient brush.

See String Representation of Colors for more information about how a color value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This property specifes, in DIPs, the size used for the border thickness.

If this prioperty is not emitted or is null, it is assumed that there is no border. When specified, the value will typically be 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0 because those are the standard sizes supported in Process Automation Designer.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.

This property can be null.


This property specifies the name of the font family, specified in English, to use for the control. This value is inherited, as is the case with the other style properties, and it is assumed to be the same as Meta.DefaultFontFamily until a control specifies something else for itself (and children).

This property can be null.


This property specifies, in DIPs (not points!), the size of the font. The value must be greater than zero. This value is inherited from the parent control, as is the case with the other style properties, and it is assumed to be the same as Meta.DefaultFontSize until a control specifies something else for itself (and children).

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.

This property can be null.


This property is true if the text should be bold, or false if the text should not be bold. If the property is not emitted or is null, then the value is inherited from the parent control.

This property can be null.


This property is true if the text should be italic, or false if the text should not be italic. If the property is not emitted or is null, then the value is inherited from the parent control.

This property can be null.


This property is true if the text should be underlined, or false if the text should not be underlined. If the property is not emitted or is null, then the value is inherited from the parent control.

This property can be null.


This property is true if the text should be strikethrough, or false if the text should not be strikethrough. If the property is not emitted or is null, then the value is inherited from the parent control.

This property can be null.


This property specifies the horizontal alignment for text.

  • left
  • right
  • center
  • justify

It should be noted that the value of this property is always specified for left-to-right languages. For example, when the work item is rendered for a right-to-left language, the value "left" means the text would be pushed all the way to the right.

This property can be null.


This property specifies the fixed URI for a web browser control.

This property can be null.


This property specifies whether the list of items for a drop list is or is not sorted.

This property can be null.


This property specifies if an how text is alloweds to span multiple lines. Allowable values are shown below.

  • single
  • multiline
  • multilineWithWrap

The value single means that text is contained on a single line, which also inherently means the text is not wrapped. The value multiline means the text is allowed to span across multiple lines, but it is not wrapped automatically; the user must type press enter/return to add hard line breaks. The multilineWithWrap also mean the text is allowed to span across multiple lines and, in addition to using the enter/return key to cause hard line breaks, soft line breaks will automatically occur as the user types past the end of the line.

This property can be null.


This property specifies whether spell check is or is not desired.

It should be noted that the ability to spell check depends on the actual implemenation in the application rendering the work item page. For example, the .NET Client can spell check only the small subset of languages that can be spell-checked automatically by WPF. And, a browser application may choose to do nothing with this setting, as most modern browsers have some of spell checking built into the browsers themselves.

This property can be null.


This property determines if an image should be scaled down without distorting the aspect ratio until the image is completely viewable within control boundaries. This may leave vertical or horizontal space within the image boundaries that is not used. If this field is true, then stretchToFill cannot also be true.

This property can be null.


This property deteremines if an image should be scaled up without distorting the aspect ratio until the image fills either the horizontal or vertical boundary. This may leave vertical or horizontal space within the image boundaries that is not used. If this field is true, then stretchToFill cannot also be true.

This property can be null.


This property determines if an image should be stretched larger or smaller, both horizontally and/or vertically (possibly distorting the image) until the image completely fills the boundaries in both directions. The resulting image will most likely be distorted. If this field is true, then neither the scaleDownToFit nor scaleUpToFit option can also be true.

This property can be null.


This property determines if the value of the data item bound to the URI of a web browser control should be updated as the user navigates within the web browser control. Setting this to true essentially means the web browser control is to be used as a input control to which returns a URI.

It should be noted that, because of technical limitations, it may not be possible to utilize the feature on all platforms. For example, the .NET Client does support this feature, whereas the Work Item Web Client does not support this feature.

This property can be null.


This property indicates the type of selection done by a control such as a data grid that can be used as a multi-select input. The allowed values are shown below.

  • noSelection
  • singleByDataId
  • multipleByDataId
  • singleByComplexKey
  • multipleByComplexKey

The noSelection value indicates that the control is not to be used as a selection control. If the value is not emitted or is null, then noSelection should be assumed.

If the value starts with "single..." then the control is used as a single section control, as opposed to "mutliple..." which is used for multi-select. If the value ends with "...ByDataId", then the ID of data item is used for the selection, whereas if it is "...ByComplexKey" then the uniqueueId complex object key defined in the complex data type is used to make the selection.

This property can be null.


This property determines the value that is used when a radio button control is selected.

This property can be null.



This property specifes the fully scoped ID of the data to be displayed in this column.

See String Representation of Fully-Scoped GUID for more information about how a fully-scoped GUID is represented as a string.



This property indicates the value to use as the column header.


If this property is true, then the value in the headerText property was determined automatically from the name of the data item to which the column is bound. But, if the value is false, then the value of the headerText property was specified by a person using Process Automation Designer. If the property is not emitted or null, false should be assumed.

This property can be null.


This property indicates the value to user as the tooltip when the user hovers over the column header.

This property can be null.


If this property is true, then the value in the headTooltip property was determined automatically from the description of the data item to which the column is bound. But, if the property is not emitted, null or false,then the value of the headerTooltip property was specified by a person using Process Automation Designer.

This property can be null.


This property specifies, in DIPs, the initial column width to use for this column. If the value is specified, it must be greater than zero. If the property is not emitted or null, then the initial width is auto-sized based on content.

See Measurements in DIPs for more information about Device Independent Pixels.

This property can be null.


This property specifies if this column is the default sort column, and the sort direction if it is the sort column.

  • noDefault
  • ascending
  • descending

The value noDefault indicates that this column is not the default sort column. If the property is not emitted or null, then the noDefault value is assumed. If the value is ascending or descending, then this is the default sort column.

There should be only one column within the columns list that contains a value other than noDefault, But, if there is more than one for some reason, applications should assume that the column earliest in the list is the column by which the data should be sorted.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field specifies the type of payload that is described by the object that contains this meta object.

The value of this field will always be "dataDefinition" for the data definitions component of the page definition and data definitions file.



This field contains a string value that looks like a typical #.#.#.# version string. The numbers represented in this string may change over time as new features are added to IPA.

The current value for formatVersion is

Multiple options:

The value can be assigned any of the following options.


The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: Boolean

TODO: Description!

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

Multiple options:

The value can be assigned any of the following options.


The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: Boolean

TODO: Description!

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.



This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the unique identifier ($ID) for the complex data type instance. If the field is not emitted, then it should be assumed that either the field does not apply in this context, or that no unique ID was defined for the corresponding complex data type definition. But, if the value is null or empty string, then it should be assumed that a unique ID is defined, but the value resolves to null or empty string.

It should be noted that, unlike most of the other fields with a name that ends in "Id" that are GUIDs, this uniqueId field is not a GUID. Rather, the value of this field is a string calculated by Process Automation Server. For example, it could be the concatentation of all of the string representations from all of the fields identified as being part of the unique identifier within the complex data definition. Or, it could be the result of a custom calculation.

The class that contains this value is used in various different contexts, and this uniqueId field does not apply in every context. The unique ID is a runtime concept, so it does not make sense in definitions. Similarly, the value is only calculated by Process Automation Server, so it does not make sense when sending values from a client to the server.

This property can be null.

Multiple options:

The value can be assigned any of the following options.


The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: Boolean

This field contains a list of boolean values to use for this initial property values . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a boolean value to use for this initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then an not set should be assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the unique identifier ($ID) for the complex data type instance. If the field is not emitted, then it should be assumed that either the field does not apply in this context, or that no unique ID was defined for the corresponding complex data type definition. But, if the value is null or empty string, then it should be assumed that a unique ID is defined, but the value resolves to null or empty string.

It should be noted that, unlike most of the other fields with a name that ends in "Id" that are GUIDs, this uniqueId field is not a GUID. Rather, the value of this field is a string calculated by Process Automation Server. For example, it could be the concatentation of all of the string representations from all of the fields identified as being part of the unique identifier within the complex data definition. Or, it could be the result of a custom calculation.

The class that contains this value is used in various different contexts, and this uniqueId field does not apply in every context. The unique ID is a runtime concept, so it does not make sense in definitions. Similarly, the value is only calculated by Process Automation Server, so it does not make sense when sending values from a client to the server.

This property can be null.

Multiple options:

The value can be assigned any of the following options.


The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains a boolean value to use for this data object instance collection item . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then an not set should be assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains a boolean value to use for this complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then an not set should be assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: Multiple Options: basePropVal


TODO: Description.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the items field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.

Complex Type: complexValue


This field contains a complex object value to use for this complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if it value is null, then not set should be assumed.

This property can be null.

Property type documentation:

This class represents a complex object value, includes values for the object's properties and may include a unique ID depending on the context in which this class is used.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains a string representation of the amount of the currency, which may be postive or negative.

See String Representation of Currency Values for more information about how a currency value is represented.

This property can be null.


This field specifies the currency code that is associated with the amount field.

See String Representation of Currency Values for more information about how a currency value is represented.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this string representation of value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this date complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this date-time complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this decimal complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this duration complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this long complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.



This field contains a string representation of the mailbox value.

See String Representation of Mailbox Values for more information about how a mailbox value is represented.



This field contains a string representation of the mailbox type. Possible values are show below.

  • SMTP

See String Representation of Mailbox Values for more information about how a mailbox value is represented.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this skill complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a skill value is simply the name of the skill.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this string complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a string value is simply the string itself.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this time complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this uri complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a URI value is simply the URI itself.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.



This field holds the username associated with the user queue.

See String Representation of User Queue Values for more information about how a user queue value is represented.


This field specifies the display name is associated with the val field. If the field is not emitted or the value is null or empty string, then it is assumed that there is no display name configured in IA for this user.

See String Representation of User Queue Values for more information about how a user queue value is represented.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the property definition that corresponds to this property value.

See the section on defId and name fields for more information about when the defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this user queue complex object property value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a workgroup queue value is simply the name of the workgroup.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for date collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this date initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for date-time collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this date-time initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for decimal collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this decimal initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for duration collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this duration initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for long collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this long initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for skill collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a skill value is simply the name of the skill.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this skill initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a skill value is simply the name of the skill.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for string collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a string value is simply the string itself.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this string initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a string value is simply the string itself.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for time collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this time initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for uri collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a URI value is simply the URI itself.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this uri initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a URI value is simply the URI itself.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of the values to use for this initial property values for workgroup collection . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a workgroup queue value is simply the name of the workgroup.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that links this object to data type definition from which object was created.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this workgroup queue initial value . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

The string representation of a workgroup queue value is simply the name of the workgroup.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no minimum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Currency Values for more information about how a currency value is represented.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no maximum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Currency Values for more information about how a currency value is represented.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the number of decimal places to show for decimal value. If the field is not emitted or has a value of null or empty string, then a value of zero should be assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no minimum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no maximum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no minimum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no maximum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no minimum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no maximum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the number of decimal places to show for decimal value. If the field is not emitted or has a value of null or empty string, then a value of zero should be assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no minimum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no maximum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no minimum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no maximum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

The string representation of a skill value is simply the name of the skill.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

The string representation of a skill value is simply the name of the skill.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

The string representation of a string value is simply the string itself.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

The string representation of a string value is simply the string itself.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the minimum length of a string. If the field is not emitted or the value is null or empty string then a value of zero should be assumed. When specified, tha value will be greater than or equal to zero, and must be less than or equal to the value indicated by the "maxLength" field.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum length of a string. If the field is not emitted or the value is null or empty string then no maximum length should be assumed. When specified, the value will be greater than zero, and must be greater than or equal to the value indicated by the "minLength".

This property can be null.


This field specifies whitespace is or is not trimmed from the runtime value of the string. When true, whitespace is trimmed from both the leading and trailing ends of the string. If the field is not emitted or if the value of this field is null, then a default value of false should be assumed.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string that indicates the type of regular expression that should be used to validate the runtime value. If the field is not emitted or if the value is null or empty string, then the runtime value should not be validated against a regular expression.

The values for this field correspond to the "well-known" regex patterns that can be selected in Proess Automation Designer. The value of this field is not localized and, when specified, will be one of the Enlgish language pattern names shown below.

  • custom
  • alphaLower
  • alphaMixed
  • alphaNum
  • alphaUpper
  • alphaWS

If the value of this field is "custom", then the "patternName" field must also be specified.

This property can be null.


This field contains the name of a custom regular expression pattern, as specified in Process Automation Designer, and is only specified when the "patternType" field has the value "custom". If this field is not emitted or the value is null or emptry string, then the runtime value should not be validated against a custom regular expression pattern.

This property can be null.


This field contains a custom regular expression pattern, as specified in Process Automation Designer, and is only specified when the "patternType" field has the value "custom". If this field is not emitted or the value is null or emptry string, then the runtime value should not be validated against a custom regular expression pattern.

Note: Sometimes different regular expression implementations treat the same regular expression pattern string slightly different. Therefore, when using custom regular expressions, it is conceivably possible that a string could pass or fail validation on the client side but that same string could fail or pass, respectively, when validated server-side by Process Automation Server. Therefore, it is imprtant to test custom regular expressions in the actual environments in which they will be used.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no minimum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum allowable runtime value. If the field is not emitted or is null or empty string, then no maximum value should be assumed.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

The string representation of a URI value is simply the URI itself.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the ID that links this complex object property definition to the data type definition from which the complex property definition was created. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then this complex property definition must be for a basic property. The value will be non-null for simple property definitions, because such property definitions need to refer to the data type definition associated with the property definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this property definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a simple property definition, the list may contain more than one item. But, for a basic property definition, the list will contain at most one item.

This is because, unlike a simple definition which also serves as the simple instance, a basic instance is separate from the basic definition. A basic instance can be configured as a collection, but a basic definition itself can never be configured as a collection since only an instance can be a collection.

The string representation of a workgroup queue value is simply the name of the workgroup.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains a string representation of the minimum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, then a minimum of zero should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to zero.

This property can be null.


This field contains a string representation of the maximum number of items that can exist in a collection, when this definition is used as a collection.

If the field is not emitted, null or empty string, no maximum should be assumed. When specified, the value of this field will be a string representation of an integer that is greater than or equal to one.

This property can be null.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of string representations of allowable runtime values for instances created from this definition. If the field is not emitted or is null, then the runtime value is not limited to a list of known values.

The string representation of a workgroup queue value is simply the name of the workgroup.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.


This field indicates if the data instance created using this data definition is or is not allowed to have the value for not set. If this field is not emitted or has a value of null, then a value of true is assumed.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

The string representation of a skill value is simply the name of the skill.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

The string representation of a string value is simply the string itself.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

The string representation of a URI value is simply the URI itself.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the ID that uniquely identifies this data type definition.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field contains a list of the string representations of initial values to use for this data type definition. If this field is not emitted or if its value is null an empty list should be assumed.

For a basic data type definition, the list may contain more than one item; this is because the data type definitions for basic types serve as both the definitions and instances, and such instances could be configured as collections.

A basic data type definition gets a bit more interesting. Whether the this list con or cannot contain more than item depends on whether the ref field is also present.

The string representation of a workgroup queue value is simply the name of the workgroup.

This property can be null.

The items in this list can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field specifies the type of payload that is described by the object that contains this meta object.

The value of this field will always be "dataManifest" for the data manifest component of the page definition and data definitions file.



This field contains a string value that looks like a typical #.#.#.# version string. The numbers represented in this string may change over time as new features are added to IPA.

The current value for formatVersion is



This property contains the fully scoped ID for a data instance used on the work item page. Thie value in this field is what is expected to also see in the page definition where a control is bound to the same data item.

See String Representation of Fully-Scoped GUID for more information about how a fully-scoped GUID is represented as a string.



This property contains a string description that corresponds to the id above.

Runtime Data Values

This section contains information about the runtime data values that may be received as a part of a show page event message, or sent when launching a process or sending a page command.

The Fields "id", "defId", and "name" in Data Instances

The data instances classes have three fields that are or are not used based on context. Even though these fields are required in certain contexts, they are not required in all contexts, which is why these fields are not marked as required fields.

  • id
  • defId
  • name

Launching a Process

When launching a process, the name field is required, but the id and defId fields are not used. This is because process parameters are specified by name, not ID.

Receiving a Show Page Event

When receiving a show page event message, any data instances in that message will contain both the defId and id fields, but the name field is not used.

For basic types, both of these fields will have the same value because the data instance is also the data definition. For simple and complex types, however, the fields will have different values because each data instance is created from a separately defined data definition. Note that there may be multiple objects with different id values that all have the same defId value because they were created using the same definition.

Send a Page Command

When sending data from a work item page back to PAS, the id field is required, but the defId and name fields are not used.

The Fields "defId" and "name" in Property Values

Similar to the data instances, the runtime values for properties of a complex object also have both a defId and name field. However, there is no corresponding id. And, whether the fields are or are not required depends on context.

Launching a Process

When launching a process, the name field is required, but the defId field is not used. This is because process parameters are specified by name, not ID.

Receiving a Show Page Event

When receiving a show page event message, any values for properties of complex data instances in that message will contain defId but the name field is not used.

Runtime Data Values in Show Page

The data values structure is received as part of the ShowPage event message, and sent as part of sending a page command with data. When launching a process that takes input parameters, however, just the contents of the data field are sent.


This class defines the structure that contains the list of runtime data values, item selections, etc.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field specifies the type of payload that is described by the object that contains this meta object.

The value of this field will always be "dataValue" for the data values received as part of a show page event message.



This field contains a string value that looks like a typical #.#.#.# version string. The numbers represented in this string may change over time as new features are added to IPA.

The current value for formatVersion is

Multiple options:

The value can be assigned any of the following options.


The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains a boolean value to use for this data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, then an not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this date data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

See String Representation of Date Values for more information about how a date value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this date-time data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

See String Representation of Date-Time Values for more information about how a date-time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this decimal data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

See String Representation of Decimal Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this duration data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

See String Representation of Duration Values for more information about how a decimal value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this long data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

See String Representation of Long Values for more information about how a long value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this skill data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

The string representation of a skill value is simply the name of the skill.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this string data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

The string representation of a string value is simply the string itself.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this time data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

See String Representation of Time Values for more information about how a time value is represented as a string.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this uri data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

The string representation of a URI value is simply the URI itself.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.



The JSON type representing this option.

This field contains the ID of the data definition from which the object instance is being created.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field contains the object instance ID for this object instance.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.


This field is used to specify the name of the process parameter when launching a new process with input and/or input/output parameters.

See the section on id, defId and name fields for more information about when the id, defId and name fields are used.

This property can be null.


The "security" field contains the name of the security profile, if any, that is preventing the user from seeing the current data. If this field is not emitted, null or empty string then no such security profile is preventing the user from seeing the data.

This property can be null.


This field contains the string representation of the value to use for this workgroup queue data type object instance . If this field is not emitted or if its value is null, a value of not set should be assumed.

Note that if the security field is emitted and has a value, then the val field will not also be emitted because, by definition, the values are being hidden from the user.

The string representation of a workgroup queue value is simply the name of the workgroup.

This property can be null.



This field indicates the fully scoped GUID that is the ID or the collection that contains the list if items (singleton or complex) from which a selection may be made.

For example, this could be the ID for a collection of basic or simple types displayed in a single-column grid. Or, it could be the ID of a collection that contains a complex object for each row that is to be displayed in a multi-column grid. Either way, this is the ID of a collection of all of the items, not just the selected items.

See String Representation of Fully-Scoped GUID for more information about how a fully-scoped GUID is represented as a string.



This field indicates the fully scoped GUID that is the ID of the variable that holds the selected item (single select mode), or the ID of the collection that holds the list of selected items (multi-select mode).

When configured to select "by unique identifier", the variable indicated by this ID will be a string singleton (single-select mode) or string collection (multi-select mode), and only a string representation of the uniqueId(s) of the selected item(s) will be in that variable.

When configured to select "by data type", the variable indicated by this ID will be a singleton (single-select mode) or collection (multi-select mode) of the same type indicated by the sourceId field, which could be a basic, simple or complex type. And, in this case, a complete copy of each select item is stored in the variable indicated by this destination field; not just the uniqueId(s).

See String Representation of Fully-Scoped GUID for more information about how a fully-scoped GUID is represented as a string.

List [Unbounded]: String

This field holds the list of simple GUIDs that are the IDs of the selected items, regardless of whether configured to select "by data type" or "by unique identifier".

This field is always a collection regardless of whether single-select mode or mult-select mode is being used. But, at most one item can exist in this list for single-select mode, whereas multiple items can exist in this list for mult-select mode.

See String Representation of Simple GUID for more information about how a simple GUID is represented as a string.

This property can be null.